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'Do not resuscitate' orders are now easier to comply with
The term "Do Not Resuscitate," often referred to in the medical field as "DNR," is often the topic of discussion among the elderly, terminally ill and patients making long-term health plans. It means that the person has decided, in advance, that they do not want medical personnel to use CPR or any other heroic methods to revive their life.
Mission to Mars
Previous journeys in space have proven that humans can survive a yearlong trip. But could we live in space, as President Bush has proposed? How effectively could we work? And after an extended stay, could we return safely to Earth and lead a normal, healthy life?


Safety key for crews in space
To keep a crew healthy on a long trip in space, scientists must pay special attention to day-to-day routines, according to NASA. Some of these are being tested on the International Space Station. Others are now under development at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.

'American Idol' auditioners vie for seat in Hollywood
Simon Cowell couldn't believe his ears. You'd think he'd be used to it by now. But the acerbic "American Idol" judge was railing again about the tone-deaf auditioners he, along with Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson, is forced to endure.

Nugent invites city slickers to go gonzo
Loudmouth gun-thumping freakazoid or passionate purveyor of a clean and sober outdoor life? Love him or hate him, Ted Nugent, 55, has parlayed dazzling guitar work, a caveman persona and a TV evangelist's gift of gab into more business ventures than Martha Stewart.

Garner to host academy's sci-tech awards
If Jennifer Garner didn't have anything to do on Valentine's Day, she does now. Garner will present the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Scientific and Technical Awards on Feb. 14 at the Ritz Carlton Huntington Hotel in Pasadena. Two Oscar statuettes will be among the 11 awards presented at the gala black tie dinner.

Blood drive: American Red Cross and THON will sponsor a blood drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today through Wednesday in the HUB-Robeson Center, University Park; and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday in the Intramural Building, University Park. Visit www.psuredcross.org.


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