APF 50th Anniversary
American Physicians Fellowship for Medicine in Israel

Women's Health

Download the Women's Health Data Book 1999, co-sponsored by the APF!

Since 1997, APF has worked with women's health issues in conjunction with the Israel Association for the Advancement of Women's Health (IAAWH), and the Health Committee of the Israel Women's Network (IWN).

APF sponsors annual consultations to Israel led by American experts in the field of women's health, co-sponosred by IAAWH and Hadassah Israel, have planted the seeds for the adoption of women's health curriculum at Israel's medical schools. Other projects are focusing on breast cancer, cardiovascular disease and other aspects of women's health.

APF sponsored a research project by Dr. Sylvie A. Goldman and Dr. Jeremy D. Kark, both of Hadassah University Hospital, on "Sex Differences in Pre-hospital and Early Hospital Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction in Jerusalem". Dr. Goldman and Dr. Kark believe that sex differences in the medical care given in the beginning stages of myocardial infarction may lead to a higher mortality rate for women than men. This is not the first study to be done on this issue and the results have been far from conclusive. Several studies have found that there is a higher case fatality in women than in men but other studies have not supported that hypothesis.

APF provided the seed funding for the initial research of a "Women's Health Data Book," a project of the IWN. The book provides for the first time a comprehensive overview of women's health statistics in Israel.

The APF Women's Health initiative, chaired by Dr. Eileen Hoffman, a current APF Board Member, Associate Director of the Women's Health Program at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in NYC, is currently engaged in a major fund-raising effort to secure funds for a comprehensive program that will enable us to increase our activities in this area, including visiting lecturers, training symposia, fellowship opportunities in the US, and other projects focusing on the advancement of women's health throughout Israel.

American Physicians Fellowship for Medicine in Israel
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