PSXNation is a proud affiliate of UGO: the premiere network for video game afficiandos
psx nation. welcome to the world.

about us

Welcome To The World

Welcome to world of Katastrophe where we welcome chaos! Like a freight train on a collision course with destiny, We are young, passionate and chaotic with a zest for communicating the facts like they are. We are Katastrophe.

Our company's vision is easy. Give the people the straight facts from people who love entertainment. We aren't afraid of the tough issues. We run straight into the tornado to grab the facts as they are. We are Katastrophe.

Our brands include the internet's number one independent(that means us little guys and not some huge corporation) PlayStation site, PSX Nation. We cover the PlayStation and PlayStation 2 like no other with gamer's perspective and a big time look. We are like Mighty Mouse(tm), a small package with a big punch! We are Katastrophe.

DC Swirl, is our Dreamcast dedicated site with a punch like no other. Our passion for all things Yu Suzuki and Yuji Naka are second to none. If you want the straight dope on great games like Shenmue and Sonic Adventure 2, then follow the chaos. We are Katastrophe.

Our long term goals are to provide the internet with the best in entertainment which includes our expansion into the Nintendo sector with our GameCube site, Later debuts include a dedicated Xbox site.

We aren't stopping with Video Games because, just as you have other passions, so do we. Later this year we will introduce, which, like our attitude, is a perfect fit for those Star trek fans who get the joke. We are Katastrophe.

If you're one of the millions of internet surfers out there looking for entertainment then you know where to go. Katastrophe is the place to go for all of your entertainment needs!

To find out more about Katastrophe simply visit our company site at


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