
My Review
All of the game show pages have been updated with a new section called "My Review."  In these sections, I give my personal thoughts on the game shows I have explained the rules for as well as grade the show on its overall presentation and structure.

I begin each section with a paragraph on how I thought the game presented itself when I first watched the show.  If there are more versions of the game, then I either split the versions up into separate paragraphs or comment on all of them in the same original paragraph.  I only split them up, though, if there is a significant difference in presentation between two versions; if only minor things differ, then each is presented alongside each other.

In the next section, I give each show grades in five categories along with explanations; the criteria used for each category are explained below:

Game Play:  On paper, how does the game seem to play out?  Is it an interesting game?  Is it neither too simple nor too complex?  Does it have lasting entertainment value?

Host:  What kind of job does the host of the show do?  Is he/she a likeable person?  Does he/she know his/her game fairly well?  Does he/she know when and how to keep a game moving along?

Set:  Is the set pleasing to the eye?  Does the set distract from the overall game?  Does the set compliment the structure and "mood" of the game?

Execution:  How is the game play presented?  Are there too many intricacies for viewers to keep track of?  Is the game too confusing?  Can the game keep its format straight?

Play-Along Factor:  Can the game be played along with at home?  Does the game prove interesting for the active viewer?  Does the game encourage at-home participation?

Each grade is taken from the standard A, B, C, D, F scale we're all familiar with, with pluses and minuses added if necessary.

After all categories have been evaluated, I tabulate a final "Overall Grade" by averaging all of the grades from the five categories (4.0 scale).  However, if I feel the "Overall Grade" is too high or too low for the show in question after straight averaging, I adjust the grade accordingly (always a half-grade up or down; never more).

To end the section, I give my overall opinion on the show in short and make a suggestion to people if they should see the show or not and why.


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