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Windows 2000 : Computers Near me

Date:  Jan 29, 2000
Section:  Articles & Tutorials :: Windows 2000
Author:  Johannes Helmig
  Printable Version
Rating:  3.4/5 - 28 Votes
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Known in Windows95/98/NT4 as "Network Neighborhood", it requires in Windows 2000
first to select on the Desktop:
My Network Places

From "My Network
", we find
the equivalent of
"Network Neighborhood"
as "Computers Near Me".
( Note: if you make a logon to
a domain server
, there will be no
"Computer Near Me" displayed")
As long as
"File and Printer Sharing"
is active on the system,
your system has to be
(in this example: "C500"),
even if you have not
yet shared anything.

But what about other
computers on the
(I am missing my old system
called P120_HOME) ?

Nothing ?

Lets use the link to
"Search for Computers"
(the Windoes 2000 equivalent of the
Win95/98/NT4 "Find"/"Computer")
Search for "P120_HOME"
finds the other computer
on the network, in the
"Location" NT4_T300,
which is the name of the
(So, is Location a new word
for Workgroup ? )

The workgroup, to which
your system belongs, is defined in the Properties of
"My Computer",
Tab: Network Identification".

By default, the name of
the workgroup is

To change it, click on the
button "Properties"
This is the location to
- Computer name
- Member of Domain
or Workgroup
- Domain/Workgroup Name

a new windows pops up,
welcoming you in the
new workgroup.
Changing the name of
the Workgroup
requires still to reboot
your system for the change
to take effect.
The dialog-box will
show the reminder,
that a reboot is required.

After the reboot, "Computers Near Me" shows all systems on my workgroup "NT4_T300"
and its available resources::

Note: due to the "Administrative Share", NT4 and Windows 2000 systems will always be
displayed, however Windows 95 and Windows98 systems will ONLY be shown, if they have
"File and Printer Sharing" installed and SOMETHING (a disk, a folder or a printer) shared.
- Defining Disk-Sharing in Windows95
- Defining Disk-Sharing in Windows NT4
- Defining Disk-Sharing in Windows 2000

Rating:  3.4/5 - 28 Votes
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