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Around the States in Eighty Days
Being an irregular and erratic account by the Greedy Bastard himself as he sets out to traverse America on a comedy tour.

Day Two. Somewhere in Canada.

Tuesday September 30th 2003. Publicity in Toronto

4 a.m. Sutton Place Hotel Toronto. I awake refreshed after a nap. This morning I have to face the Press. I am on Good Morning Canada. But I have a few hours to myself first. I love early mornings. I like nothing more than a little lap top and a nice cup of tea. Oh and a decent pair of pants. And a good book. And a guitar of course. Oh and a Swiss Army knife. A portable CD player, and a hot bath of course, that goes without saying. And a comfortable bed. Come to think of it there's a lot more I like that just a bloody computer and a jug of tea.

The past week and a half has been spent rehearsing with my cast members. This is supposed to be a Greedy Bastard Tour but sadly I have wavered on my quest and included my partner (and co creator of Spamelot) the semi-legendary John Du Prez, a man, well more than a man, more a man and a half, who has spent more than 25 years writing and producing songs with me. I have also brought Peter Crabbe, an enormously tall man who is not averse to clambering in to women's clothing at the drop of a chapeau. Peter is coming to abuse the audience as a member of Homeland Security. He plays an ex-Colonel with a new job. This role he will re-write every night. There were some memorable rants on the last tour, including one magical surreal moment in Washington when he ranted on about signers for the deaf, as the signer by the side of the stage became ever more hysterical and could hardly keep up for laughing. On Friday in Rutland he will be ranting on about sick New Yorkers coming out to watch leaves dying….can't wait. I am also bringing Jennifer Julian who is a very funny blonde comedienne whom I have stolen from her regular radio slot in Montana. Or Wyoming. Or somewhere. Jennifer has a friend who has already made us a Penis fish for the Bill Maher show, and is currently making some kind of aquatic muff diving creature and a trouser snake. All these beasts as well as Jennifer, will be along on the tour.

I seem to have developed a silly walk. I have been limping for the past three months and have been undergoing thrice weekly physio for tendonitis, but my doctor announced just as I left that it was probably gout,(whaaat?) and threw me some pills. They worked too, but had worn off by the time I reached Toronto and so I came in to Canada in a peculiarly silly crab walk, with a bit of a sideways twist. Serves me right, I made a joke last week about John needing a silly walker… It'll be me who has it on this tour. Will I ever dance naked in front of the Taj Mahal by moonlight again? [No. And he never has. The Greedy Bastard is clearly using too much tea again. -ed.]

The Canadian Immigration Official, softened by my oblique and obviously insane sideways approach to his desk, politely claimed to have seen my TV ads so that's a good sign, although he didn't say whether he had bought any tickets. Perhaps I should carry some around with me. Is that too greedy? Can you be too greedy in the Bush era? [No. -ed.]

There is a hilarious moment in the Arrival Hall as Baggage Claim play their own version of musical chairs, switching the numbers on the luggage carousels, so that just as 72 passengers have wheeled their trolleys and settled expectantly like pigeons, they flash a new number and send the whole lot scuttling off down the hall. As soon as they arrive in front of a new number, they switch it back. This is a good gag and clearly amuses them no end as they try it a couple more times. Finally the passengers give up and hover about in the middle of the hall muttering, until they reluctantly release the baggage. I have half an idea this is for my benefit.

My Greedy Bastard Agent calls as I reach the room. He announces there is a beautiful woman on the phone with him. He seems to employ only beautiful young women and represent only people who are far too old to take advantage of this. I must watch him rather carefully on this tour. He spells his name Marc with a c and that is a little too hairdressery don't you think? I bet he's a secret Mark, who upgraded. He is trying to send me Tee shirts for approval. This is what the Greedy Bastard Tour is all about: shifting merchandise. I am too smart to warn them not to try that stuff on the greedy bastards of PythOnline, who wouldn't even buy a tee shirt to save PythOnline etc etc (see previous rant). They wouldn't make the shirt I really wanted. They said there would be no market for a shirt with the Penis Fish on it. Well little do they know about you bastards who come to these shows. (And little do I know as a matter of fact. Who the fuck are you?) That was the great thing about having Terry Gilliam around. He would never let you get away with any compromise. Even when we did the Albert Hall last year for the George Harrison Memorial Concert, we all laughed when he suggested we sing Sit On My Face and agreed that was the obvious thing to do for George but it was Gilliam who insisted we must all still show our asses at the end. So there's a wonderful moment for you in the upcoming Movie of a truly spectacular concert performed impeccably by Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney, Ringo, Jeff Lynn, Tom Petty, Joe Brown et al. [Don't ask who al is.] The whole thing is sublime, marred only by the spectacle of ancient Python asses. You have been warned. This is not for the squeamish. And do bring plenty of Kleenex, because if you ever loved George you won't get through this one without a lot of tears. The LA opening of the movie last week was spectacular. A full-court Beatle turn out, Paul seen hugging Ringo, even Yoko, bless her, was there. Olivia and Dhani Harrison have managed to turn this whole event into a truly wonderful memorial and united all his friends in their grief to make a joyous and utterly unforgettable evening and now they are sharing it with the world.

The second day of the Greedy Bastard tour passes in Toronto in a whirlwind of interviews interspersed with sitting in traffic jams - the Don Valley Parking Lot they call it. Welcome to Canada. Everyone seems to like the Greedy Bastard title, though Good Morning Canada will not say it on air and it takes me to mention it to shock them into waking up a little. Mild irreverence passes for extreme wit at this time in the morning and they all look very happy as I leave. Unless it's because I'm leaving. Only John Gibson on a Fox remote seems alive to the satirical possibilities of the title. "It's the Greedy Bastard era" I hear myself say. (really?) Later I say I always liked his hair and he comes back on the line after the interview to tell me he has ten wigs in it. Send me one, I say and I'll wear it on stage.

I am so brain dead by the end of the day that I inadvertently say the f word on CBC radio. There is a shocked reaction from the control booth and some people hold their hands over their mouths and others put their thumbs up in glee. Ooops. Avril Benoit takes it in her stride and skips straight along. She gives good interview. On CFRB (no I don't know what it means either) John Moore permits only one question from a listener. He has asked his producer to carefully screen all calls from gushing over-eager fans, but this man calls in and goes on and on about how much he loves Monty Python, and how many Pythons things he has bought. He just spends hours watching Monty Python, he says, while spanking the monkey! I don't even have the good taste to let it go. "Spanking the monkey" I say "did he just say spanking the monkey? What kind of freak watches Monty Python while beating a chimp?" The host cuts quickly to the news and the newsreader says, I swear, "Welcome to the spanking news!"

My PR host, a Yorkshireman called Richard, is a bit paranoid he'll end up in this diary. I assure him he won't but of course I'm lying. But this is all I'm going to say about him since he watched me gauchely upset a pint of Pepsi over my nice clean clothes in a chic Indian restaurant and I'm on the road dammit. Well at least there was no fucking camera to record my discomfort. A documentary maker from Montreal emails to ask if he can make a documentary about the making of Spamelot. I feel as though I am being weighed as a potential Gilliam for another Don Quixote type documentary. I feel the words "fuck off" swimming irresistibly into my mind…

To my hotel room where the call sheet lists a mere dozen interviews for tomorrow, then a plane trip to Boston where I shall greet my Greedy Bastard crew and finally meet the Bus. Oh God, was this ever a good idea…?