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Around the States in Eighty Days
Being an irregular and erratic account by the Greedy Bastard himself as he sets out to traverse America on a comedy tour.

Day Fifty Eight. Lunch and Marriage.

Friday, November 28, 2003 - The Francis Winspear Theater

We are so far North it's still dark here. 8.30 and the sun is only just staggering up. You can tell you are far North when the sun comes up and it's still dark. You can tell you are far North when Alaska is West. You can tell you are far North when Bison appear on the menu.

Ancient English joke:
what's the difference between a bison and a water buffalo?
ou can't wash your hands in a water buffalo.
(Warning this joke has to be said aloud in a cockney accent or it is incomprehensible. Ed)

Only 15 shows left in 22 days, but there's still a lot of traveling: four and a half thousand miles to be precise, and I'm glad I had a few days off. I needed that break. Everyone has made it up to Edmonton , though not without some delays. The bus party changed Skip's plan and left Fargo early and consequently had to sit at a border crossing for five hours. They were not very happy but hello… that's why Skip spends so long making these plans. I am not at all looking forward to life without Skip. OK so the sex isn't as good, but he's always smiling and glad to see me. He was there waiting at the airport after having left Tucson at crack of dawn. A wife is just no substitute for a chap like this. My prolonged absence on the road has given me a whole new perspective on marriage. I always suspected that being white, male and married sucked. Now I'm sure of it. A married man has all the freedom of a mollusk. They are essentially bivalves with credit cards. For a woman the point about having a husband is the same as having a fashion accessory. Or a diamond. You don't need one but you have to show other women that you can get one.

I have been married since I was ten. Well since 1969 anyway, except for a few short years of freedom in between. I'm not sure I can entirely recommend it. It seems a very inefficient way of getting laid. No wonder the French ignore the rules.

Here are my current thoughts on matrimony.

Is Marriage a Mistake? [1]
Meditations on the State of Marriage.
By a frequently married man.
New Rules for the wary.

1: Never travel with your wife. For many women the real point about marriage is to have someone carry their bags through airports. When I see men at airports laden with heavy bags and screaming kids, pushing trolleys, standing patiently in line while the women go off to the bathroom or make that extra purchase of make up and magazines I am tempted to perform an intervention. Some married men need someone to liberate them. I notice black men are more successful at avoiding the married state. You don't see African American men at airports covered in baggage in tow to a smartly dressed female busy working a cell phone call to her sister in law. If you're going to stay married for God's sake travel separately. Then she'll pay some poor schmuck to hump all the bags that she has to bring because she cannot make up her mind what she might need to wear…

2: Remember that as a married man you rank somewhere below the dog. Get used to being invisible. Where the dogs and children get a tremendous greeting on the wife's return, it can often be up to half an hour before a married male is noticed. "Oh hello darling. You're still here then?" It's not that you are ignored, you are unseen. You are the thing that is not there. Do not complain. Practice being grateful for the attention.

3: Get used to being fat. The single male is sexier, thinner, better paid, and more active intellectually. The married state is that of a docile donkey standing around nodding waiting to be thrown a straw. The most common refrain of the married male is "Yes dear."

4: The sex thing. Forget it. The longest a married man has had to wait for sex in my knowledge was five years. Admittedly this is an extreme case, but sex and marriage go together like a horse and agent. If it's sex you want stay single.

4: Sexy Underwear. Forget about it. Men should remember that women change after marriage, but not into Victoria's Secret underwear. Victoria's Secret underwear is strictly for the unmarried woman. This is her secret weaponry in the Sex war. After marriage, looking longingly at the Victoria's secret catalogue is the closest a married male will get to enjoying that skimpy red underwear stuff. It either makes her look too fat, or it's too uncomfortable, or it is downright demeaning, or she just doesn't have the time to put all that stuff on. None of this she said when she was crawling around the carpet making goo-goo eyes at you trussed up like a turkey. But you proposed fella so take a good look brother because from now on it's all wincyette pajamas and woolen body wraps.

5: Sex after marriage. Don't count on it. Men get married to have regular sex. Women give regular sex so they can get married. So they won't have go through all that messy business again. And if they get pregnant, oh boy are you screwed. Or not screwed actually. The Estrogen Nazis come in and take away your sweetheart and replace her with a snarling replacement in a slightly larger body size.

6: Who is to blame? Get used to this: you are. For everything.

7: The change of life. Women go through Menopause but Men also go through Womenopause. You'll notice the signs. They start yearning to make their own decisions. They take up golf just to get out of the house. They plan and take long business trips. This is not necessarily a good idea. When married for a long time it is unpleasant to discover that the single state is not only tolerable but far preferable. It's tantamount to being guillotined and finding out life was better with a head. So make up your mind to forget the joy of being able to go somewhere when you said you would, or leave when you feel like it or live without waiting for someone to finish their make up, or make just one more call, or feed the dog, or change their mind about the restaurant, or get out of the bath, or feel insecure about their hair, or go online to get their email, or set a tape… A married male should not experience shore leave and liberty. It will only make him unhappy. There are no weekend passes in marriage.

8: He should get used to waiting. Time has no meaning in marriage. Whenever is a precise definer. All married men are on Whenever Time. 7 means Whenever. 8 means Whenever. 8.30 means whenever. Whenever means whenever I am ready. Remember women have a whim of iron. Learn to say "Yes dear." Do not sit in the car with the engine running, the music turned up excessively loud, screeching at the top of your lungs. You know you aren't going anywhere and so does she. Just wait.

9: Do not consult a divorce lawyer. Ever. The only serious reason for men to remain married is that if there is one thing worse than marriage it's divorce. Divorce is like marriage without the money. You get even less sex and you pay even more for it. For women divorce is so attractive it's amazing they stay married for even a short time. "You mean you get the same money without the snoring old bastard?" What's not to like? There are some exceptions to this rule. Sometimes alimony is worth it. Some women are worth paying not to have to live with. But you'd better be wealthy.

10: The simple fact is this. Women should be married. Men shouldn't.

Of course none of this applies to my wife, the beloved Tania, who is a saint amongst women. She is the woman I was waiting for my entire life. And I have certainly been waiting for her ever since. Actually I think I stay with her because she makes me laugh. It isn't just the fact she has a great ass. I'm not that superficial. Well I am that superficial but there is more to her than that. No, it's the ass. Still, she does make me laugh.


[1] Yes.