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  The seasons

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The Seasons

The seasons affect many parts of our daily lives, from what we eat to what we wear, the things we do and the things we see all around us. This leaflet will help you understand how the changes in climate influence our daily routines. For example, have you ever seen a pumpkin for sale in the supermarkets in January, or mince pies for sale in June?

We even listen to different types of music for the different seasons; for example, in winter, around Christmas time, we listen to carols and songs like 'Walking in a winter wonderland'. In the summer we listen to songs like 'We're all going on a summer holiday' and 'You are my sunshine'.
We have four different seasons, they are:

season cycle

How do we know it is spring?

It's easy to know when spring is coming. The sun rises earlier in the morning and sets later in the afternoon. The days get a little warmer. Spring flowers appear, the birds start to build their nests and the farmers deliver the new-born lambs.

Weather in spring can be very varied. There may be days when it is cold enough to snow, and days when it is warm enough to play out in the garden. Spring months can also be very windy

birds nest picture
How do we know it is summer?
sandals picture

Most of us look forward to summer. The days are warm and long, the sun shines - and the school holidays give us plenty of time to go outside and enjoy ourselves. Although we enjoy sunny weather because we can spend more time outside, the sun's rays can be harmful to our bodies. You should never look directly at the sun because it will damage your eyes. You also need to protect your skin from the rays so that you don't get sunburned. Summer weather can be changeable but, if we are lucky, June, July and August will bring some warm sunny days.

How do we know it is autumn?

Autumn is a time of change. The days get shorter and, although it is often warm and sunny during the day, it can be chilly at night. It is the time of year when leaves fall off the trees and hedges. Gardeners protect tender plants from early frost and it's time to pull out your warm clothes - and go back to school. Autumn can bring strong winds and a lot of rain.

kite picture
How do we know it is winter?

wellington boots picture

During the winter months the old year ends and the new year begins. The days are short and sometimes very cold. Sometimes the winter rain will turn to sleet and snow, and often we wake up to frost and ice on the ground. Winter weather in this country is often cold and wet.
What do the seasons mean to you?

Now that you have spent time thinking about the seasons, see how many words or pictures you can associate with each one. They can be things like foods that you eat at that time of year, animals and flowers you might see on a walk in the country, or colours you associate with a particular season. You can even say how each season makes you feel.

Draw or write each idea in the boxes below. You can work by yourself or in a group.

Tip: You can use cotton wool to make a snowman or real fallen leaves to show autumn.





























What do the seasons mean to you?

There is an old saying:

Red sky at night, shepherds delight.
Red sky in the morning, sailor's warning.

On a winter's day, we often see red sky as the sun sets, and we believe that this means the following day will have clear weather. Red sky happens when the air is dry and full of dust. If we see red sky in the west, it can mean dry weather is coming because, in Europe, weather fronts tend to move from west to east.


Sun gods
For thousands of years, different people across the world worshipped the sun. The ancient Egyptians had many sun gods including Amun, Aton and Atum. The Greeks and Romans called their sun god Apollo, and the Norse god of the sun was called Sol.

Can you find all these words in the grid? They can be read up or down, backwards or forwards, or diagonally.


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