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Today's PollWhat underperforming summer movie should have been a bigger hit? (vote)

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Contact information for 49,000 people on IMDbPro.comNew to Pro: Awards & Festival charts have been added to our Calendar section, Box Office has been redesigned to feature 12 new helpful views, and we've added professional Message Boards with categories suited for those looking for the inside scoop. That's in addition to contact information for over 49,000 names and more than 9,600 companies, international, domestic and daily box-office numbers, news from the Hollywood Reporter and much, much more. Try IMDbPro.com for free for two weeks. Click here for details.

IMDb Movie of the Day
In the late '80s, the world knew Daniel Day-Lewis for his brooding good looks, sly grin, and purring voice, showcased most seductively in The Unbearable Lightness of Being, his first role as a leading man after nimble supporting turns in My Beautiful Laundrette and A Room with a View. In 1989, Day-Lewis made the leap from art-house matinee idol to brilliant actor with My Left Foot, the Irish-made biopic of artist Christy Brown, a man born with cerebral palsy who expressed himself through writing and painting with his only functional limb – you guessed it, his left foot. An actor of fierce, intense preparation, Day-Lewis spent months studying with disabled students at the Sandymount School in Dublin, learned to write and paint with his left foot, and lived for months in a wheelchair. During filming, Day-Lewis refused to leave his irascible, stubborn character, making the crew carry him across sets when his wheelchair couldn't get him to the proper place. It was behavior like this that earned him a reputation as a British Robert De Niro – brilliant, turbulent, ferociously dedicated to the point of fanaticism – and also won him the Best Actor Oscar; it also fueled his Oscar-nominated performance in Gangs of New York, where he teamed up with De Niro's longtime director, Martin Scorsese. My Left Foot became the first Irish film nominated for Best Picture, and also nabbed a Supporting Actress award for Brenda Fricker's performance as Brown's loving, dedicated mum, a woman who while raising a poor Irish family also realized that her disabled son was a budding genius, not a vegetable. - Mark Englehart (more) (Movie of the Day Archive)

More About KaDee Strickland
KaDee StricklandKaDee Strickland is the very best thing in the surprisingly not-terrible Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (we dare you not to fall in love with her Southern drawl) and she'll be showing up next in The Grudge. KaDee's reps realized a while ago that when directors, casting directors, and other industry folk are trying to put names with faces they often turn to the IMDb, so they used IMDb Publicity Photo Services. Don't leave your main page bloodless, flesh it out with IMDb Publicity Photo Services!

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Truly Trivial
This well-connected actor made his screen debut in Animal House. (answer)

Movie/TV Quote of the Day

A little soul is necessary in life.
From which TV show/Movie?
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Movie/TV News

Sun 5 September 2004:
Celebrity News
* Charlize Returns to Los Angeles for Recovery
* Protestors Threaten Venice Film Festival
* Moore Invites McCain To See Movie
Studio Briefing
* Movie Reviews: 'Wicker Park'
* Summer Labors to an End
* Security Stepped Up at 'Edge of Reason' Studio

Born Today

Sunday, 5 September 2004:
Werner Herzog (62)

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