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Contact information for 51,000 people on IMDbPro.comNew to Pro: Awards & Festival charts have been added to our Calendar section, Box Office has been redesigned to feature 12 new helpful views, and we've added professional Message Boards with categories suited for those looking for the inside scoop. That's in addition to contact information for over 51,000 names and more than 9,800 companies, international, domestic and daily box-office numbers, news from the Hollywood Reporter and much, much more. Try IMDbPro.com for free for two weeks. Click here for details.

IMDb Movie of the Day
She looked nothing like Billie Holiday and sang nothing like Billie Holiday, yet Diana Ross gave a phenomenal performance as the jazz legend in Lady Sings the Blues, a surprisingly effective biopic that heralded the former Supreme as a true screen presence. Loosely based on Holiday's autobiography, the movie played fast and loose with the facts of Holiday's life, so much so that many jazz fans, scholars and amateurs alike, cried foul at the absence of innumerable people who helped launch Lady Day's career. At almost two and a half hours the movie was far too long, yet it was held together by the waiflike Ross, who received able support from Billy Dee Williams and a young Richard Pryor. Despite little resemblance to the woman she was portraying, Ross had one major thing in common with Holiday: star quality, and tons of it. Making her acting debut (well, if you don't count her 1968 guest stint as a nun on TV show Tarzan), Ross wowed even the most vociferous of critics, tackling her role with grit, energy and determination; many thought she'd walk away with an Oscar (she lost to worthy competition -- Liza Minnelli in Cabaret). Ross may have been a diva both on and off-screen, but she had talent to burn. Alas, Ross never did fulfill her early promise, as her next movie, the ill-fated Mahogany, was a star vehicle of the worst, excessive kind and her miscasting in The Wiz only sped up the downward trajectory of her acting career. - Mark Englehart (more) (Movie of the Day Archive)

Please Meet Jacqueline Lord
Jacqueline LordHer name is Jacqueline Lord, she's done a few appearances on a show called "Quintuplets", and that's all we know. But, because her agents used IMDb Publicity Photos, her profile went up one notch in our book. Adding a headshot to the site means that when directors, casting directors, and other industry folk are looking for new talent and check an actor's page on our site, they can put a name with a face (and they turn to IMDbPro.com to find out just how to contact her). Use Publicity Photo Services to make sure that your clients' pages stand out!

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He's the voice of the "priceless" MasterCard commercials. (answer)

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I've got gravitas out the wazoo.
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Fri 15 October 2004:
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