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Short Collections
Short 1: Invention
Short 2: Dreams
Short 3: Authority
Short 4: Seduction
Short 5: Diversity
Short 6: Insanity
Short 7: Utopia
Short 8: Vision
Short 9: Trust
Short 10: Chaos


Welcome to the IMDb guide to Short movies. There are 83491 titles listed here and the search box below restricts your query solely to the Short genre.

Top Short Movies

As picked by our users. Don't see your favorite? Register to vote!

  1. Homme qui plantait des arbres, L' (1987)
  2. Rabbit of Seville (1950)
  3. One Froggy Evening (1955)
  4. Ilha das Flores (1989)
  5. Rejected (2000)
  6. Rivière du hibou, La (1962)
  7. Rabbit Seasoning (1952)
  8. Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers (1993)
  9. Duck Amuck (1953)
  10. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1966) (TV)



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Chris Marker's La Jetée is one of the most famous short films ever made and remarkable for several reasons, most obviously because Jetée was the basis for Terry Gilliam's Twelve Monkeys. As in Monkeys Jetée tells the tale of a prisoner (known in the film as "The Man") living in a post-apocalyptic world that's trying to save itself. He's sent by his captors back in time, a feat he's able to accomplish because he is tethered to a strong and chilling childhood memory. Once in the past The Man meets "The Woman" and they fall in love. But The Man is pulled back by his captors and propelled into the future, and we are propelled into the final moments of the film. But the most remarkable thing about La Jetée is that almost the entire film is a series of still images (there is one indelible moment that is not--a languorous shot of The Woman opening her eyes). That a series of single images could coalesce into a film that is tense, sad, and fierce, is the real marvel of La Jetée. (-more)

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