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News for Jan. 29, 2005

Kiwis list their favourite books

1/29/05, 6:18 pm EST - maegwen

From Stuff.co.nz: "Responses to the Sunday Star-Times Top 50 Books survey are pouring in. So far there's no clear winner. Yes, Tolkien's doing pretty well, but it's by no means a foregone conclusion that he'll top the list." [More]

New 'Fraud of the Rings'

1/29/05, 4:02 pm EST - leo

Cartoonist John Cook writes: I've added a new Lord of the Rings cartoon spoofing that Two Towers scene where Gimli waits at Helm's Deep, unable to see over the top of the battlements. Check out the cartoon here!

FIDM's Costume Party

1/29/05, 1:08 pm EST - maegwen

From LA Downtown News: "It was busy last Tuesday afternoon at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) museum in South Park: A dress from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King was getting steamed, Peter Parker's Spider-Man outfit was waiting on a pedestal and word was spreading that the Finding Neverland costumes wouldn't arrive until the end of the week." [More]

Denethor Attends Collectors & Celebrities Show

1/29/05, 10:23 am EST - Xoanon

Ray writes: John Noble will be appearing at our "Hollywood Collectors & Celebrities Show", on February 18th & 19th, as one of our celebrity guests. For more information, please check our web site www.hollywoodcollectorshow.com.


1/29/05, 10:14 am EST - Xoanon

Crimdac writes: Abbey Road Studios are throwing open their doors for a film festival of movies with soundtracks recorded at the studios. The screenings take place during the last two weeks of March. Needless to say the complete Rings cycle is well represented - all three movies will be shown three times during the fortnight. The price is a hefty £15 per movie - but it is Abbey Road. Booking opens on the 3rd February but Guardian newspaper readers can buy tickets from 9am UK time today (29th). [More]

SFX Mag Talks Greatest Special Effects...EVER

1/29/05, 10:09 am EST - Xoanon

SFX Mag Talks Greatest Special Effects...EVER From SFX: 'We salute the backroom boys with our rundown of the best special effects sequences ever – as suggested by you lot! From 1902’s Le Voyage Dans La Lune to last year’s Spider-Man 2, these are the defining moments of over a hundred years of movie magic.' Gollum figures prominently on the cover, but what special effect tops the chart at number one?! You'll have to get the magazine to find out! [SFX.com] [Cover]

Astin to be Dad Again?

1/29/05, 9:49 am EST - Xoanon

From sfgate.com: Sean Astin is set to become a dad for a third time, after announcing to pals his wife Christine is pregnant. According to Star magazine, 31-year-old Astin made the happy announcement to his friends at the Sundance Film Festival. Astin and his wife already have two daughters -- 8-year-old Alexandra and 2-year-old Elizabeth. [More]

TORN would like to congratulate Sean and his family!

TV Watch: Chupacabra: Dark Seas on Sci-Fi Channel Tonight

1/29/05, 9:44 am EST - Xoanon

The American SciFi Channel is airing the made for TV movie 'Chupacabra: Dark Seas' tonight. The movie stars John Rhys-Davies as Captain Randolpp and centers around Dr. Pena, who traps the legendary Chupacabra on a remote Caribbean Island. He then smuggles it aboard a cruise ship with disasterous results. [More]

News for Jan. 28, 2005

Hall Of Fire Chats This Weekend

1/28/05, 5:27 pm EST - Demosthenes

Once upon a time, there was ... okay, wrong story - Tolkien doesn't use such hackneyed clichés to introduce his history of Middle Earth. But there is a beginning, and even in the dim, starlit ages before time, forces are at work in Arda which will one day lead a weary, wounded hobbit to the brink of Mount Doom. [More]

Tolkien Gets Ringing Endorsement

1/28/05, 4:21 pm EST - Corvar

From Wired News: Hollywood insiders probably gasped -- the biggest Oscar sweep in history and these guys are partying with geeks! But Jackson and company recognized something essential about the success of The Lord of the Rings: It happened because of its rabid fans.

At least that's the case made by a new documentary, Ringers: Lord of the Fans, which premiered at the Slamdance Film Festival this week in Park City, Utah. [More]

Happy Birthday Elijah Wood!

1/28/05, 11:48 am EST - Xoanon

Today is Elijah Wood's Birthday! Elijah Jordan Wood was born on January 28, 1981 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. That makes him 24 today! Happy Birthday Elijah!

News for Jan. 27, 2005

ORC Videos: Billy Boyd Q&A; Highlights

1/27/05, 9:51 pm EST - Xoanon

ORC: The One Ring Celebration

On the second day of ORC Billy Boyd took to the stage to answer fan questions. He was insightful, honest and funny! Take a look at this highlight clip from that day. Thanks Billy! [Quicktime High] [Quicktime Low]

RINGERS: Last Chance Screening

1/27/05, 6:42 pm EST - Xoanon

RINGERS: Last Chance Screening

MrCere writes: Here is the Murray Theater marquee located at 50th South and State Street in Salt Lake City which is showing "RINGERS: Lord of the Fans" for the final time as part of the Slamdance film festival. Tickets are still available!

Astin at Clark State U Report

1/27/05, 6:36 pm EST - Xoanon

Susanne writes: I just attended Tuesdays book signing of Sean Astin, at Clark State University in Ohio. Sean was there promotion his book, to a full auditorium of over 1,200 fans, of all ages. He was witty and charming, speaking of his life as an actor, his book, the filming of the LOTR movies, and his work with Verizon, promoting literacy. And the crowd was eating up every word, with lots of laughter, cheers and applause. After the one hour presentation he gave hundreds of autographs, staying way into the night, while always smiling and taking the time to talk to each person! An awesome evening, with a wonderful and caring beloved Sean Astin!

'Clear Day' Dawns at Sundance

1/27/05, 6:31 pm EST - Xoanon

PARK CITY, Utah (Hollywood Reporter) - Focus Features made its first Sundance acquisition Wednesday, purchasing North American rights to "On a Clear Day," a British film starring Peter Mullan and Brenda Blethyn. Sources valued the deal at close to $1 million. Mullan plays a middle-aged man who seeks to improve his confidence and fix his strained familial relations by swimming the English Channel. [More]

Special Message from Emerald Rose

1/27/05, 6:29 pm EST - Xoanon

The folks from Emerald Rose write: We would like to say thanks to all the folks we saw at the ORC convention last week in Pasadena. We had a really great time and met some new friends. Hats off to TORn and Creation Enterprises - it was a well run convention, with interesting displays, workshops and entertainment. Highlights for us included seeing the incredible Sideshow/Weta display - it was stunning, recreating scenes from the movies with the collectible figures. [More]

Holm Painted by Wife

1/27/05, 6:06 pm EST - Xoanon

Veteran British actor Sit Ian Holm is having his image immortalised in a series of portraits - being painted by his artist wife. Sophie De Stempel is aiming to monitor the LOTR star's looks over the coming years and eventually hopes to exhibit her work. But, Holm finds sitting for this wife challenging. He says, "It isn't easy. It involves a lot of concentration but I find it rather therapeutic." [More]

Rolling Stone Interviews Dom

1/27/05, 12:20 pm EST - Corvar

Chip of Dale points us to this long interview with Dominic Monaghan covering his early life, experiences relating to Lord of the Rings, and his role on Lost. [More]

A film about the Tolkien's 'cultus'

1/27/05, 9:52 am EST - maegwen

From TheStar.com: "J.R.R. Tolkien created the Lord of the Rings trilogy, he did not create the cult, and that crucial difference is what Carlene Cordova's Ringers is about." [More]

Edit: Thank you to Ringer spy Ascarwen, who rightly points out an error in The Star's story: Tolkien did indeed refer to his legions of fans as his "deplorable cultus," and not, as used in the story, "cultists." Nice catch!

News for Jan. 26, 2005

Workshop's sales slump Rings final bell on boost

1/26/05, 10:24 pm EST - Xoanon

Fantasy games group Games Workshop has reported a slowdown in UK sales as the buzz surrounding the Lord of the Rings trilogy begins to fade. The Nottingham-based firm, which also makes the Warhammer battle game, said UK sales fell to £21 million during the six months to 28 November, from £22.3m a year ago. It blamed the "bubble effect" created by the Rings films since 2001 as enthusiasts flocked to Games Workshop stores, one of which is located on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile, to buy a tabletop version of the trilogy. [More]

ORC Wrap up for the Red Cross

1/26/05, 10:18 pm EST - Xoanon

TORN staffer Garfeimao writes: We had two separate activities going on at ORC to help the American Red Cross. Firstly, the folks at Tolkien Forever housed the fish bowl that acted as a collection point for monetary donations. The end total, including what was collected by Sean Astin during his signing, came to just over $2000. The included picture shows Nicole and Kristi handing over the money box to Diane Drolet of the American Red Cross San Gabriel Valley office. [More]

`Lord' has ring of being real deal

1/26/05, 8:51 pm EST - Corvar

RWP writes: The Chicago Tribune has a review of Charlie Ross' "The One-Man Lord of the Rings" in Wednesday's edition. Ross' show is a one-man one-hour version of the three movies. We saw his one-man show on Episodes 4-6 of Star Wars and it was great. We plan to see the LOTR show next week. It is playing at the Apollo Theater in Chicago. (Login Required) [More]

ORC Videos: Cali/Arwen Takes the Stage

1/26/05, 7:00 pm EST - Xoanon

ORC: The One Ring Celebration Gallery II

Can we ever get enough of Calisuri in drag? The answer here at TORN HQ is NO! Here is some video shot by me featuring Calisuri on stage in full Arwen mode presenting the Pippin, Guard of the Citadel Sideshow statue (available here). [Quicktime High (11.5MB)] [Quicktime Low (5.5MB)]

Blanchett's Oscar Nom!

1/26/05, 12:39 pm EST - Xoanon

While LOTR may not be in the Oscar race for the first time in 3 years, Cate Blanchett did get a nomination for her work in 'The Aviator'. Congrats Cate!! [More]

RINGERS: Last Chance!

1/26/05, 10:57 am EST - Corvar

MrCere writes: "RINGERS: Lord of the Fans" will play its final time at the Slamdance Film Festival Thursday at 9 p.m.. This will be the final time for Utah audiences to demonstrate to movie studios that fans want to see this film in wide release. [More]
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