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  Information: Mission Education Connection
  Bishops in United States strongly support Catholic educators who integrate international concerns into their programs and classes. They recognize that many Catholic educators are finding creative ways to reflect and act on the call to global solidarity, from principals and teachers who encourage their students to participate in mission programs, to adult educators who engage parishioners to learn more about missions and international issues.

World Mission Ministries offers free loan of videos, books, maps, photos and artifacts to assist with this work. Check the complete listing here available through the World Mission Library and Resource Center. For a more focused lists see the elementary and secondary selections. For access to maps, photos and artifacts contact Berenice Lechuga or (414) 769-3337.

Organizations throughout the country have developed many useful materials and resources to assist educators:

Encouraging children in this country to know and help children throughout the world is the mission of The Holy Childhood Association.

Missionary Orders and organizations throughout the country have developed wonderful, easy to use materials rooted in current mission experience, Catholic social teaching and global research. Many can be found in the World Mission Library and Resource Center.

Here are some web sites:

Columban Mission Education provides complete curricula for schools and religious education programs as well as materials for adults.

Maryknoll Missionaries provides lesson plans and world area studies for all ages.

Center for Concern in Washington, DC has a site for ready to use fact sheets, interactive materials and prayers in addition to a wide range of resources to promote Catholic Social Teaching and social justice issues through interactive group activities and discussions. Online discussions allow users to share reflections, challenges, best practices, suggestions and questions. There is a subscription fee for using this site.

Principal texts of the Church's social doctrine, arranged systematically, are now available for consultation on the Internet. It is the digital version of the "Social Agenda: A Collection of Magisterial Texts," published in April 2000 by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, published in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian and Polish. The "Social Agenda" contains 75 documents of the magisterium, beginning with St. Clement and St. Augustine, and including recent popes such as Leo XIII and others from the 20th century. It addresses all dimensions of the Church's social teaching. The "Social Agenda" is available and downloadable here.

The collaborative Mission Education web site offers links to several mission education organizations.

Locally, through the Mission Education Connection educators from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee are welcome and encouraged to share their experiences. This is an opportunity to share creative ideas and success stories with colleagues.


A list of returned missioners and other men and women who are available to share their experience and expertise on a variety of topics connected with global mission and solidarity for justice.

  • Fran Cunningham, OSF and Rosemary Huddleston, OP from the World Mission Ministries Office, according to group requests, design workshops, days of reflection and retreats on a wide variety of topics related to Catholic social teaching and global justice, solidarity with people in the global south, and mission today. Contact them through or (414)769-3406.

  • Africa/Hunger: A grim scenario, potentially the greatest human tragedy in history, is unfolding far beyond our borders. 38 million people in Afghanistan, Africa, North Korea and Central America alone, with the numbers rising daily, have little or no food. Many have been reduced to the pitiful state of eating leaves and roots.

    What can we Christians do to rescue these poor from the cruel pangs of starvation? Join Bread for the World’s annual Offering of Letters, a campaign to inundate our legislators in Washington with sufficient letters and phone calls to persuade them to increase foreign aid funding. (Last year Congress allocated to foreign aid a mere ½ of one percent of the government budget.)

    Frank Murray, who in the course of his 20 years in Africa saw at close range the tragedy of hunger, is available to come to your parish. He can review with you the roots of starvation and indicate how through joining in an Offering of Letters you can free the poor from the pangs of poverty. Feel free to contact him at 262-252-4160 or

  Contact:  World Mission staff Phone:  (414) 769-3337
  Group:  World Mission Ministries