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Catholic Elementary Schools
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The Catholic Elementary Schools office is part of the Department for Educational and Formational Services. Staff members provide leadership in developing comprehensive quality learning communities. The office facilitates collaboration among these communities serving children, youth, young adults, and their families. Staff members empower leadership in learning communities to evangelize, catechize, promote justice, and celebrate the sacred mysteries in order to enhance the faith, skills, knowledge, and wisdom necessary to contribute to bringing about the reign of God.

Staff members serve as liaisons to Milwaukee Archdiocesan Elementary Principals Association (MAEPA).

Alphabetical listing of Catholic Elementary Schools in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee

News Headlines
47th Annual Padre Serra Tournament Set for March 3-20
Archdiocese of Milwaukee and Marquette University Women's Basketball Team Create Unique Opportunity
Catholic Schools Week to be Celebrated Jan. 30-
Feb. 5
Host of Activities Planned
Catholic Schools: Gift to the Church, Gift to the Nation