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Human Concerns
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Services offered by the Human Concerns office include overseeing parish leadership training and formation in the areas of human concerns and Respect Life ministry, directing the Project Rachel post-abortion program, assisting with parish health ministry, and serving as contact for Natural Family Planning and Elizabeth Ministry. The office assists parish staff members, including parish nurses, and committee volunteers with presentations, training and educational resources related to social ministry and a variety of respect-for-life topics. Staff members assist parishes to network by cluster, by county and throughout the archdiocesan to organize human concerns gatherings.

Project Rachel is a post-abortion reconciliation program that is sponsored by the Office for Human Concerns/Respect Life and Catholic Charities. Through the project, many priests and therapists have received special training to deepen their understanding of post-abortion syndrome. The office sponsors specialized training on post-abortion ministry for clergy and people in the helping professions. A Mass of Hope and Healing is offered once a year.

News Headlines
Catholics at the Capitol 2005: Called to Serve the Common Good
Church as Teacher: Parish Nursing
The Door Opens to Infanticide
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Issue Stem Cell Research Flyer