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  Services: Gift by Bequest
  A bequest can be made through a donor's will or trust and is the easiest way to make a planned gift. It can be in the form of a specific amount, percentage, or residue and can be made in honor or memory of a loved one. Using this method the donor keeps control of the assets during their lifetime and makes the gift upon death. These gifts, which can be large or small, will support the future faith-based mission of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee or another archdiocesan beneficiary.

The following language may be helpful if you are planning a bequest to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee or archdiocesan parish or school.


I give and bequeath to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, or archdiocesan parish or school __________ [description of type of gift and amount] [restriction, if any]. [If naming an archdiocesan parish or school use complete name and address. In addition, disclaimer language should be included indicating that if a parish or school is no longer in existence, than the proceeds should be distributed to the successor/merged parish or school and, if none, to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.]


I give and bequeath __________ [description of type of gift and amount] to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to be held in an endowment fund, to be named the __________ Fund, the income (but not the principal) of which may be used at the discretion of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee or an archdiocesan parish or school [designate restrictions or specific purposes, if any]. For purposes of investment, the assets of this endowment fund may be commingled with other investment assets of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee or archdiocesan parish or school.

For more information, or if you have further questions, please contact Mary Ellen Markowski or Joan Feiereisen in the Department for Development at 414-769-3451.
  Contact:  Mary Ann Vance Phone:  414-769-3583
  E-Mail: Group:  Major and Planned Giving