Gentoo Sales Pitch Philosophy Gentoo is tool based -- tools are supposed to make the distro easier to use (DWIM). Tools and the distro allows people to do whatever they want and easily customize a system around their needs. Focused around building -- the "package" files can be easily interpreted by humans, tweaked/overlayed, and easily created. Dependencies are resolved. Binary packages are supported. Who's using it? It's not that popular for labs because it's like Linux From Scratch -- it doesn't work immediately out of the box, not great for ghosting. La Sierra University Riverside (CA) uses it on servers. LSB compliance "In what will likely prove to be a controversial decision, Portage 2.1 will adopt the RPM format for all packages moving forward. The use of ebuilds will be deprecated in favor of the defacto RPM standard. The primary driver for this decision was to ensure compliance with the Linux Standard Base specification, which mandates RPM support for package management. (portage is currently 2.0.50_pre19) "The developers have been hard at work to make this migration as easy as possible. Already a proof-of-concept ebuild2rpm script is in place and being tested by a pilot group of developers. Unfortunately, because of the architectural differences between the two formats, some features will not be supported once Gentoo moves to RPM. USE variables are one such feature; sandbox security is another. However, the added benefit brought about by full LSB compliance should far outweigh the loss of these two minor features." What do we need to Configure / Modify? Greate config file management. Makes sure files aren't clobbered. Lets you deal them interactiely or automatically. Configurable as to which files, too. HOWTO for Central Gentoo mirror is available. Simply point portage at the NFS share for portage tree & packages. Issue of simultaneous access is a problem, but claim it is fixed by having a dedicated "sync" machine. Essentially, have a machine that acts as a gentoo server (could be one of the workstations, or our own, like darkside) that managees /usr/portage. Then tickle each machine to do an "emerge -u world" at 3AM. Another solution is for the compiling to be done on one machine and binary packages made. Slave machines point at master for binary packages. 0 On master machine, "emerge -b package" to build a binary package into the NFS shared "PKGDIR" 0 On slave machine, "emerge --usepkg package" Config files? How current and mature is the distro? Very, VERY active development, but also means stuff could change. Their docs are great and include information like "what you need to know about the new version" and announcements are good. Weekly newsletter. Latest versions of all software. Package Management / Organization Runlevels. 3 internal (sysinit, shutdown, reboot), 4 user-defined (boot, default, nonetwork, single). "rc-update" exists. Init scripts are smart like OS X and have dependencies. Package system called "portage," based loosely off BSD Ports system, where you have a script of commands that you'd run to install the package, called an "ebuild." "Portage features the best of apt and ports; for example, USE options, a full dependency system, safe installs and uninstalls, and a true package database." Easily overriden using "overlays." USE flags like: arts, gnome, gtk2 and gtk, kde, java, jikes, jpeg, readline, quicktime, xmms Packages are built in a sandbox and then "merged" into the filesystem, like stow. Non-root users can "pretend" to build pacakges. When building packages you can even hop in and run the "./configure" step yourself, or anything else you need to. Binary packages available with the "--usepkg" flag. "distcc" and "ccache" are native features. Binary packages can be created for every ebuild. Portage packages are organized two-tier, such as "app-crypt", "net-firewall", "gnome-libs" and "games-puzzle" Changelog available as a plain file. Yes, portage can be run without gentoo, there's a dedicated "Advanced Topics" thread. People recommend LFS. Yes, portage can be run over NFS, there's a dedicated "Advanced Topics" thread. Not much discussion, though.... having only one machine update the portage tree... Quirks Kernel building. "genkernel" script, or the Old Way. Tons of different kernels, best IMHO is the vanilla linux kernel. OpenGL weirdness. (See Josh's friends.) Documentation "", forums, and 828 people in the "#gentoo" channel. 281 people browsing the forums (88 registered, 3 moderators). Forums are sorted constantly, very well organized. docs are done in AxKit. Pages are very, VERY VERY nicely formatted with examples, code snippets, and disgustingly easy to read. 16 editors and 4 reviewers. * Gentoo Security Guide (general, tcp wrappers, PAM, xinetd, firewalls, IDS [aide, snort]) * LDAP auth guide * User-mode linux guide * Distcc guide * OpenMosix guide