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23 March 2005
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Michael Jackson trial latest
Last updated 18 March 2005

Michael Jackson leaving court

22nd March: Jackson shuffles into court

There's been more drama in the Michael Jackson trial.

He's been in tears in court after turning up late again.

He arrived looking very distressed and in pain.

He shuffled into court supported by a bodyguard and a doctor and when he left court he said he was "very much hurt" but wouldn't go into details.

The trial got started 45 minutes late but the judge decided not to punish him for being late.

Michael Jackson leaving court

18th March: Kids at Neverland "wild and destructive"

Michael Jackson's former housekeeper has told the court that kids who stayed at his Neverland Ranch while she worked there in the 90's were out of control and sometimes drunk.

Kiki Fournier said without parents around they became wild and destructive.

She also said some of the kids slept in Michael's room.

Michael Jackson denies all charges against him, including giving alcohol to a child.

17th March: Pornographic Magazines

The jury at the Michael Jackson trial have been shown a collection of pornographic books and magazines which the police say they seized from Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch.

His lawyers pointed out the police didn't test the magazines for finger prints for several months. They said none of it's illegal and it proves nothing.

The court has also heard from a policeman who interviewed his 15 year old accuser. Sergeant Steve Robel said the boy clammed up and it took him ten minutes to convince Gavin Arvizo he was doing the right thing.

Michael Jackson says he's innocent.

16th March: Explosive Evidence

Michael Jackson's spokesperson has given an interview denying rumours that he's depressed and on suicide watch at Neverland.

Raymone Bain also revealed that the singer gets up before dawn to pray on the phone with one of America's best known civil rights activists Rev Jesse Jackson.

Later today a police officer will continue on the witness stand, he's already told the court how a stash of pornography was discovered at Neverland when it was raided by investigators.

15th March: Explosive Evidence

The jury at the Michael Jackson trial have been hearing some explosive evidence.

His teenager accuser, Gavin Arvizo, has admitted telling his former headmaster he had never been molested by the singer.

Michael's lawyer read out a transcript of the conversation from 2003, in which the teacher says:

"I can't help you unless you tell me the truth, did any of this happen?"

The boy answered:


Michael Jackson denies all charges against him.

Michael Jackson in pyjamas?

10th March: Chaos at trial

There have been chaotic scenes at the Michael Jackson trial in California.

The singer didn't turn up for the start of the hearing - his lawyer was claiming he had gone to hospital with a back problem.

The judge said he'd issue a warrent for his arrest, and Jackson would foreit his £3m dollar bail if he didn't turn up in an hour.

He missed the deadline, and finally arrived looking dishevilled wearing what looked like pyjama bottoms.

When things finally got underway, his teenager accuser, Gavin Arviso, told the court he shared a bed with Michael and had been molested twice by Michael Jackson, each time being told it was "OK and natural".

He also claimed he'd been given alcohol served in soft drink cans called 'Jesus Juice'.

Michael Jackson denies the charges.

Michael Jackson leaving court

10th March: Accuser speaks at trial

Michael Jackson's come face to face with the boy who's accused him of abuse.

15 year old Gavin Arvizo took the stand yesterday (Wednesday), he barely even looked at Michael when he told the court he'd slept in his bedroom at Neverland and they looked at internet porn together.

He also claimed the singer asked him to appear in the Martin Bashir documentary and told him:

"Tell them you call me daddy and Daddy Michael."

"He said he wanted me to say that he pretty much cured me of cancer."

Michael Jackson denies the charges against him.

7th March: Accuser's brother admits previous lies

We have the latest on the Michael Jackson trial.

The teenage boy who said he saw his brother being molested by Michael has admitted lying in another case when his family sued a department store.

And Michael Jackson has issued a statement saying he was hurt and embarrassed by the graphic sex abuse allegations that came out in court earlier this week.

He denies all charges.

7th March: Accuser's brother testifies

The latest on the Michael Jackson trial.

The younger brother of the boy he's said to have abused has told the court he twice saw Michael Jackson grope his brother while he slept in the star's bed.

He also told the court Michael Jackson showed them internet sex sites, played drinking games with them and made obscene prank phone calls.

Michael denies all the charges.

4th March: Accuser's sister testifies

The Michael Jackson sex abuse trial continues with evidence from the sister of the boy who has accused him.

She told the court she saw the star serving wine to her brother and another boy in a secret cellar, hidden behind a jukebox at the Neverland ranch.

The court also saw footage of a police raid on his home two years ago. It showed Michael Jackson's bedroom and two other rooms filled with toys.

There were also lifesize mannequins of adults and small children.

The girl also claimed that her family was talked into appearing in a video response to the Martin Bashir documentary about the singer.

Michael Jackson denies all the charges against him.

3rd March: Jurors see inside Jackson's bedroom

Jurors in the Michael Jackson trial have been shown a video of his bedroom where it's claimed he molested a 13 year old boy.

The film was taken when police raided his Neverland ranch.

It also shows a Doll Room and Toy Room filled with dolls, mannequins and action figures.

2nd March: Evidence of smear campaign

The Michael Jackson trial has been hearing from a PR expert who was employed by the star to rescue his image after the Martin Bashir documentary.

Anne Kite told the court there had been a plot to smear the reputation of the family accusing him of child abuse.

Michael Jackson denies all the charges.

1st March 2005: Bashir won't answer Jackson questions

British reporter Martin Bashir has refused to answer more than thirty questions while giving evidence at the Michael Jackson sex abuse trial.

He said he didn't want to reveal who gave him information for his controversial documentary 'Living with Michael Jackson'.

Jackson's lawyers have also said that when detectives examined the star's mattress they found no DNA from the 13 year old who says he molested him.

He also said the singer did read porn magazines but never showed them to kids and that when the children were at Neverland they were out of control, running round the place and stealing wine.

Yesterday the court heard all 10 charges against the star - including one of abusing a 13 year-old boy. His lawyers called the claims silly and ridiculous.

Michael Jackson denies all the charges - the family of the boy who claims he was molested have been accused of making up the story to get money.

28th February 2005: Trial gets under way

The child abuse trial has finally started. It's taken them months to get everything sorted and now we'll finally get to hear the full details of the ten charges against Michael Jackson.

Jacko arrived in court wearing a black suit and red armband - accompanied by his mum and brother Jermaine.

Fans screamed and chanted support as he entered the court. Michael Jackson was first arrested fifteen months ago - he denies abusing a thirteen year old boy plus all the other charges against him.

24th February 2005

A jury has now been chosen and it was a much quicker process than expected.

It was thought it would take several weeks but only took five court days.

The panel consists of four men and eight women, ranging in age from 20 to 79.

Opening statements could now get under way in the next few days.

17th February 2005

Michael Jackson waving a teddy through his window

Michael Jackson's back at Neverland after being released from hospital.

He's said to be in good spirits but still unwell.

While in hospital he was spotted peeking out of the window and waving a teddy bear to fans who were waiting outside.

15th February 2005

Michael Jackson's been taken to hospital in Santa Maria, California with flu-like symptoms.

He was due in court today where his child molestation trial is still at the jury selection stage.

His lawyers say Michael said he felt 'very very ill' and he's been given a sick note to stay away from court until next week.

Michael Jackson denies all charges against him.

15th February 2005

The Michael Jackson trial looks like it's going to be star-studded.

His lawyers have revealed a list of people of potential witnesses who could be called to appear in court to speak up for Michael Jackson.

They include Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, Barry Gibb, Liz Taylor, Chris Tucker, Uri Gellar, Quincy Jones and Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys.

His children Paris and Prince Michael who are rarely seen in public may also appear.

11th February 2005

Former child star Corey Feldman will now testify at Michael Jackson's trial after giving an interview to Martin Bashir about his childhood friendship with Michael.

The interview is going to be shown on American TV tonight (Friday). In it Corey says he wasn't inappropriately touched or molested but now feels there are things that happened in his relationship with Michael which he feels were inappropriate and wrong.

Ten years ago the star of 'Gremlins', 'Goonies' and 'The Lost Boys' told investigators he didn't believe accusations of abuse about Michael.

Since speaking to Martin Bashir, he's been ordered to appear at the trial as a witness. Michael Jackson denies all charges of child abuse.

7th February 2005

The Michael Jackson trial has been delayed because the sister of one of his lawyers is ill.

Jury selection is likely to continue later this week.

1st February 2005

The jury selection process in Michael Jackson's trial has begun in California.

More than 300 potential jurors appeared yesterday but TV crews were only allowed to film their feet to protect their identities.

Michael Jackson was in court as well, wearing white and looking relaxed. The selection process continues today, Michael Jackson is accused of abusing a young fan - which he denies.

31st January 2005

The Michael Jackson trial finally begins today (Monday) in Santa Maria in California, which is now overrun with media and fans.

The singer, who denies charges of child abuse, is due to appear at the court to watch the proceedings.

Jury selection starts today - that process alone could take weeks, then the whole trial could take six months.

Over the weekend the judge allowed him to make a statement declaring his innocence after court documents were leaked to the press.

This is what he had to say:

"In the last few weeks a large amount of malicious, ugly information has been released into the media about me."

"Apparently this information was leaked from transcripts in a Grand Jury proceeding where neither my lawyers or I ever appeared."

"The information is disgusting and false."

To keep up to date with the proceedings, go to BBC News In-depth.

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Related Links
Artist A-Z - more stories on Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson's official website about the charges - Jacko's official site
BBC News In-depth - latest on the Michael Jacskon trial
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