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August 28, 2005
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The issues surrounding substance abuse are wide-ranging and complex--from the toll it takes on individuals, families, and communities, to the staggering economic costs of dealing with its effects. Learn more about the nation's number one preventable health problem here.

The Problem
The Response
Hot Issues
The Problem
Some 18 million Americans abuse or are addicted to alcohol. Tobacco causes 400,000 deaths each year, killing more people than AIDS, alcohol, drug abuse, car crashes, suicides, and fires combined. And nearly half of all Americans say they know someone with a drug problem. more
The Response
Substance abuse is a national problem, but defeating it requires the involvement of every concerned citizen on the local level. Individuals and organizations across the nation are successfully joining together in the fight against substance abuse. More
Hot Issues
•  Recovery
•  Drug Courts
•  Screening & Brief Intervention
•  Harm Reduction
•  Buprenorphine
•  HIV & Substance Abuse
•  Discrimination
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Drug Courts
Screening & Brief Intervention
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Despite Setback, Coalition Fights Law Barring Aid to Students with Drug Convictions
A coalition of 240 health, education, criminal-justice and student groups is working to repeal a federal law that bars students with drug convictions on their records from receiving federal education aid.