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Fractals 101, Part 1 (Science)

By jd
Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 11:36:19 AM EST


Fractals are well-known in rave art, popular culture and even the occasional movie. But what are they, where do they come from and what are we going to do with them now they are here?

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In order to cover fractals in any meaningful way, I am going to first examine what lies behind them. The first, and most important, of these elements is "Chaos Theory", a branch of mathematics that is rather better known than it is understood.

Chaos Theory covers a class of mathematical systems that don't follow the usual rules. (Anarchistic equations!) Normally, mathematical functions are relatively well-behaved. You can find the gradient at a given point, for example. If you change the values you start with (your initial conditions) by just a little, you will change the values you end up with by just a little and in a predictable way.

Chaotic systems, on the other hand, throw the rules out the window, without opening the window first. For small enough initial conditions, they behave themselves and generally go to some steady state value. As you increase the values, though, something happens. The system will start to oscillate with period 2. Keep increasing the value, and it stays at that frequency, until you cross a specific threshold. Then the frequency doubles. It keeps on doing this, with the intervals getting shorter each time.

Translated into English, this means that if you take some function and then use the results as the new inputs to the same function, it will first bounce between two values. Then, as you increase the initial conditions, it will bounce between four possible values. Then eight, sixteen, thirty-two and so on. It will always be a power of two and it will always be in that order.

At this point, a careful observer—call them Mitchell Feigenbaum for the sake of argument—may notice that the ratio between the thresholds is fixed for that function. In other words, if your start point is P0, you first double frequency at P1 you double again at P2, and double a third time at P3, then (P1-P0)/(P2-P1) = (P2-P1)/(P3-P2), and so on for all of the times the frequency doubles.

A really good observer will then calculate this constant. It will be about 4.669211660910299067185320382047. Later, you might try different chaotic functions. You will get exactly the same behaviour and exactly the same ratio. The Feigenbaum's universal constant applies to ALL chaotic systems, in that interval where oscillation occurs. There are no exceptions and there are even fewer useful explanations.

OK, so what happens when we go beyond oscillation? Then we enter the realm of pure chaos. The system will be totally deterministic (it is pure mathematics, after all, and there are no random elements to it) but it is completely unpredictable. It will never repeat, it will never settle down, it will never do anything you might expect. If the initial conditions change at all, no matter how slightly, the chaos completely changes. It is almost as if you are looking at two completely different systems, not the same system with a very minor tweak.

This kind of result is called "sensitivity to initial conditions", though popular magazines will usually call it by the name of "The Butterfly Effect". It is not the end of the problem, though.

As you look closer and closer at the system, you will notice that the system isn't smooth. It is as seemingly complex on a fine scale as on a large scale. This means that there is no meaningful "gradient" to the function. Not just at one or two points, as happens with discontinuous functions in "normal" maths, but at ALL points in the system. The technical term for this is a Non-Differentiable Function.

But what causes all of this strange behaviour? Surely, there must be a simple explanation, some quirk in the maths. Well, the answer to that is yes, there is. The quirk is called a Strange Attractor.

Simply put, Strange Attractors are anomalous regions in the chaos that seem to pull the chaotic system in their direction. In some ways, this can be likened to gravity, but the effect doesn't always fall off with distance and is not always easily predictable.

There are Strange Attractors in normal mathematics too; we just don't really see them that way, as they are much more benign. Picture the numbers from zero to infinity. Pick one, any one, it can be a fraction or an irrational number, if you like. Now square it, and keep squaring the result. Numbers above 0 and less than 1 will fall towards 0. Numbers below infinity and above 1 will fall towards infinity.

Zero and infinity, then, are attractors for the square function. They will pull numbers towards them, and a stable boundary (1) exists where the pull is equal in both directions.

In chaotic systems, Strange Attractors might appear anywhere. Systems can orbit them, seemingly stable, only to be flung away the next moment. Other times, a chaotic system may stray too close and get pulled into these mathematical black holes. The boundaries of their influence are ill-defined and can seem to intrude into areas controlled by other Strange Attractors.

How does this lead us to fractals—the pictures people see on computers and t-shirts? Well, let's take this one step at a time. The Mandelbrot Set—the best-known fractal of all—is based on the chaotic system Z' = Z^2 + C, where Z and C are complex numbers, and Z' is the value of Z for the next time the calculation is made. The usual way to plot this is to plot the real component of Z as the X coordinate and the imaginary component as the Y coordinate. Then just sit back and watch how the point moves through the system.

There are lots and lots of Strange Attractors hiding in this seemingly trivial equation, and we shall see this in a moment.

If we plot how Z changes, every time we cycle round the equation, we will see one of a number of possibilities:

  1. It may fall into a Strange Attractor and stop.
  2. It may orbit one or more Strange Attractors indefinitely, never breaking free of them.
  3. It may do all kinds of loops and spins around a whole load of Strange Attractors, before escaping to infinity (which is just a regular attractor, not really a Strange Attractor).

When displaying a "classical" Mandelbrot picture, what you are doing is plotting how long the system takes to escape—if it does. Points that do NOT escape (the central plateau of the Mandelbrot Set, for example) are given some otherwise unused value to mark that they did not escape.

Points far from the center tend to escape very easily and quickly, which is why you get fairly boring, bland rings on the outside. Even there, though, you'll notice that as you approach the center, the pull from the Strange Attractors is enough to slow down the escape.

Once we reach the "interesting" part of the set, things go crazy. The function gets pulled in all kinds of directions, with absolutely zero regard for how things were even an infinitesimal distance either side. This is where you get all of the pinwheels, spirals and other strange effects. As we approach the edge of the plateau itself, the chaos worsens as the number and density of Strange Attractors grows.

Eventually, on the plateau itself, nothing can escape. Not even light. Oops, wrong topic. Seriously, within the region of the plateau, ALL starting points will be captured by one or more Strange Attractors. Nothing escapes from this region. If you go back to plotting Z'=Z^2+C, and throw something into that region, you will see that it never comes back out. It really is a mathematical Black Hole, but not due to some gravitational singularity, but rather to a large enough number of powerful enough attractors that nothing escapes.

One of the consequences of having these Strange Attractors pull the system in different directions is that the motion of the system is disjoint. Not just in a few cases, but essentially everywhere. This means that the fractal you produce is also non-differentiable—there is no gradient you can calculate at any point.

But there is another, more curious aspect. Something called "Self Similarity". Self Similarity means that if you zoom into a part of the whole, you will see something that resembles the whole. It won't be exactly the same, but it will be close.

Self Similarity is one thing that makes Fractals so curious. If the system is being thrown around by all these Strange Attractors - which can be anywhere - then how can a small fragment look like the whole? That would imply that Strange Attractors can't be randomly distributed, their distribution and the interaction between them must ALSO be self-similar. They drive the shape, so what the shape does, they must do also.

Of course, things get worse. At no point in a fractal does the pattern repeat itself, so although the Strange Attractors must approximate their positions on different scales, they cannot have exactly the same layout. Nothing repeats in a fractal. Ever.

However, remember that bit about sensitivity to initial conditions? The layout must not only change, it must change in a manner that produces similar results. Normally, with the system being so sensitive and all, any change at all would produce something totally different. Thus, not only must there be change, there must be change that largely (but not entirely) eliminates this sensitivity aspect.

That should be enough to curdle most people's brains at this time. Next story will be on self-similarity in the marketplace and why the free market is really a chaotic system. (This was first shown by Benoit Mandelbrot and now forms a rather obscure but fascinating branch of economic theory.)

The series will wrap up with a talk on using fractals to compress naturally-occurring data, especially images. (Briefly, this boils down to trying to produce a fractal that is very close to what you want and optionally storing differences between the fractal and the original. The fractal and the differences will require much less storage than the original data.)

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Related Links
o Fractals
o "Chaos Theory"
o Feigenbaum's universal constant
o "sensitivity to initial conditions"
o Non-Differentiable Function
o Strange Attractor
o "Self Similarity"
o More on Science
o Also by jd

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Fractals 101, Part 1 | 119 comments (81 topical, 38 editorial, 0 hidden)
art (none / 0) (#119)
by lilili on Wed Jul 27th, 2005 at 10:40:03 PM EST

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Chaos Theory and Fractals in real life. (none / 0) (#118)
by Saggi on Wed Jul 27th, 2005 at 09:26:07 AM EST

Chaos Theory and Fractals in real life.

In the real world many systems behave accordingly to the Chaos Theories. These systems are often also fractal in nature, but this article is only aimed at the mathematical fractals.

A cloud is a fractal! It's in a 3 dimensional space, and the "rules" for it relates to the properties of water, air, temperature, pressure etc. that we find in our atmosphere. Just because the rules are not easily understood, and therefore can't be described in a simple mathematical equation, doesn't mean that Chaos Theory and fractal rules are cannot be applied.

Let me take an example that made me understand fractals:

The length of a coastline. For many years geography came up with different measurements of coastlines. Every time they tried to do it better, the coastline became longer... You may look in an atlas and see the different coastlines for various countries, islands etc, but they are all wrong? You need to understand fractals to describe a coastline. But lets me explain the problem.

If you move up to space, take a nice picture of an island, and start to measure the coastline you will find one length. Now you decent to a lower altitude. Here you use you high definition camera and gets a lot more details on you picture. Where you in the first image skipped tiny bays, they are now added to the length of the island. Finally you take a microscope, and start to measure the coastline length along the edge of each sand grain... this will give an extremely long coastline (except it will probably never be done in real life).

So how long is it? It's not possible to say exactly, because it's a fractal. But here the mathematicians have defined some helping tools. A fractal has a number describing just how "fractalised" it is. If it was a straight line it would not be fractalised at all, but these fractalisation may be calculated for various functions. Now if we could measure the coast line length and indicate how fractalised it is, we would now have a better way of describing this natural occurring fractal.

In real life we can't measure the exact fractalisation of a coastline, but we could do some approximations. A rocky coastline would have some average values, while a man made would be much smoother.


Real life fractals exist, and the use of fractal- and chaos theory might be useful in real life. Of cause only if you care... for most of us a coastline with fine white sand is better used for swimming or surfing, than studying math. I apologize if I have ruined your next trip to the water...


Oh no, not again.
Fractals Explained (none / 0) (#115)
by rs170a on Tue Jul 26th, 2005 at 01:40:53 AM EST

Best explanation yet for bit-brained programmers like myself who struggled through math. Bravo.

The posthuman (none / 1) (#113)
by Fen on Sat Jul 23rd, 2005 at 09:32:22 PM EST

On the other side, we may have a much better picture of what is truly chaotice. Being able to alter parameters by thought alone and experience the results through multiple senses will change how we view fractals.
----Transcend humanity.
Code it up! (none / 0) (#112)
by overcode on Sat Jul 23rd, 2005 at 03:46:36 AM EST
(overcode at gmail dot com) http://overcode.yak.net/

If you're a coder and find fractals kind of neat, try to write a Mandelbrot display program sometime. It's not terribly difficult, and it's wonderfully informative. The results are beautiful.

Making it run fast is the real trick. That's a worthy challenge.


UltraFractal and fractal artwork (none / 0) (#111)
by the_idoru on Fri Jul 22nd, 2005 at 07:50:49 PM EST

It's unfortunate that there's no mention of UltraFractal. And, moreso, no mention of fractals as art. UltraFractal is basically the Photoshop of fractal rendering. Amazingly powerful. (Windows only, free demo available.) Another (windows only) fractal rendering software that is very popular among fractal artists is Apophysis, which renders "flame" fractals. Basically, millions of points mapped rather than the smooth color gradients that traditional coloring algorithms provide.

The artical is highly technical (and Part 2 sounds like it will be as well), and I find it a grave oversight to ignore the thousands of webpages out there where people have posted their fractal artwork. Really beautiful images, most of them made using UltraFractal. Hell, DeviantArt has a whole section devoted to fractal artwork. It receives close to 100 submissions each day. They go way beyond the lame psychadelic rainbow coloring algorithms that basic fractal rendering software provide.

Must-read related book (none / 0) (#97)
by mbmccabe on Thu Jul 21st, 2005 at 11:58:11 AM EST

Author's Link

Chaos - Making A New Science
James Gleick

With only a computer-geek's understanding of fractals (and a "Brief History of Time" understanding of space-time) I read this book with a good deal of enjoyment and fascination.

A very deep subject explained in easy language.

To quote the author's quotes only because I agree with them:

"An awe-inspiring book. Reading it gave me that sensation that someone had just found the light switch." --Douglas Adams

"This is a stunning work, a deeply exciting subject in the hands of a first-rate science writer. The implications of the research James Gleick sets forth are breathtaking."-Barry Lopez

I hope others enjoy it!


Fractals and uncomputables? (none / 0) (#95)
by expro on Thu Jul 21st, 2005 at 08:18:46 AM EST

Perhaps this is unrelated, but I've been trying to get my mind around uncomputable numbers, especially since some seem to be definable and countable in some way.

There are aspects of fractals that also seem to defy computation, i.e. the closer you look, the fuzzier and more infinite the content of the thing you are computing looks.

Are these aspects of fractals ever related to uncomputable numbers?

Is it possible or useful to build fractals on a functions that produce uncomputable results?

YAFJA - Fractal Audio! (none / 0) (#94)
by FishBait on Thu Jul 21st, 2005 at 06:56:23 AM EST
(andrew-stephens@paradise.net.nz) http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/~andrew-1

It seems that every Java programmer has come out of the woodwork to show off their works, so here is Yet Another Fractal Java Applet for your enjoyment.
This one is a bit different, it draws a fractal and allows you to zoom in, but can transform the data into audio data. I leave it for you to decide whether or not that is a good idea.

Fractint (2.60 / 5) (#90)
by bugmaster on Thu Jul 21st, 2005 at 12:59:19 AM EST

The absolutely definitive fractal generator is Fractint. This is your non-stop, all-platform fractal shop. I can't believe no one's mentioned it yet... er... unless they did mention it, and I'm just blind.
OK (1.12 / 8) (#79)
by JESUS JONES on Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 09:56:15 PM EST


Fractional dimension ? (none / 1) (#72)
by bugmaster on Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 07:14:20 PM EST

I thought that fractlas were called "fractals" because they have fractional dimensions ? The Sierpinsky triangle and that snowflake thing are fractals, too (in fact, they're the O.G. fractals, so to speak), and they are a lot simpler than the Mandelbrot set and other complex functions.
Run xaos! (none / 0) (#70)
by Peaker on Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 03:56:41 PM EST

Its a really cool fractals generator. It also has an impressive "tutorial" which is a great presentation introducing Fractals.

Fractals and Chaos (none / 1) (#69)
by Arkaein on Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 02:35:42 PM EST
(MYUSERNAME at GMAIL dot COM) http://monsterden.net/

I'm no expert on fractals, but the statement "Nothing repeats in a fractal. Ever." doesn't sound right to me. I've not studied the deeper mathematical aspects of fractals or Chaos Theory, my knowledge of fractals mostly comes from brief coverage in computer graphics classes. Some of the fractals I've learned about had nothing to do with chaos theory as far as I know.

One example is the Sierpinski Gasket. this type of fractal is generated in a much different manner than something like the Mandelbrot fractals. It is generated by essentially a recursive procedure, and in this example is not just self similar but use an identical pattern at each level of refinement. Another well known example is the fern branch fractal, where you simply take a gently curved line segment, pick a set of evenly distributed points and place smaller but otherwise identical curves sticking out to either side. Repeat this process for an arbitrary (theoretically infinite) number of steps.

Another example is terrain generation. Fractal terrain can be generated by starting with a low resolution noise-filled height map, and modifying this map by layering a series of successively higher resolution height maps on top of it. Each height map can use the game generator function, only the magnitude is different. The result is a fairly realistic appearance of hilly or mountainous terrain.

The generators for fractal terrain use (pseudo-)random variable, and so I believe that the concept of attractors cannot apply to this type of fractals. As far as strictly procedural fractals, attractors may exist here but not be necessary to understand merely how to produce the fractal. In any case I believe the exact nature of a fractal's self similarity depends on the type of fractal, and I'm not sure if all types of fractals mesh with Chaos Theory as in the article. I hope the author or someone else with more knowledge on the subjects can expand on this and correct any possible misconceptions.

The ultimate plays for Madden 2005

great2 (none / 0) (#68)
by calcroteaus on Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 02:30:00 PM EST

I don't come to kuro5hin (or any website for that matter) to become a physicist or mathmetician. While many of the people who are complaining are probably right that this article is inaccurate or not well explained, it provided me with a good understanding of the concept in layman's terms which has stimulated my interest.

Shameless fractal background pimpage! (none / 0) (#63)
by rianjs on Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 01:12:39 PM EST
(rian@rianjs.net) http://rianjs.net

A friend of mine from a forum made these and I've been hosting them. Lots of nonstandard resolutions for you monitor freaks.

  • 1024�768
  • 1280�1024
  • 1600�1200
  • 1680�1050
  • 1920�1200
  • 2560�1024
  • 3200�1200

Shameless Plug (none / 0) (#60)
by Chairman Kaga on Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 12:31:05 PM EST

My fractal website:
Fractal Recursions
I also have animations there.

Interesting topic, horrible writeup -1 (1.50 / 2) (#56)
by Fon2d2 on Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 11:52:11 AM EST

Or I would've voted -1 had I not been too late.

For those wondering about the 4.something magic number and all that gobbeldy-gook, it is not pseudo-science. It is just very horribly explained.

I believe he's talking about bifurcations and the logistic function. I'm currently trying to refresh my memory on this topic so an explanation will not be forthcoming from me at the moment. These two webpages, while not the easiest to understand, do seem to actually explain what he is describing.

what what what? (1.75 / 4) (#54)
by So Very Tired on Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 10:22:20 AM EST

At this point, a careful observer--call them Mitchell Feigenbaum for the sake of argument--may notice that the ratio between the thresholds is fixed for that function. In other words, if your start point is P0, you first double frequency at P1 you double again at P2, and double a third time at P3, then (P1-P0)/(P2-P1) = (P2-P1)/(P3-P2), and so on for all of the times the frequency doubles.

God damn it you mathematicians make me sick. At first glance, your writings seem to make sense. On on further analysis, it's obvious that the only people that could understand this garbage are your fellow mathematicians."Fixed for that function?" "Start point is P0" (START POINT OF WHAT??) etc

Grumble (3.00 / 13) (#52)
by manobes on Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 09:40:39 AM EST
(nobes@lepp.cornell.edu) http://latticeqcd.blogspot.com

I'm not a pure mathmatician, and not a fractal expert, but a few things about this caught my eye.

Chaos Theory covers a class of mathematical systems that don't follow the usual rules. (Anarchistic equations!)

That's certainly not true. They follow "the usual rules" just fine. They're not particulary suited to numerical analysis, is the trouble.

Normally, mathematical functions are relatively well-behaved.

Well, no, not really. Perhaps what you meant is "the functions you see in high-school/freshman year, are well behaved?

For example the function exp(-1/x) is not "well-behaved". There is an essential singularity at x=0. Yet it's a normal mathematical function.

If you change the values you start with (your initial conditions) by just a little, you will change the values you end up with by just a little and in a predictable way.

This is the critirea for a *linear* system, not a "normal" one (whatever that means).

For small enough initial conditions, they behave themselves and generally go to some steady state value.

Small relative to what?

The Feigenbaum's universal constant applies to ALL chaotic systems, in that interval where oscillation occurs. There are no exceptions and there are even fewer useful explanations.

"all"? Are you sure? I don't know, but from your description, and the linked page, I would guess it only applies to systems with one degree of freedom. Like I said, I'm not an expert, but I certainly can't understand how one would apply what you said to a system with (say) 4 different oscillators, each with their own frequency.

No one can defend creationism against the overwhelming scientific evidence of creationism. -- Big Sexxy Joe

4.669211660910299067185320382047 (2.80 / 5) (#51)
by Viliam Bur on Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 09:09:53 AM EST
(alexander2000@post.sk) http://www.fantastika.sk

I completely fail to understand (from the article) what this number means, and how was it found. At best, you have skipped a very important part of explanation (or the whole explanation); at worst, you have just produced a piece of pseudoscience.

"Chaotic systems ... generally go to some steady state value. As you increase the values ... The system will start to oscillate with period 2. Keep increasing the value ... until you cross a specific threshold. Then the frequency doubles. ... (P1-P0)/(P2-P1) = (P2-P1)/(P3-P2) ... It will be about 4.669211660910299067185320382047."

It seems to me like you are describing an example, but the example is not included in the article. I am completely unable to discover what do you mean (if anyone can, please reply to this); cannot tell any example of the "chaotic system" that goes to stready value and doubles as 4.something... whatever this may mean.

I suspect this to be a pseudoscience, because this is how mathematical pseudoscience typically looks like: no examples, no equations, that suddenly one magic equation, one magic number (no obvious relation between the equation and number, just "trust me, it works, the Scientists say so!"), and a long text with a lot of buzzwords. Maybe some words and sentences are picked from the real mathematical texts, but this one does not make a sence.

A mathematical article without mathematics looks like something written by a person who does not understand the topic but likes the nice words and metaphors, addressed to the similar audience. So they can say: "Wow, I read an article about Strange Attractors... and they were really Strange, and Attractive, and I did not understand it, but I feel that I will write another article about the topic too, because it's so cool!" It looks cool, and makes people say: "Wow, it's great... it does not make much sense to me, but it contains a lot of nice words. Let's vote it up."

Please, don't. -1 nonsense

great (2.66 / 3) (#50)
by fleece on Wed Jul 20th, 2005 at 08:50:08 AM EST

My attention span is at it's shortest when i'm at K5 so if i can get through something from start to finish that's a good sign. I only have high school maths but you managed to explain it in a way that was interesting through to the end and actually made sense. good work!

~ If someone offers you a troll, and you don't accept it, to whom does the troll belong? ~

Book recommendation (2.25 / 4) (#34)
by Lanes Inexplicably Closed to Traffic on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 07:16:04 PM EST

I'm working through Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, by Steven Strogatz, right now as an aid to understanding the Three-Body Problem. Having already taken a course in differential equations, what I've read through so far is not terribly challanging to grasp, and the book is written without the expectation that the reader has taken a diff. eq. course, i.e. if you have calculus, you'll get along fine. It's heavy with applications of the various concepts it teaches, which means it will be much more useful and interesting to science and engineering types -- definitely worth checking out.

Some Fractal/Chaos related applets (none / 0) (#31)
by nkyad on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 06:56:22 PM EST

While Cynthia Lanius Fractal Lessons page lists some nice applets (the "Using Java" links in the menu to the left), they are quite simple and limited.

Aaron Davidson's Mandelbrot Set Java Applet is one of the best programs of its kind I've seen. Quite beautiful. And here is a list of many other Fractal/Chaos related applets.

Don't believe in anything you can't see, smell, touch or at the very least infer from a good particle accelerator run

huh (1.12 / 8) (#30)
by Tex Bigballs on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 06:31:29 PM EST
(K5 Premium Subscriber) http://www.magic-cone.com/animation1.htm

How do you market fractal software? (none / 0) (#27)
by Sesquipundalian on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 05:38:09 PM EST
(garfle@microsoft.com) http://www.microsoft.com/billgates/default.asp

I'm just finishing up a piece of software that I wrote out of pure hobby interest. It's been under development for a few years now.

What started out as a Visual Studio project that I could use to play with John Conway's game of life has become what ammounts to "Office for Fractals" (I'm not sure what I'm actually going to call it yet).

In addition to standard grids based on squares, this framework also supports hexagonal, pentagonal and triangular grids, in both two and three dimentions. The package also features a well developed functional programming language and a built in JIT compiler (rather than creating your rule in pascal or c++ and having to compile a .dll, you create your fractals using a language that has been created exclusively for this purpose).

Other nice features include realtime audio processing (so your fractals can dance to WinAmp), scripted batch file processing (so you can use your fractals to morph folders full of pictures, or create new audio effects in wave files). You can easily create screen savers with cycling picture backdrops (your compiled fractal runs in a transparency layer, and it can actually see the picture). You can also create fascinating interactive Active desktop elements (little amoeba guys that crawl around your desktop and interact with the background).

The coolest thing I've done so far is create this sort of magic sandbox that sits on my desktop and morphs to music. You can draw on the fractal as it develops, or just let it sit there as an active desktop element that looks cool. A friend of mine apparently lost a whole weekend playing with this (this thing has a major lava lamp factor).

The JIT compiler supports libraries and I have already discovered a few hundred of my own original rules that other people can incorporate into their fractals. You can do all of the classics like Langton's ant, Brian's Brain, Forest fires and such, and feature-set wise it mops the floor with other packages like Mirek's Cellebration, or the Collidoscope.

So the question is, how the heck do you market something like this? I'd love to see the package take off like WinAmp or something. The screen savers are a breeze to create and even my non-technical SO has been making screen savers as presents for people. How do you sell this thing? Universities? Shareware? I've been scratching my head over this for some time now...

Did you know that gullible is not actually an english word?
Pick up a book.. (3.00 / 2) (#1)
by gyan on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 02:45:25 AM EST

The Computational Beauty of Nature is pretty much the best introductory treatment of these topics.


Fractals 101, Part 1 | 119 comments (81 topical, 38 editorial, 0 hidden)
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