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FAQ -- Kuro5hin and IRC


What is #kuro5hin? (Top)

The good folks at IRCNetwork (aka "The network formerly known as SlashNet") have been kind enough to set up an IRC channel just for K5 readers to hang out and chat in real time. We know it is not as much fun as posting your comments, but some of you seem to like IRC.

For the curious, statistics are available at ultrazone.

What are the basics? (Top)

Server: kuro5hin.ircnetwork.net (or irc.slashnet.org), channel: #kuro5hin.

If that was gibberish to you, you are in luck. Inoshiro has written up a quickstart guide to help you get IRCing fast, if you are new to the whole scene.

How do I join the chat? (Top)

  1. Get an IRC client.

    Depending on the operating system you run, you have different choices available for an IRC client. Some clients are easier to use than others. Below is a list of available clients, sorted by operating system:

    1. *n[iu]x:

      xchat, ircII, BitchX, epic.

    2. Win32 (Win95/Win98/WinME/Win2000/WinNT/WinXP):

      XiRCON, BitchX, mIRC, PIRCH.

    3. MacOS:

      ircle, snak, BitchX.

    4. OS/2:

      Openchat/2 (homepage AWOL)

  2. Setup and install the IRC client.

    Follow the instructions that come with the client. Read the README files.

  3. Connect to kuro5hin.ircnetwork.net.

    Once you have installed and setup your IRC client, connect to kuro5hin.ircnetwork.net. In a GUI program like mIRC, you enter this server name in the connection box. In a text mode client like BitchX, you type "/server kuro5hin.ircnetwork.net" in the text area (without quotes, of course). You can also use the server irc.slashnet.org.

  4. Join #kuro5hin.

    After you have successfully connected to an IRC server, join the channel #kuro5hin. In a GUI client like mIRC, you can do this via a dialog. In a text mode client like BitchX, you type "/j #kuro5hin" in the text area (without quotes). mIRC and other GUI clients will accept "/join #kuro5hin" in the main status window if you cannot find the proper dialog. Do not forget to press enter.

What are some simple rules for IRC? (Top)

  • Don't repeat yourself. We heard you the first time.
  • Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask the question.
  • Set autoaway off. We don't care that you've been idle for 5 minutes.
  • Set autorejoin off. Coming back immediately angers the /kicker and usually leads to a /ban
  • Do NOT use bold colons, mIRC colours, blinky text, or ANSI codes. They mess up many peoples screens, and are generally abused. Some bold or colours are apropos to some situations.
  • Do NOT automessage anyone. You will be lynched.
  • Put an idiot on /ignore as soon as you discern he is an idiot.
  • Say nothing to an idiot, or about an idiot in his presence. It only gives the idiot attention.
  • Someone who is ignorant, but pretends to have knowledge, is probably an idiot.
  • Don't ask a question you haven't researched first.
  • Don't try to whine, beg, or guilt trip.
  • Don't IRC as root. Every IRC client has exploitable holes, including yours.
  • Don't initiate file transfers without the other user's consent.
  • Not a rule, but a good guideline: try to phrase questions so they can be answered in as few words as possible.
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