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A New Community (Internet)

By reklaw
Tue May 18th, 2004 at 06:53:18 AM EST

Help! (Ask Kuro5hin)

I'm currently working on a new group/community-weblog system -- essentially, a CMS quite similar to Scoop...

... only better, I hope, and that's where my questions come in. If you could change something about kuro5hin, what would you change? If you could add a feature, what would you add?

Note: this project is personal and non-commercial, and instead of using the GPL I will be putting my money where my mouth is and making the source code public domain. It will be written in PHP.

So what's wrong with kuro5hin? My pet peeves with k5/scoop are:

  • the unnecessary complexity of the interface, leading to people posting the wrong kind of comment, messing up formatting, getting upset over sectioning and other problems,

  • the way stories are stale by the way they reach front page or section,

  • the number of stories that are lost to the readers when they get voted down,

    ... and a lot of other things besides (including formatting, which has been getting on my nerves immensely while I've been editing this story). I set out to fix these problems, working from the ground up. The result so far is promising, I believe.

    The front page, by default, has stories under three sections: Today, Yesterday and This Week. Each section also has a "more..." link. The idea is that the five top rated stories from each timeframe appear on the front page in rank order. While a page is in the Today system, it can be voted either up or down, as well as edited by its author.

    At the end of each day, the Today section is frozen and moved to the Yesterday section. This Week offers high-rated stories from the rest of the week, and will not include stories that are currently appearing in the Today or Yesterday sections.

    On the right of the front page is a sidebar in a smaller font, which also contains three things. The first is either a username/password/register widget, or a "logged in as..." display. The second is called "front page display options", and includes a dropdown to let you filter stories by topic. If you choose "politics", for example, you will only see stories from the politics section, but they will still appear five-per-timeframe in rating order.

    Still with me? The other option in "front page display options" allows you to zoom the front page timescales in or out (for want of a better phrase). In this way you can either have a complete view of Today, broken down by the hour, or a This Week/Last Week/This Month view, or even a This Month/Last Month/This Year view. Note that this option is not a dropdown, the options available change depending on context.

    The third part of the sidebar is one that I haven't quite decided upon. It will either be a 'recently-commented-on stories' thing, or a 'watch list' with manually-added stories. I'm erring towards the first.

    At the top of the page, finally, is the toolbar, with three links (so far) represented as icons: "make a post" (or "post a thread", or "post a story" -- you get the idea), "your user page" and "options".

    Post a thread's purpose is obvious. You can choose a topic to put your thread in (the current topics are life [intended to be a diary-type thing], internet, news, media, politics and meta).

    The user page is an account management thing, including options to change your password and registered email address. It also lets you see the threads and comments that you've posted, and write a bio to go on the version of your user page that's viewable by others (when they click your username).

    Options will be for things like font faces and sizes and other display options that will no doubt crop up (letting people upload their own CSS, perhaps? -- everything I've written so far is table-free, style-and-content-seperated XHTML 1.1).

    Other features

    These are suggestions or ideas that I haven't decided on yet.

    - Killfiles.

    Inevitably the first thing everyone says, and a feature that site owners generally want to leave out. I'm not convinced of the need for them yet. It'd go in "options", as well as being available each time you view another user's profile page.

    - "Vote to hide comment"

    Somewhere one-click away from the actual comment (I'm going for a relatively clean interface), there could be an option to vote to hide a comment, with the comment becoming hidden at a certain threshold. This would be accompanied by an option in "options" to view all hidden comments anyway, of course.

    - Links count as votes / comments count as votes

    Inbound links to a thread could give the thread as some small (like 0.01) amount of vote-juice, making it so that it will be represented in the voting if many other sites link to a certain thread. The logic with comments is similar -- if a thread has sparked a large discussion, it should receive a few extra votes for that.

    - Private messaging

    Instead of giving out email addresses, let people send private messages. I'm reluctant to give everyone a special "PM inbox", forum-style, so I'd probably just want to make this a form that you can use to send email to people without having their address disclosed (with some abuse controls, of course).

    - Draconian moderation OR complete lack of moderation

    People seem split on this. Personally I'd like to make the thing self-regulating, giving the users the tools to remove crapflooders and the like without the site owner having to go around using the delete tools and banhammer. I've even considered putting a "vote to suspended" option on user pages, with the user getting suspended for an ever-increasing amount of time each time a threshold is reached.

    - Paginated threads and threaded threads

    Again, an even split. I prefer my comments MetaFilter-style (ie. flat, unthreaded), just because conversation seems to flow better with less repetition. It also solves the absurdly-deeply-nested-comments problem. Adding pagination to this and some kind of mechanism to say which post[s] you were replying to would make it acceptable, I think. Of course, you'll all probably think I'm nuts, but in that case I'd like to hear suggestions for making threaded discussions flow better and look better.

    That's all (for now)... what do you think? Where am I right, where am I wrong and what have I missed?

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    Related Links
    o Kuro5hin
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    o More on Help! (Ask Kuro5hin)
    o Also by reklaw

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    A New Community | 238 comments (214 topical, 24 editorial, 0 hidden)
    Consider the implementations of other sites (none / 0) (#238)
    by Snuffkin on Sun Jun 12th, 2005 at 11:27:24 AM EST
    (snuffkin [AT] gmail [DOT] com)

    Hm. Yes, moderation is something that needs to be thought about. I'll go through the structure of other popular community-oriented sites, because each of them have different moderation methods to think about.
    An obvious one. Not a 'story' site so to speak, but the concept is interesting. Moderation is in the form of "notice it, correct it". I don't think it has too much concept that would apply well to Everything2, I'm just putting it here to keep the picture complete.
    The site structure is that of 'nodes'. Nodes can be things like 'paper' or things like 'Why I hate Golf'. Anyone can then write a writeup into this node. For every writeup someone has, they automatically have one experience point. If a writeup is deleted, they lose this point. People can vote for and against writeups which affects the author's experience. People can also 'cool' a node to promote it to the frontpage. People get a limited number of 'cool' points a day, limiting the number of writeups they can cool. The site is not specifically news oriented, more like Wikipedia, but with articles written with an element of opinion, which, IMO, makes them easier to read and relate to.

    Writeups can link to other nodes (which display all writeups in the node). If a user moves from one node to another, it automatically creates a 'soft link' from the previous node to the next. This creates a sort of 'thought pattern'.
    This is more (kuro5hin|slashdot) style PHP-powered community system. It seems to work similarly to Kuro5hin from first glance.

    Why start from scratch? (none / 0) (#236)
    by UnConeD on Tue Jun 1st, 2004 at 02:18:29 PM EST

    Why not use one of the existing systems out there and customize it to your liking?

    Try <a href="http://www.drupal.org/">Drupal</a> for example, which was modified for DeanSpace (now CivicSpace) to be more campaign oriented. The code is quite clean and modular.

    Trust me, having a good base to start from saves you a bunch of headaches on boring stuff, unless your idea of fun is fighting PHP to make sure your UTF-8 encoded mail headers are RFC 2047 compliant and don't mess up some obscure version of Eudora on Mac.

    This may sound heavy-handed (none / 0) (#232)
    by Dasher42 on Tue May 25th, 2004 at 05:57:43 AM EST

    But I sincerely believe that the only way to have an island of decent content, a good signal-to-noise ratio is to be careful whom you admit into the moderation process.

    For voting rights, require an email address outside of any free provider, or a sponsorship from such. Give users with a record of highly rated stories a weighted vote. Choose a circle of people representing a spectrum of views who are capable of respectful, in-depth dialogue and give them the final say on submissions.

    This may sound elitist, but the primary idea behind there being any moderation is that a certain level of quality is expected, right?

    Advanced collaborative filtering algorithm (none / 0) (#229)
    by Baldrson on Thu May 20th, 2004 at 07:35:41 PM EST
    (jim_despamagebowery@hotmail.com) http://www.geocities.com/jim_bowery

    See John Canny's paper, "Collaborative Filtering With Privacy" for an advanced collaborative filtering algorithm that supports user control of their market data as well as rapid calculation of imputed content ratings.

    -------- Empty the Cities --------

    jabber. (none / 3) (#224)
    by rmg on Wed May 19th, 2004 at 09:26:37 PM EST
    (the.notorious.rmg@gmail.com) aim:dashbrdgrl45

    consider an integrated instant messaging system, for example jabber. use it for private messaging, reply notification, maybe even posting.

    you just caught a glimpse of the future of web based communities. savor it.


    i ♥ legitimate users.

    dave dean

    2 things (none / 0) (#223)
    by 0x29a on Wed May 19th, 2004 at 06:50:26 PM EST

    1. The stories dumped should be able to be found on the author's page.  Comments need not be attached, but it would be helpful if they were.
    2. A limited edit on comments. Maybe they can be edited within 10-15 mins of original post time. Then after that they can be read-only.

    Killfiles should be (none / 0) (#222)
    by HardwareLust on Wed May 19th, 2004 at 05:43:01 PM EST

    a mandatory feature.  PM's are also very useful and welcome.  

    Just make sure that you have the ability to block PM's from peeps in your killfile as well.

    BBR incorporates both of these features in their forums, and they seem to work very well.

    If you disagree, POST, don't moderate!

    Make moderation matter (none / 0) (#212)
    by manekineko on Wed May 19th, 2004 at 02:36:12 AM EST

    K5's comment moderation system is completely pointless. The only mod that actually makes a difference is 0. Other than that 1 is the same as 3.

    I'm a busy person, I enjoy /.'s discussions because I can set it to only show comments rated 3 or higher, and to collapse comments rated 1 and 2, and to hide comments rated 0. Likewise, I would like to be able to collapse comments (and threads) rated less than 2 on K5, I don't have so much time to waste that I want to read every troll.

    Additionally, I would love to have a kill file like you said. K5's community is burgeoning with well-known trolls, trolls who troll frequently. It's pretty obvious who they are, and again I don't have enough time in the day to waste with known trolls. Combining this with my first point, and K5's discussions are basically useless to me, a fact that I find very sad since I used to be quite fond of this site.

    individual accountability (none / 0) (#211)
    by cgenman on Wed May 19th, 2004 at 02:20:04 AM EST
    (info chriscanfield net) http://www.chriscanfield.net

    Moderation, actually is what would be at the core of differentiating yourself from other sites, and serious time should be invested in thinking about the design.  Slashdot uses a combination of Super Users and moderation, which allows for quick responses and moderate democracy with a higher burden on moderators.  Kuro5hin has (had) a high level of democracy, but a slow pick-up.  Joystick101 is currently crushing itself under the weight of that slow pick-up.

    I like the Slashdot-style friends / foes list, and wish that was more integrated into postings.  If a lot of reputable people consider you a friend, your reputation should go up as well.  if a lot of reputable people consider you an enemy, your reputation (and posts) should go down.  clevernickname would probably post at 3, for example... not through the strength of his posts individually but because people recognize and want to hear more from him.

    What is needed is some form of individual accountability over a given area... If you can find a way to keep one person to four accounts painlessly, then you will have solved one of the greatest problems with all of the public BBS systems.  

    Perhaps the first signup on a given IP address (per year) could be free, with each additional signup requiring some form of Kuro5hin-like sponsorship system?  

    Under "pie in the sky" options, it would be good if the system could notify posters still on the site that someone has responded to a post of theirs as it happens.  There are just too many threads where someone will say one thing, someone else will respond, someone else will respond to them, someone else will respond to them, and the argument of the first two people is totally lost in a game of telephone.  If there was, say, a pop up box (boo), or a floating-layer notification (boo), or something dynamic involving Java (boo), the poster could be notified immediately while still reading the thread.  

    - This Sig is a mnemonic device designed to allow you to recognize this author in the future. This is only a device.

    Bayesian filtering of comments? (none / 0) (#206)
    by merkri on Tue May 18th, 2004 at 09:36:43 PM EST

    I was just thinking--wouldn't it be possible to set up something like a Bayesian filtering system for comments?

    Each user could go through and read a bunch of comments, and rate each comment on some scale--say, 1 to 5. You could set up each user account so when that user was logged in, it would rank the comments according to that filtering system.

    I guess it wouldn't exactly be a filtering system, but some sort of natural language processing ranking system.

    It would take a bit of programming, but would be really interesting and potentially helpful if actually implemented. It would be sort of a ranking system individualized for each user's preferences, whatever those might be.

    It might have the secondary effect of encouraging individuals to remain members, because it could theoretically improve over time as individuals rated comments.

    some random posting (none / 0) (#204)
    by melia on Tue May 18th, 2004 at 08:47:59 PM EST
    (melia@golisten.co.uk) http://www.golisten.co.uk/

    Scoop isn't great, but it works OK. The K5 "community" is not bad also - certainly, I enjoy this place more than metafilter etc. I think Rusty generally gets treated a little harshly. Although his withdrawal is maybe understandable, it's probably not wise, and it certainly doesn't benefit K5.

    To get back to the point, I think the main problem with K5 is a lack of good documentation. In particular, there have been a number of complaints against Scoop (in the replies to this article) that could be resolved if people checked their preferences. In my mind, it's a case of shitty documentation, bad interface in terms of setting options, and bad default settings.

    I am willing to visit this new site, but I don't think it'll generate some sort of revised interest in "good story posting" - let's be honest, HuSi is pretty much a "K5 community fork", and that isn't exactly a mine of good articles - just a load of random (mostly shit) blogs mixed into one. When I read Slashdot, it just looks like a load of MLP. (the front page reads like one of my literature reviews - a list of other websites) So if you can do better than that...

    Like I say, i'm willing to visit your new site, but to be fair, K5 is still the most interesting, diverse "community" site i've read. If yours is going to be a better alternative, well, I don't particularly care about your software - let me see a link
    Disclaimer: All of the above is probably wrong

    A simple suggestion (none / 1) (#182)
    by curunir on Tue May 18th, 2004 at 02:07:24 PM EST

    I won't go into everything I think is wrong with K5, but there's one simple thing that could be done that would make it a lot easier to rate comments. A netflix-like rating system that uses javascript and image requests to transmit the comment rating would make it a lot easier to rate comments. This would also cut down on bandwidth since the entire page wouldn't need to be reloaded everytime a rating was submitted.

    Open API (none / 0) (#174)
    by Serge on Tue May 18th, 2004 at 09:44:28 AM EST

    One of the features I wish more systems had were an open API in the spirit of LiveJournal, allowing "clients" to be written, including the ability to post stories and even post comments as well as other nifty things outside of the web browser.

    Yes, a Public Domain system will have an available API, but whatever you do- keep documents on it consistant and maybe create a sample client.

    Comments count as votes? (none / 0) (#163)
    by gidds on Tue May 18th, 2004 at 07:34:52 AM EST
    (gidds at cix dot co dot uk) http://www.cix.co.uk/~gidds/

    comments count as votes... if a thread has sparked a large discussion, it should receive a few extra votes for that.

    Do the words 'Troll Paradise' mean anything to you?


    Things scoop needs (none / 0) (#157)
    by enterfornone on Tue May 18th, 2004 at 03:30:49 AM EST
    (spam@enterfornone.com) http://www.enterfornone.net/

    1. An easy way to install it without the need to be a perl god. I've never actually managed to install scoop to completion and most of my attempts have resulted in the need to reinstall my OS as the install process completely fucks with any system that uses a package manager (I believe K5 runs on Slackware for this reason).

    2. Ability to install on a virtual host by a non root user. From what I've seen this s much more easily achived by using PHP instead of Perl.

    3. From what I've seen of scoops theme (or whatever you want to cal it) system, it seems pretty complex. User selected themes would be nice too.

    4. Most important - an ability to port your database from other systems (eg scoop, slash, nuke). I think earlier versions of scoop could port the slash database, not sure if this is still the case. Ability to use add ons from other systems would be nice too (especially nuke, since it has shitloads of add ons and is written in PHP).

    Personally I'd use the GPL rather than Public Domain. With PD you run the risk of some big company taking your code, adding a few nice features and then relicencing it under more restrictive terms. (Tho this is perhaps still a risk with the GPL since the GPL isn't clear when it comes to interpreted languages like PHP).

    efn 26/m/syd
    Will sponsor new accounts for porn.

    Excuse me sir, (none / 0) (#154)
    by mycospunk on Tue May 18th, 2004 at 01:53:24 AM EST

    Didn't you hear rusty has abandoned this site?

    stories lost to the readers when voted down (none / 0) (#152)
    by Morosoph on Mon May 17th, 2004 at 10:35:30 PM EST
    (On Homepage) http://homepage.ntlworld.com/tim.wesson/

    I second this one. I was looking forward to reading that French Poetry recently posted when I had a little more leisure, and send a reference to it to my Mum, but it was lost :-(

    Shame really. Also the principle should apply that free speech implies that the majority should not censor, even though it can de-emphasise.

    So I'd suggest a "not on front page" vote (== section only + vote against) to weaken the anti vote, plus a "rejects" section the topics of which aren't shown on the front page, but needs to be indexed directly. Make it policy to remove nasty stuff, though, although you might be able to detect that through the voting (five trolls vote for; fifty vote outright against means it's bad).

    Quite possibly keep the voting perpetually on. Maybe people consume their last of votes (propotional to sqrt(posts), or something) when they cast a new vote, so that items not revoted for drop off the front page.

    Have a "heaven" (FP), "purgatory" (Section), "limbo" (where posts start), and "hell" (only visible if sought). Or have the user define what make FP for them, somehow.

    But you want it simple. Use defaults. Have an advanced and expert settings section if need be.

    what have you missed? (none / 0) (#150)
    by kpaul on Mon May 17th, 2004 at 10:25:12 PM EST

    the name of the software?

    HOWTO: Help K5 Become a Better Place

    user sponsorship (none / 0) (#144)
    by gr1sw41d on Mon May 17th, 2004 at 07:14:36 PM EST

    Make sure that a new user to your webpage has to have an existing user "sponsor" them. This is the best way to prevent problem users. You know you're gonna get them.

    Sweet (none / 1) (#133)
    by coryking on Mon May 17th, 2004 at 03:41:59 PM EST
    (reply@to.message.com) http://www.photographica.org

    I too am working on some kind of newish scoopish CMS system.  Here are my design goals (which I guess is also feedback for you):
    • Admins like scoop because they can completly customize the look & feel of the site.  WHatever gets made will have to have a way to edit the look and feel of the site in a manner much like scoop (blocks/boxes though I want to call them templates / scripts).  In a survey I took, most everybody said this was one of the main reasons they choose scoop.
    • LESS OPTIONS!!!  IMHO one of the biggest mistakes made in scoop was the ease of adding new site vars, blocks, etc.  The site vars pages on a scoop site is a horrid mess of crap full of randomly categorized varabiles that probably get changed by three people in the whole world.  Whatever the new site is, it needs to have a simple, non-flexible preferences page with as few options as possible.  Never fall into the "i can't decide what my software should do, so I'll just make it another option" trap.
    • LESS OPTIONS!!!  Whatever the new site is, it will not allow users to customize the sort order or comments.  All users will view all comments and all stories the same way, using the same view (i.e. dynamic threaded or what have you).
    • Some kind of plugin system.
    • Make the comment system and story system a plugin of sorts.  That way a site admin can choose the threading model (flat or threaded, flat + ratings, etc), and the story model (intro & body, or just one block of text, story queues, whatever...).
    • Keep the presentation layer (the HTML) out of the code.  Tons of people bitched about how crazy it was they needed to edit the perl code to change the look/verbage of something.
    • Some kind of theme support that is set on an admin level, not a user level (that is, users cannot change the theme)
    • More focus on the user, less on the archetecure of the system.  I've read diaries of people thinking about rewriting scoop just to improve the scalability.  Rewrite scoop to improve the interface first - desiging a system around the CPU & memory of a system is not a good idea...  If people can't use what you've done your project has failed.  You can have the most effecient comment sort algorithm in the world but that doesn't mean dick if people cant sign up and post to your site.
    • BSD or proprietary only.  GPL sucks.  This is my opinion and is the largest reason I will probably do my own thing.  I dont like the GPL and dont like the freedom it takes away from my code.
    • Ratings?  I think ratings are a geeky failure.  If I was forced into implementing ratings though, I'd do it as a binary system only.  Many people in  my survey responded that they liked that they didn't have to babysit their sites because the site policed itself.
    • Also, in the survey most everybody felt they were not happy with the amount of comments each story got.  I think this issue is absolutly critical for a redesign.  Comment posting must be easy for everybody.  My solution is this model which is flat and has the comments drop down below the story, which keeps the story, the comments and the ability to post all in the same window, unlike scoop which is 3 clicks from a section page.  When I switched from the scoop model to mine the number of posts per story doubled (probably has tripled by now..).  If I did it threaded, I'd make the reply/post "fold" down below the comment you are replying to rather then go into a seperate window.  PS:  I could care less about people who whine about "OMG IT USES EV!L JAVA1111111!!!!".  The only issue I see is search engines.
    Speaking of... if you live in seattle and you use scoop - drop me a line, I need people to help evaluate my designs.
    Multi-threading. (none / 1) (#128)
    by alby on Mon May 17th, 2004 at 02:30:03 PM EST

    For every article you have two sets of comments: one for intelligent discussion and one for trolls. The troll comments are a constantly updated mirror of the discussion comments but new comments to the troll "side" remain on that side, regardless of whether they are trolls or not. Moderators or users can then move trolling comments from the intelligent discussion side to the trolls' side with some sort of voting system. That way, if a troll comment is thought by a minority (or by everyone other than the moderators) to be important, then they are free to continue discussion.

    This is a bit of a "rough-draft" comment, sorry if it's confusing!

    Alby <alby@bleary-id.co.uk>

    what I would change... (1.75 / 8) (#127)
    by keelerbeez on Mon May 17th, 2004 at 01:44:54 PM EST

    1. accounts: Don't you hate it when you forget your password, and the email address you used to create it was that third-rate ISP you were working for one summer that went out of business but still insists on holding onto their domain name so no one else can have it? I'd like to do away with accounts altogether, just have a "name" block on the post comment page, and let you put in whatever you want. Or maybe the honor system.
    2. front page: there shouldn't be a front page, just links to sections and maybe latest posts, or sorted alphabetically or something (keyword of the day?)
    3. votes: voting just makes things complicated, just assume everything is great.
    4. crappy posts: nothing says slashdot like another "OH MY GOD, BILL GATES FARTED, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!" post. there should be a way to make these peoples computers blow up.
    5. moderation: no.
    6. sections: there should be four sections; "Crap," "Not-so-Crap," "Shitty," and "Pictures-of-Hot-Naked-Asian-Girls." Yea.
    7. threads: I hate threads, it should just be one long list of posts, and if anyone wants more specific info, they can write their own webpage!
    8. trolls: this is intolerable. I mean, the way trolls are treated around here, you'd think they were mocking the whole institution or something. not funny. expunge. ish. ly. er.
    9. html: can't stand it, the whole thing should be in text documents, and force people to use cut and paste.
    10. keyboard layout: we should kick all the people who use qwerty keyboard layout, dvorak only!
    11. computers: the site should be inaccessible to any computer produced in the past 10 years; let's face it, folks, weren't you alot happier when nobody knew what you were talking about when you spoke of the internet? the good old days shall return!
    12. southpaws: the site should be off-limits to left-handed people (the word sinister means left-handed; gauche, too).
    13. elves: no elves! nor anyone who knows any elves, or played an elf in everquest. or anyone who knows anyone who played an elf in everquest.
    14. women: shouldn't even know how to read. barefoot and pregnant, but not on k5!
    15. turks: they're OK.

    GAT d? s++:+ a- C++++$ UBS*++++$ P--- L+>++ E--- W- !N !o !K w+++(---)$ M+ PS+++ PE(--) Y+ PGP t++@ 5++ X+ R* tv(+) b+++ DI++ !G !e h* r*% y++++**
    ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
    Approval voting (2.83 / 6) (#110)
    by sllort on Mon May 17th, 2004 at 09:57:25 AM EST

    Allow for only one type of vote on a story or comment: "I approve". No moderation label, score, etc. Sort stories and comments into percentiles by the amount of approval they receive. No voting against anything. Allow users to select what they view by percentile, i.e. "show me only the 20th percentile and up" or "show me everything but the bottom five percentile". Don't make moderation "scores" visible in any way.

    It's so simple it hurts.
    Warning: On Lawn is a documented liar.

    Hello (none / 1) (#108)
    by Dr Phil on Mon May 17th, 2004 at 09:22:47 AM EST

    Can you advise me as to your position on trolls (especially of the Dr Phil variety)?

    *** ATTENTION *** Rusty has disabled my account for anti-Jewish views. What a fucking hypocrite.
    Allow each comment to have a CSS style sheet (none / 1) (#104)
    by Ta bu shi da yu on Mon May 17th, 2004 at 08:55:24 AM EST
    (deepcover@nospam.mpx.com.au) http://www.kuro5hin.org/user/Ta bu shi da yu/info

    I have no idea if this is even possible, but it would be pretty cool. And do what HuSi does - allow the inserting of images - except make the images rateable.

    AdTIה"the think tank that didn't".
    Extensive RSS 2.0 interface (none / 0) (#101)
    by l3nz on Mon May 17th, 2004 at 08:06:28 AM EST

    Where with "extensive" I mean you can decide what to see according to some query parameters, or a number of pre-cooked RSS 2.0 feeds, with full text syndicated.

    Since I added an RSS 2.0 feed to a kind of wiki I'm writing, I discovered there are a number of entities out there who love RSS and import it happily.

    We'd really love to see your code running, even if it's not finished yet.

    Popk ToDo lists - yet another web-based ToDo list manager. 100% AJAX free :-)

    where do you get a community from? (none / 1) (#99)
    by dimaq on Mon May 17th, 2004 at 07:54:24 AM EST

    comment rating (2.50 / 4) (#88)
    by xah on Mon May 17th, 2004 at 02:05:38 AM EST
    (z@z.com) http://www.mozillanews.org/

    I would change comment rating. Actually, I would get rid of it. Does it really matter if one comment is rated at 1.83 and another at 2.14? Do we expect readers to base their comparison, their judgment, of those comments on the ratings?

    That is terribly arrogant.

    I would have a binary ratings system. By default, every post is displayed. If abusive posts show up, appropriately privileged users can moderate the post as hidden. They can also rescue comments that were unjustly hidden. After a certain amount of time (weeks, days, whatever) the hidden posts are deleted.

    I've been on the net for a long time (too long), and I can tell you that comment ratings systems don't work. Look at the hell of Slashdot, where mediocre, obvious comments (the same ones for every topic, over and over) get the top scores and the interesting comments are rated low. The result is that people are turned off of the whole site.

    In these politically divisive times, you have to have an open discussion system. Otherwise, one side is going to "win," the other side is going to leave, and soon the site will go stale, just like K5 has.

    Some programmers today do not have an education in the arts and humanities. This is a shame. As a result, we get some CS people running around, small in number but noteworthy for their hard to use programs, furiously writing software that tries to assign every human being a numerical value, with which to measure their "worth," and meanwhile virtual communities rot and die rather than grow and prosper.

    I challenge you to take your own path. Resist conformism. Risk the hissing of your peers. Go boldly.

    A good reply feature (none / 0) (#85)
    by myrspace on Mon May 17th, 2004 at 01:18:16 AM EST

    would be to have a flat unthreaded style, while at the same time offering a listbox/option that displays all other replies to the current post.

    Just a couple of things: (none / 1) (#79)
    by regeya on Sun May 16th, 2004 at 09:09:54 PM EST
    (regeya is at earthlink) http://home.earthlink.net/~regeya

    First, I'd just suggest using something like the BSD license instead of just waving your hands and saying, "It's public domain."

    Second, I like the general direction you're taking, but would go further and say that many features of Scoop would need to be excluded. Why? Because many features on Scoop require interactivity. That means more overhead, more things to go wrong, more things to overwork the machine you're running the site on. Don't even think of implementing anything close to what Scoop does, because even the front page needs to be at least a little interactive.

    [ random rambling | kuro5hin diary ]

    deedle dee (2.58 / 12) (#65)
    by Hide The Hamster on Sun May 16th, 2004 at 06:41:44 PM EST
    (creative[underscore[hack@hotmail.com) http://www.wired.com/news/images/0,2334,56409-5520,00.html

    If you could change something about kuro5hin, what would you change?
    I would get rid of all confirmed and suspected bloggers.

    If you could add a feature, what would you add?I'd add the feature of allowing new account creation.

    Free spirits are a liability.

    August 8, 2004: "it certainly is" and I had engaged in a homosexual tryst.

    I have some web hosting space available... (1.83 / 6) (#63)
    by rustv on Sun May 16th, 2004 at 05:25:20 PM EST
    (rustv@kuro5hin.orq) http://www.kuro5hin.orq/

    What I'm trying to say is that I'm planning to steal whatever you make, and then I'll put it up with ads, and I'll make a ton of money off of it. Thanks.

    The truth about the omghax/Tex Bigballs ticket. Fair and balanced.
    -1, buy an ad /nt (1.33 / 6) (#60)
    by mcgrew on Sun May 16th, 2004 at 04:28:31 PM EST
    (Kuro5pam@mcgrew.info) http://www.mcgrew.info

    "The entire neocon movement is dedicated to revoking mcgrew's posting priviliges. This is why we went to war with Iraq." -LilDebbie

    My annoyances with the current version of scoop (2.75 / 4) (#48)
    by vqp on Sun May 16th, 2004 at 11:34:19 AM EST

    1 - Enhance thread rating I would use the comment ratings not only to change the way everyone view the story (provided they configured scoop to see the comments ordered by rating), but to help me focus in what I thought it was good. Threads with comments I voted up, and with comments of my own, should be listed first. I think it will give an incentive to be fair when rating and to rate all the important threads

    2 - Show updates A better way to see if a thread I voted up , a thread I comment or a story I submitted on was updated.

    3 - Use background http transfers When voting up stories, comments, and exploding threads, it is annoying to see the whole page reloading.

    4 - In place comments Don't throw another page to post a new comment, new windows are slow to open, some kind of DHTML would help here

    5 - Wide comment windows A wider window (or at least configurable) would be better. It's just me or writing comments in other editor to just paste them in the input box is annoying?.

    6 - Short the blockquote tag to something like <bq>

    Thanks USians for supporting NASA with your taxes

    Show what you have so far (none / 1) (#43)
    by Psychopath on Sun May 16th, 2004 at 10:53:41 AM EST

    Just show us what you have so far as we'll tell you what sucks ;)

    I'd certainly go for threaded discussions, not flat. Flat just sucks :) it's much less clear, you can't really be allowed to talk about something which is a little bit off topic, without extensive quoting you never know who replied to what.. - I just don't like it. But this also seems to be a matter of personal taste (though I never understood the people like flat discussion;-).

    Regards and good luck!
    The only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain. -- Karl Marx
    what I don't understand about K5 (none / 1) (#35)
    by Timo Laine on Sun May 16th, 2004 at 05:22:36 AM EST

    Could someone please explain to me the thinking behind K5's section/topic system? In other words, what is a "section" and what is a "topic", and what is the difference? Why is there both a section and a topic called "Politics"? If you are going to write a story for a politics section, what else are you going to talk about but politics? What are the "Focus On...", "Round Table" and "You know..." topics?

    The failure of PD and opensource (3.00 / 6) (#33)
    by turtleshadow on Sun May 16th, 2004 at 01:41:45 AM EST

    Your mentality is the achilles heal of public domain and opensource.

    Having yet another slew of blog/CMS/fora/bbs code out there doesn't improve the software model.

    Code reuse is important. Are you going to start from scratch and re-invent/integrate the 15-20 years of safe coding & security techniques? Are you going to spend man months coding & tuning yet another user account database schema?

    Why not propose a fork? Why can't you just integrate your ideas/changes to an existing project?

    From one a hard working coder to another be careful with the PD model. If your code makes it "big-time" you've effectively gave away your big chunk of Intellectual Property for anyone to take and re-use anyway, anytime, anywhere they want. GPL at least gives you the opportunity to restrict a big company, university, your worst enemy from ripping your work off or making derivative works without even having to recognize your talent.

    Just a thought.. (2.60 / 10) (#28)
    by undermyne on Sun May 16th, 2004 at 12:19:21 AM EST
    (undermyne at gmail dot com)

    but perhaps you could consider allowing new users to sign up.

    "Coffee makes me go poop." thekubrix
    i wrote my own software (none / 2) (#26)
    by omghax on Sat May 15th, 2004 at 11:35:19 PM EST

    it was called "Scoop without Rusty." It was voted 50000 times better than the original.

    I put the "LOL" in phiLOLigcal leadership - vote for OMGHAX for CMF president!
    sounds good so far... (none / 2) (#19)
    by pb on Sat May 15th, 2004 at 10:21:16 PM EST

    I think you have the right attitude about this, at least, and that's the most important thing. If you aren't sure whether or not you want something, making it a user configurable option is a good approach.

    Now, I've advocated this many times, but... instead of killfiles, I'd be in favor of a more flexible approach where you'd be able to rate all the users on the site, and adjust things accordingly. For instance, I could rate you 0.5 (on a scale of 0..2, say, where 1 is average) and then as far as I'm concerned whatever you do would count half as much as what the average user on the site does, be it moderation, voting, or what have you. At the extremes it could be similar to a killfile, but in between it's all based on how much you value that person's opinion.

    And let us know when you actually have some code/ideas up somewhere; I'd be happy to check that out too. There's also no shortage of discussion site software out there, even in PHP, but probably a lot of it isn't public domain. :/
    "See what the drooling, ravening, flesh-eating hordes^W^W^W^WKuro5hin.org readers have to say."
    -- pwhysall

    You are missing a philosophy (3.00 / 8) (#16)
    by StephenThompson on Sat May 15th, 2004 at 08:56:51 PM EST

    What is it you bring to the table that is different and better than the existing sites? Why would I go to your new unknown site instead of K5? How are you better than HuSi? One thing I want to see is a site that scales well. Im not talking about the code scaling, although thats a must as well. Im talking about it scaling in the way that K5 doesnt. Would the quality be good if there were a million users and 100k of them were crap flooders and trolls?

    Language advice (2.50 / 6) (#10)
    by czth on Sat May 15th, 2004 at 07:51:55 PM EST
    (K5-USERNAME@SAME.net) http://www.czth.net

    Watch your language!

    It will be written in PHP.

    For the love of all that is holy and sacred, elegant and beautiful, and well-designed and non-crapacious, please use a real language and not that disgusting hack of wretchedness known as PHP. It sucks. Hard. Like an industrial vacuum cleaner. Or, if you do, please make it proprietary so nobody else need look at the source and technicolour yawn over their fine carpets and so profit the carpet-cleaning mafia.

    As to what you should use - pick pretty much anything else. Perl. Python. Pike. Or even a language that doesn't start with P. Ruby. Heck, even C++ would be less disgusting, or C with a few good libraries.

    Thank you.


    A gripe of mine: (2.85 / 7) (#9)
    by Kasreyn on Sat May 15th, 2004 at 07:49:42 PM EST
    (screw email, AIM me or post a reply) http://www.livejournal.com/users/kasreyn

    do we REALLY need section AND topic? I mean, for certain A-type personalities I'm sure it's very useful to be able to perfectly cubbyhole their story in a nice mental box. But it seems to add more in terms of confusion than it does in precision.

    If I were making my own CMS, I'd probably have a single "topic" selector.


    "You'll run off to Zambuti to live with her in a village of dirt huts, and you will become their great white psycho king." -NoMoreNicksLeft, to Baldrson
    A killfile (2.66 / 6) (#2)
    by khallow on Sat May 15th, 2004 at 06:42:17 PM EST

    One of the best things about the USENET.

    Stating the obvious since 1969.

    -1 What are your ideas? (2.57 / 7) (#1)
    by jadibd on Sat May 15th, 2004 at 06:42:05 PM EST

    I assume you have some pet peeves about the way k5 is implemented, so why not share what changes *you* would add to your new system?

    A New Community | 238 comments (214 topical, 24 editorial, 0 hidden)
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