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Dangling chutzpahs (Diaries)

By Baldrson
Sun Oct 23rd, 2005 at 12:27:15 PM EST

Baldrson's Diary

Referring to the county that decided the 2000 Presidential election in favor of the neocon invasion of Iraq, The Palm Beach Post reports:

It's expected to show that there are 254,300 Jews in the county, representing more than 20 percent of the overall population of about 1.2 million.

That means one out of every five local residents is Jewish.

And that means Palm Beach County tops every metropolitan area in the country by a wide margin. Even the closest rival, metropolitan New York City, has a Jewish population that represents only 9.7 percent of the overall population.

"To find a more densely populated Jewish community, you'd have to go to Israel," says Richard Jacobs, vice president of community planning for the Boca-based Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County.

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Related Links
o The Palm Beach Post reports
o Baldrson's Diary

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Dangling chutzpahs | 28 comments (28 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
Um (none / 1) (#11)
by trhurler on Sun Oct 23rd, 2005 at 05:34:29 PM EST
(abuse@ file:///dev/zero

You're eliding some rather relevant facts here. The popular vote AS COUNTED had Gore in the lead. The courts ruled against the counting procedure rather than the count. The reason many of us feel Bush won anyway is that the difference as counted was a couple hundred votes, and there were thousands of military ballots that never were counted that, unless that one county is somehow special in all of history, would have gone about 70%-80% to Bush(military votes favor Republicans very heavily,) giving him an easy win.

Now, unless you're claiming that somehow a bunch of elderly Jewish people who mostly vote for Democrats somehow secretly conspired to win Bush a county in which they could not possibly have known in advance the result was actually going to even matter in order to start a war they didn't know he wanted to start based on events they didn't know were going to transpire at a time when honestly to every other American citizen the election was mostly a game due to a lack of any serious issues to worry about other than the tech bubble bursting, you have no point whatsoever.

So please tell us, which is it? Do you have no point, or are you stark raving mad? Are you rambling just to hear yourself speak, or do you walk around in your underwear and a tin foil beanie mumbling about Hoover, LSD, and microwave mind control beams? Are you wasting our time on purpose, or just because you have no self control?

'God dammit, your posts make me hard.' --LilDebbie

So? (none / 0) (#10)
by HollyHopDrive on Sun Oct 23rd, 2005 at 05:31:30 PM EST

"And don't go pretending you're some kind of iron-willed warrior. You post to K5 for god's sake." - Cloud Cuckoo
Yeah. (1.20 / 5) (#9)
by kitten on Sun Oct 23rd, 2005 at 04:54:42 PM EST
(kitten@mirrorshades.org) http://mirrorshades.org/wc

I'm sure a bunch of retired Jewish senior citizens voted for Pat Buchanan, too.

security cameras
Yes, but how many non-Jews? (none / 0) (#4)
by omrib on Sun Oct 23rd, 2005 at 02:12:58 PM EST

I'd say about 4 out of every 5 are not Jewish, and they probably had a bigger effect on the election.

Maybe if there were more Jews and less of the other kind, the result would have been completely different!

Unless, of course, you know exactly what everybody votes, in which case it's not a free democracy anyway (which, I dare guess, was your point to begin with, because surely Jewish people don't belong in the US and shouldn't be able to make a difference, and if they're given the right to vote then it can't be a democracy, because a Jewish vote is a poisoned vote).

You still here? £ (none / 0) (#3)
by stuaart on Sun Oct 23rd, 2005 at 02:02:41 PM EST

you should put some comment of stuuart in your sig [Hidden stories.]

You should move to Afghanistan (none / 0) (#1)
by shm on Sun Oct 23rd, 2005 at 12:33:06 PM EST

Here's one reason why.

Dangling chutzpahs | 28 comments (28 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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