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December 29, 2005
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Results from the 2004 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
This initial report on the 2004 data presents national estimates of rates of use, numbers of users, and other measures related to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products...

Overview of Findings from the 2004 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
This Overview report provides a concise summary of the main results of the 2004 NSDUH...

The NSDUH Report: Substance Use among Hispanic Youths
This report examines the prevalence of alcohol and illicit drug use among Hispanic4 youths aged 12 to 17...
August 2005
This site brings together information and resources available to communities on the topic of methamphetamine...

Project on Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy (SKAPP)
Project on Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy (SKAPP) is an initiative of scholars to examine the application of scientific evidence in the legal and regulatory arenas...

Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), Highlights – 2003
This report presents results from the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) for 2003...
July 2005

TIP 41: Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy
The guide is designed to aid substance abuse counselors who employ group therapy in the treatment of substance use disorders...
February 2005

Quick Statistics
Using Quick Statistics one can access data on admissions to substance abuse treatment and on substance abuse treatment facilities...
March 2005

The New Neighbors: A User's Guide to Data on Immigrants in U.S. Communities
This guidebook is designed to help local policymakers, program implementers, and advocates use U.S. Census and other data sources to identify immigrant populations in their local communities...

New Findings on Inhalants: Parent and Youth Attitudes
Youth who are exposed to inhalants as they enter middle school today were too young to have learned the risks from campaigns in the 1990’s...
March 2005

Current Alcohol Research
This website monitors, summarizes, and provides links to current alcohol research articles in the relevant journals...

Alcohol-Related Disease Impact System
The Alcohol-Related Disease Impact (ARDI) system provides easy access to data measuring the impact of alcohol use on public health...

The DASIS Report: Trends in Cocaine Treatment Admissions by State: 1992-2002
This report looks at the changes in the rate of primary cocaine admissions, nationally and by State for the years 1992 through 2002...
January 2005

State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2002-2003 National Surveys on Drug Use & Health
SAMHSA's Office of Applied Studies (OAS) has released the following State report on the web, based on SAMHSA's National Survey on Drug Use & Health (NSDUH)...
February 2005

Juvenile Drug Courts and Teen Substance Abuse
Juvenile Drug Courts and Teen Substance Abuse examines the ideas behind juvenile drug courts and explore their history and popularity...
November 2004

A Study of Assembly Bill A-333
New Jersey mandated health benefits advisory commission recommends enactment of assembly bill A-333...

NIDA Community Drug Alert Bulletin - Inhalants
This Community Drug Alert Bulletin provides a synopsis of some of the latest scientific findings on inhalants and inhalant abuse...
January 2005

The Change Companies®
The Change Companies® is a national publishing, consulting and training company that works with experts to develop research-based materials that assist individuals in making positive lifestyle change...

SAMHSA's Strategic Prevention Framework
An information brief providing an overview of SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework...
January 2005

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation quarterly newsletter...

Alcohol Consumption Among Women Who Are Pregnant or Who Might Become Pregnant --- United States, 2002
To determine the alcohol consumption patterns among all women of childbearing age CDC analyzed data for women aged 18--44 years from the 2002 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System survey...

Drugs and Crime Across America: Police Chiefs Speak Out
A national Drug Strategies survey of 300 police chiefs finds that a strong majority of police chiefs regard drug abuse as a serious problem in their communities...
December 2004

Party Planning Tips for an Alcohol-Safe and Drug-Free Holiday Season to Remember (2004)
CSAP's informational guide to having a safe and fun holiday party...
November 2004

Publishing Addiction Science: A Guide for the Perplexed
This guide examines practical, scientific, moral, and philosophical ideas about the study of addiction and advises potential authors of the opportunities for publishing work in scholarly journals...
November 2004

Developing Best Practices of Emergency Care for the Alcohol-Impaired Patient: Recommendations from the National Conference
This conference brought together health care professionals to develop best practices of emergency medical care for the alcohol-impaired patient...
June 2000

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Is the Meth 'Epidemic' Real?
Politicians from states hard-hit by methamphetamine use have called it a national 'epidemic' that demands more attention from the federal government, though data may suggest a more nuanced picture.