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Childhood readings (Culture)

By mirleid
Sun Oct 23rd, 2005 at 08:23:55 PM EST


There comes a time in everybody's life when you realise that you've accumulated too much crap over the years, and that some of it just got to go. You need to make room for the new crap, especially if you are like me and a bit anal about keeping every single thing that you ever bought/got as a gift/found in the street. So, I decided to go through a few boxes filled with assorted stuff. And I found some books that I last read when I was 8.

They were my father's before me; I guess that they would almost qualify as collector's items. They were the sort of book with a bound set of central pages which you had to use a knife to cut through and open (that was how they guaranteed that the book that you were buying had never been read before). The paper was almost as rough as the stuff that is now used to make supermarket bags, and the cover illustrations were quite naïve.

These particular books' author was Emilio Salgari (page in Spanish). He was Italian, born in 1862 in Verona. He wrote a series of adventure books, the action taking place in far away places like Malaysia, India and the US, even though Salgari himself never left the Mediterranean. I guess that his most successful character was Sandokan; some of you might even have seen the TV Series.

Salgari was an extremely prolific writer, by the end of his life having written more than 70 novels. Even though some of his books enjoyed quite a success, he led quite a difficult life: his publishers paid him very little, so, he lived on the edge of poverty. He committed suicide in 1911 by disembowelling himself with a kitchen knife, leaving a letter for his publishers that read:

To my editors

You have grown rich through my efforts and suffering, while keeping my family and me in semi-poverty or worse. The only thing that I ask in return for everything that you have taken from me is that you pay for my funeral.

Emilio Salgari.

Although I quite liked Sandokan, my favourite was Capitan Tormenta. This cycle took place during the Ottoman wars, and told the tale of Capitan Tormenta, a hero of the Lepanto battle. The twist was that Tormenta was actually a woman, looking for his beloved, believed to be a prisoner of the Ottomans. There were extraordinarily accurate renditions of historic battles like the Famagusta siege, the bad guys were really bad, the good guys were really good and there was no moral ambiguity: great growing-up stuff.

One interesting consequence of reading his books was that, since the historical background was extremely accurate, I was left with quite a lot of useful knowledge, school-wise. And it was not painful to acquire at all: you just sat at home reading adventure novels. It beat reading stuffy school books.

That was what I read when I was 8. What did you read?

NOTE: I am now halfway through the Sandokan series (currently on "Conquering an empire"), enjoying it every bit as much as I did when I was a kid.

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Childhood readings | 69 comments (63 topical, 6 editorial, 2 hidden)
Interesting that this (none / 0) (#69)
by Grayworld on Wed Nov 2nd, 2005 at 12:31:02 AM EST

guy chose to go the Hari Kari route (according to his Wiki entry, that's how he came to the disembowling). How many non japanese people have you ever heard of ending it that way?

His note seems to be aimed at inspiring guilt in his lifetime tormenters. How sadly futile are the suicidal-to think others really give a damn about having so tormented another human being to the point of suicide.

How insanely futile to think, as perhaps this guy did, that choosing a most gruesome and ritualistic self butchering might inspire even more guilt.

Fact is, his tomenters probably only regretted that he wasn't around to rip off anymore.

Fair but a bit unbalanced to be sure!

What I've read (none / 0) (#65)
by strlen on Wed Oct 26th, 2005 at 11:54:25 PM EST

What I've read in my childhood and what deeply influenced me:

Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe
Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne
The Children Of Captain Grant, by Jules Verne
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twaine
Some compilation book called ``Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece'' (the content should be obvious)
Illiad, Odyssey by Homer.
Lot of Yu. Lermontov
Countless textbooks left behind by my older brother (who is sixteen years my elder) (and from my grandmother, who was a literature teacher)

The first three books got me deeply interested in ``how things worked'' (as it showed the characters trying to create a civilization from nothing). Mysterious Island, particularly was strong in that respect -- it led me to want to learn physics (which I did from my brother's highschool textbooks). From then on, I've developed a fascination with science driven by curiosity; that would led me to borrow [non-fiction] books from the library, read them, look at the bibliography, borrow books mentioned there, so forth... This lasted untill I was approximately fourteen years of age; at that point I've become more adept at using Internet (which just burst on the scene) to feed my curiosity. But these fiction books were the first ones that led me to asking the right questions -- questions, without attempting to answering which, I would have been left with a far more vacuous mind.


what i was reading when i was 8 (none / 0) (#62)
by eudas on Wed Oct 26th, 2005 at 06:54:44 PM EST

i was devouring all the Hardy boys series of books, and, when i ran out of that, i read one of the books that my mother was reading. It was Frank Herbert's "Dune".

"We're placing this wood in your ass for the good of the world" -- mrgoat

childhood reading (none / 0) (#47)
by tzanger on Mon Oct 24th, 2005 at 11:10:45 PM EST
(tzanger@spam.blows.mixdown.ca) http://www.mixdown.ca

I'm 30, and these are the books that stick in my mind from childhood:
  • How to Eat Fried Worms
  • So You Want to be a Magician series
  • Sounder
  • Charlotte's Web
and then as I got older
  • Douglas Adams (HHGGTG but also his Dirk Gently series)
  • Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (Ice Nine and Slaughterhouse V are the big ones)
Right now I'm just remembering the Dirk Gently story where the Loki, Norse god of Mischief glues Thor to the floor.  :-)

It's been a while since I've read for pure pleasure.. most of my reading is technical in nature, and has been for many years now.  I kind of miss it, I've been making a point to pick up some old favourites and read a few pages at a time.

I really like this article, and many of the comments...  very nostalgic.

Eight years old... (none / 0) (#45)
by Sgt York on Mon Oct 24th, 2005 at 08:13:01 PM EST

I would have been in 3rd grade.

At that time, I loved Jack London. I got hooked with Call of the Wild, and I still get cold when I think about "To Start a Fire".

I also had a really nice lithographed Jules Verne compilation that my grandfather gave me. It had short stories and several novels all in one big black book, it was great.

I discovered Bradbury in fifth grade, I remember that very well. I absorbed just about everything he had written in the span of a year, and now hardly remember Farenheit 451.

In fourth grade, reading took a downturn....I got my first modem, and my reading habits changed considerably.

There is a reason for everything. Sometimes, that reason just sucks.

Books??? (none / 0) (#42)
by schrotie on Mon Oct 24th, 2005 at 10:54:47 AM EST
(schrotie at uni dash bielefeld dot de)

All you guys read books when you were eight? Fascinating. When I was eight I could hardly read. I entered school when I was six - the usual age in Germany. Two months later was my seventh birthday, so at eight I had one year of reading experience. I think I hadn't even had learned typeface letters, only script letters.

If I read anything at that age (I doubt it) it was comics: Asterix and Tim & Struppi (Rin tin tin or something like that in the original). When I could recite these I started my first book which was "Luke the engine driver", a very popular German children's book, a real novel though. Ensuing were other children's books, some fantasy, Steven King in later teenage years and finally quite some of the old classics.

Finding myself in the company of people who read Dune and LotR when they were eight is somewhere from embarrassing to ridiculous.

Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time.
E. B. White

I was 8 in 81... (none / 0) (#40)
by toychicken on Mon Oct 24th, 2005 at 04:48:39 AM EST
(k5@toychicken.co.uk) http://www.toychicken.co.uk

Let's see, I think I was still probably reading a lot of Narnia, Hobbit and LOTR. However, I did also spend a long time reading paleontology books. I was obsessed with dinosaurs.

I'm intrigued to see that there's alot of escapist fantasy fiction in the list here. Do we think this is a reflection of the sort of literature available for children, or of the sort of people that make comments in K5?

Have just read 'Curious incident of the Dog in the Night-time' which is allegedly for kids... it was very odd. Good, but odd.

- - - - - - -8<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Just how many is a Brazillian anyway?

White Fang, by Jack London (none / 0) (#37)
by Tau Neutrino on Sun Oct 23rd, 2005 at 11:02:49 PM EST
(SpafT@godisdead.com) http://www.datalingus.com/

I had read Call of the Wild when I was seven, and wanted more.
Theater is life, cinema is art, television is furniture.
I learned to read when I was 4. . . (none / 0) (#36)
by IHCOYC on Sun Oct 23rd, 2005 at 08:34:34 PM EST
(ihcoycDELETE@aye.net) http://members.iglou.com/gustavus

. . . and remember reading Dr. Seuss and a book about Huckleberry Hound, and a story about someone who was granted three wishes by a genie, and his final wish was for more wishes, and so forth.

But the book I remember most is a 1954 printing of the Encyclopedia Americana, which I spent hours musing over. Them, and National Geographics, from the early to mid 1960s. I seem to remember that the first issue I remember reading was from like 1964, and had a large article about cats in it. Thanks to these books and magazines, I learned a great deal about whales and dinosaurs, my earliest interests. I know the dates and reigns of the British kings and queens better than I know the American presidents; the royals just seemed more interesting. I could spell Australopithecus at a very early age.

I was always happiest musing over a book, usually constructing some kind of elaborate fantasy about some person from ancient history or some powerful and dangerous scientific discovery. Kings and pharaohs and dinosaurs were my superheroes. If I didn't have these books, no doubt I would have found some other isolating and obsessive activity to immerse myself in, but the stuff I used to pore over was more useful than other such activities might have been.
"Complecti antecessores tuos in spelæis stygiis Tartari appara," eructavit miles primus.
"Vix dum basiavisti vicarium velocem Mortis," rediit Grignr.
--- Livy

Dangerous Visions... (none / 1) (#35)
by Alien zombie on Sun Oct 23rd, 2005 at 03:57:40 AM EST

a thick sci-fi anthology
Lots of Asimov & Heinlein
Some Clarke
The Complete Sherlock Holmes
Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators mystery series
Curious George series
Assorted Dr. Seuss

Romanian reading... (3.00 / 3) (#31)
by Gutza on Sat Oct 22nd, 2005 at 08:00:11 PM EST

I've spent my childhood in communist Romania (I still live here, but the politics have changed; for some chronology context, I'm now 30). So I didn't have access to any Western mainstream entertainment sources.

We did have the occasional Tom & Jerry on TV, along with Disney stuff mostly in cinemas. We had next to no comics -- and the few that were available were local. I used to envy other children who owned collections of Tarzan or Pif (French comics magazine).

The traditional childen books in my time were usually the Grimm stories, along with local ones -- mostly without any pictures (generally only books for infants had pictures).

The Romanian traditional youth book was the local "Ciresarii" series ("The Cherry Gang", where "cherry" is indeed the fruit) -- a feel-good, wholesome read for a 12-14 year-old; it consisted of some 5-6 books; each book was indeed a novel, not a collection of short stories.

My favourite as a child however was a book I found in the attic. It was a book without covers -- probably worn out, I don't know, fact is I only know that book in its coverless form. Quite a thick book too -- some 2 inches thick, the way I remember it. The title was something like "Italian Stories", or something similar -- but definitely Italian, not another nation. The preface said something like "this is not a book for good children -- it's a book for smart children". I sure fell for that one. The book did indeed contain very original stories, and most were quite imaginative. And more than 90% were quite gruesome too: I still remember one scene, after the main character and his friend went to sleep in a house haunted by the Devil (no less!), the main character wakes up to the sound of the Devil's voice trying to intimidate him while he was throwing bloody limbs torn from his friend's body down the chimney. Truth be said, this was one of the most gruesome stories in the book -- but anyway, presenting a child with such a plot sounds absurd today. However, apart from being followed by that image in my 30s, I experience no side effects -- maybe except for the need to sacrifice babies on full moon nights.

Who's your vendor, who's your vendor?
(Scott Adams)
time is K5
Hard to remember really (none / 0) (#30)
by The Diary Section on Sat Oct 22nd, 2005 at 07:43:28 PM EST

The one I take forward with me now from that time is The Box of Delights (When the Wolves Were Running), by John Masefield.

Its a surprisingly strange book featuring warring ancient secret societies, Herne the Hunter and most notably, a supernaturally evil vicar called Abner Brown (who can turn into a wolf...). The titular box is put in the care of the super-posh "Master" Kay Harker by a weird Punch and Judy man and he travels to various historical and mythical incidents whilst pursued by the bad guys who want the box for themselves. More spoilerful take on it, via the BBC version, here.

In the best tradition of Christmas related books, its set in the Christmas holidays and comes to a climax on Christmas Eve. Its not really what one imagines finding in a 1930s book for children, but its pretty engaging stuff. I'm not sure what the point of it is, its sounds like it should have some sort of Pullman/Lewisian agenda but I don't think it has. Its just a story I think (am I missing something blindingly obvious?). All the business of Harker being warned "the wolves are running" amidst news reports of "wild dogs roaming the countryside" was (and frankly still is actually) pretty sinister.

The BBC did a decent adaptation in the 1980s although its a little heavy on the "electronic paintbox" special effects (I believe this was shown in the US). The opening titles on the linked page sort of sums up the menacing air of the piece which isn't helped by the fact I find the Edwardian setting in and of itself a bit sinister. I'll probably read it at some point over the festive period.

Masefield's fiction is not really that appreciated now (I couldn't find very much on the web about it, despite his being poet laureate at one time) so I thought I'd give him a shout out here. I'd recommend it to anyone (and their kids) as a bit of snow-flecked December reading ideal for a chapter a night if you can time it so you finish on Christmas Eve. For a 1930s book its not as "accidentally" offensive as some are although Kay Harker is a posh kid and gets a lot of cap doffing and unearned respect put his way by maids and railways porters and so on. I suppose it is a little heavy on the Englishness so that might be a problem if you are very sensitive to that.

"...and influencial nobodies advise the world." Dylan Thomas, The Followers (1955)

at 8... (none / 0) (#29)
by daystar on Sat Oct 22nd, 2005 at 01:24:07 PM EST

Hard to say. Lot's of LotR and Narnia books and whatnot.

At 10, someone gave me a complete set of Tarzan books. Those were spectacular.

And then at 13, my family visited some friends in Denver, and one of them gave me a BOX of old Asimov and Analog science-fiction magazines. In retrospect, I owe him a LOT.

There is no God, and I am his prophet.
Obedience to Authority by Stanley Milgram = (none / 0) (#24)
by bankind on Sat Oct 22nd, 2005 at 10:14:36 AM EST
(rap and punch) www.illmitch.com

"Insurgents are blowing up pipelines and police stations, geysers of sewage are erupting from the streets, and the electricity is off most of the time -- but we've given Iraq the gift of supply-side economics." -Krugman

this probably explains a lot... (none / 1) (#23)
by livus on Sat Oct 22nd, 2005 at 04:06:07 AM EST

my favourite books were

Lace by Shirley Conran.
The Phantom comics
The Thousand Nights and One Night (unabridged, Richard Burton version)

when I was 9 someone accidently gave me a copy of Human Sexual Response by Masters and Johnson. I quite liked the graphs, and as I was very fond of nature documentaries the terminology didn't bother me. I remember being exceedingly irritated when some adults finally confiscated it.

google is even deader than $

oddly enough (none / 1) (#20)
by wampswillion on Fri Oct 21st, 2005 at 11:39:38 PM EST

one of the books i loved most at the age of 8 was a book called "doris and the trolls"

it was an adventure of a little girl named doris and her little sister peggy encountering a land full of obnoxious trolls.  and doris and peggy had to get scissors from a fairy and cut queen something or other's slimy green hair in order to escape the troll-land under the bridge.  

There are a ton of them (none / 0) (#19)
by Mathemagician on Fri Oct 21st, 2005 at 11:14:37 PM EST
(cjnasser: uwaterloo.ca)

I think... I no longer know my age in most of my childhood memories, but these come to mind.

Lots of books by Bruce Coville, especially the My Teacher is an Alien series.
The first four books in the Bunnicula series.
A Wrinkle in Time, and sequels. I re-read that a couple years back, and discovered that it's strangely similar to C.S. Lewis' Perelandra trilogy.

Books suck (1.27 / 11) (#15)
by nailgun on Fri Oct 21st, 2005 at 07:03:48 PM EST

There are few worse ways to treat a child than forcing him or her to spend their time turning the pages of some musty tome or other.

In the future all reading will be off of screens, and most communication will be in the form of audio or video streams. Children should be out experiencing the world, not poring over lifeless written words.

Ulysses at eight. (3.00 / 2) (#13)
by thankyougustad on Fri Oct 21st, 2005 at 06:52:53 PM EST
(thankyougustad@hotmail.com) http://www.eggparm.com

I found it to be brilliant.

No no thanks no
Je n'aime que le bourbon
no no thanks no
c'est une affaire de goût.

I'm pretty sure I was reading Dune at age 8 $ (none / 0) (#12)
by creativedissonance on Fri Oct 21st, 2005 at 05:42:00 PM EST

"Our only hope is to drive her [tweetysgalore] out through careful trolling." - LilDebbie
comic books (none / 0) (#11)
by rhiannon on Fri Oct 21st, 2005 at 05:29:36 PM EST

When I was a youngster I devoured books, basically anything I could get my hands on, although I was not allowed to buy new books and none of the other four brothers read as much. So, mostly I read a bunch of semi-cheesy adult books. However, my true passion, which was shared by my father, was carl bark's scrooge mcduck comics. Later on in my childhood don rosa also became a large part of my comic book diet. I still enjoy reading comic books by these two artists and they are the only 'comic book' I can stand to read, although I enjoy a few 'graphic novels' by several others. Carl barks had more of a classic black & white approach with simplistic morals and cheesy gags, which suited my younger years quite well; while don rosa has a much more sophisticated artistic style and sense of humor, which more fits me today.

Swiss Family Robinson (none / 0) (#7)
by adavies42 on Fri Oct 21st, 2005 at 01:49:28 PM EST

The first "long book" I remember reading was Swiss Family Robinson, which I was not all that impressed by--there are some pretty boring parts. Otherwise, I got into scifi quite early--I remember being read picture books called Red Sun, Blue Sun and Jed's Junior Space Patrol when I was about five. From there, it was on to Space Cadet, Tom Swift, and the Andre Norton section of the Young Adult shelves at the public library.

When I was 8 I read (2.33 / 3) (#6)
by Egil Skallagrimson on Fri Oct 21st, 2005 at 11:13:52 AM EST

The Players Handbook to the Original D&D Gameset.

That rules. I wish I still had those cheap, baby-blue set of plastic dice....


Read the thrilling adventures of Amon and The Key of Achkin. Don't be no sukka.

When I was 9 (3.00 / 3) (#2)
by bml on Fri Oct 21st, 2005 at 08:58:00 AM EST
(bml dot k5mail at gmail)

I read "The Name of the Rose". My catholic religion teacher almost had a heart attack when I told him so.

The Internet is vast, and contains many people. This is the way of things. -- Russell Dovey
Childhood readings | 69 comments (63 topical, 6 editorial, 2 hidden)
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