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Culture The world we live in: Discuss.

The Meaning of Punk: A Memoir (Culture)

By Psycho Dave
Wed Oct 26th, 2005 at 08:18:40 AM EST

You Know...

During the spring semester of my sophomore year at the University of Colorado Boulder, I took an entry-level sociology class called Deviance in Society. I registered for the course after a long pot smoking session with this sociology major named Ruthie who'd taken it her freshman year.

"Is that class really as cool as it sounds?" I said, passing the green plastic bong down to where she was sitting barefoot on the rug. I'd been burned before on courses that had cool sounding names, like the Chaos Theory and Non Linear-Systems class that actually expected you to do some pretty intense math.

"Hell yeah," Ruthie said before taking a hit. I watched the brown bong-water bubble at the bottom and realized I really needed to change it. "I loved that class. You learn a lot of neat stuff," she said as she exhaled.

Full Story (72 comments, 6770 words in story)

Childhood readings (Culture)

By mirleid
Sun Oct 23rd, 2005 at 08:23:55 PM EST


There comes a time in everybody's life when you realise that you've accumulated too much crap over the years, and that some of it just got to go. You need to make room for the new crap, especially if you are like me and a bit anal about keeping every single thing that you ever bought/got as a gift/found in the street. So, I decided to go through a few boxes filled with assorted stuff. And I found some books that I last read when I was 8.

Full Story (64 comments, 584 words in story)

Which is the Better Classroom? (Culture)

By uriah923
Sun Oct 9th, 2005 at 11:44:52 AM EST


Homeschooling came into focus in the late 20th century but is still a relatively seldom used method of educating children. As of 2003, 1.1 million children in the United States are were homeschooled (2.2% of the school age population), up from approximately 850,000 in 1999 (only 1.7% of the school-age population). Those who have been through the homeschooling experience, however, are usually firm defenders of its educational merits and sometimes even have the documentation to back it up. There are those who oppose the homeschool movement, though. Some argue that a responsible citizen should participate in the improvement of the public school system instead of "taking the easy way out" and abandoning it, while others emphasize the professional qualifications of public school instructors.

As both the public/private and homeschool environments implement more of today's technology, which classroom has the upper hand?

Full Story (141 comments, 706 words in story)

Free software art (Culture)

By yaxu
Wed Oct 5th, 2005 at 08:59:14 PM EST


Many artists are finding their place within contemporary F/OSS (Free/Open Source Software) communities. This is a chance for creativity to flourish unbound by the entrenched commercial software model. Here I use the term 'artist' fairly broadly, including visual artists, experimental musicians and those making software-based installations among others.

Full Story (43 comments, 1035 words in story)

Best Buy or Best Lie? (Culture)

By MoJoPokeyBlue
Wed Oct 5th, 2005 at 04:46:31 PM EST


When entering a Best Buy store, I'm now `greeted' by a guy in a blue shirt. (Lately they've been changing their shirt color to a Best-Buy yellow, but that doesn't matter.) In addition to loudly bellowing out "Hello!" he also mumbles "...howyoudoing?"

I've never met this guy before in my life and he knows absolutely nothing about me. I find it strange and somewhat intrusive that he is suddenly concerned about my well-being.

Well...almost concerned.

Full Story (269 comments, 939 words in story)

The Joy of Conkers (Culture)

By The Diary Section
Sun Sep 25th, 2005 at 01:00:29 PM EST


Given we are now entering the autumn, it seems timely to present a brief guide to one of my favourite seasonal activities for the last 20 or so years; the exciting game of conkers.

Basic Gameplay
Conkers is a two player game in which each player is equipped with a conker (the fruit of the Common Horsechestnut tree, known to some as a "Buckeye") threaded onto a piece of string. The players take it in turn to take shots at their opponent's conker, until one player's conker is destroyed. Conkers is therefore a brutal game where no quarter is spared and the word mercy is unknown. Yet it is also a noble pursuit; when it is your opponent's turn to take a shot, you must let your conker hang at the end of its string at a height of your opponent's choosing. It must remain as dead still as your nerves will allow. Tempting though it might be to whip your pride and joy away before the moment of impact, it is well recognised that to do so would cast a dark stain on the perceived character of the cheat low enough to try it. It is perhaps no accident therefore that conkers is a sport that originated in the home of chivalry itself, England. That said, I have from time to time found the alleyways and playgrounds in which conkers is traditionally played surprisingly windy places at times.

Full Story (56 comments, 2213 words in story)

Devastation (Culture)

By localroger
Fri Sep 23rd, 2005 at 06:16:12 AM EST

You Know...

"It looked just like a scene from Apocalypse Now. The grass was dead, all the trees were down or dead. Everything was covered in mud. Cars were covered in mud, pushed everywhere, on the median, in the yards. Everything that wasn't covered in mud was covered in mold."

--My coworker E, describing his house, which sits about three blocks from where the 17th street canal levee broke in New Orleans

Full Story (122 comments, 1604 words in story)

Niche sport of the day - slalom skateboarding (Culture)

By driptray
Thu Sep 15th, 2005 at 08:04:51 PM EST

You Know...

Never heard of slalom skateboarding? That's not surprising - despite skateboarding being one of the most popular participation sports in the US, slalom skateboarding is almost unknown, even within the skateboarding world. Yet it has a rich history, with roots in the 60s, and a heyday in the 70s when slalom skating was as mainstream as today's kickflips and railslides.

Read on for a brief introduction to a sport that for a couple of decades appeared dead, but was then resuscitated via the internet, and may now be poised on the verge of a major comeback.

Full Story (43 comments, 765 words in story)

How To Shuffle and Cut a Deck of Cards One-Handed (Culture)

By Coryoth
Wed Sep 14th, 2005 at 02:14:08 PM EST

Focus On...

With the apparent growth in popularity of poker I thought it might be useful to provide some instructions for a couple of simple shuffling flourishes to impress your friends and potential victims with. With enough practice you should be able to absentmindedly shuffle and cut a deck of cards with one hand while sorting your chips with the other. It's also a useful flourish for those interested in card tricks, and just generally for those interested in manual dexterity games.

Full Story (56 comments, 2110 words in story)

Hi, my name is Roger and I am a New Orleanian (Culture)

By localroger
Fri Sep 2nd, 2005 at 05:48:31 AM EST

You Know...

I suppose I am twice lucky.

A little over two years ago, a tree fell on my house. I was pretty upset about it at the time, but it really should have killed me and it didn't. It really should have completely destroyed my house and it didn't, and after a few months of inconvenience and a fat check from my insurance company I only had the lack of shade in my back yard to remind of how close I had come to losing everything.

Five days ago hurricane Katrina fell on my city. I'm pretty upset about it, but it really should have killed a hell of a lot more people than it did. My own house appears to be intact, and after a month or two of inconvenience it seems likely that I will be able to move right back in.

But I'm not going to push my luck any further.

Full Story (253 comments, 1900 words in story)

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Baldrson finally sinks to quoting from Mein Kampf. Is it time for him to go?
o Yes. We don't need any more of his racist nonsense here. 22%
o No. Free Speech trumps all other concerns. 50%
o I will not vote. 26%

Votes: 455 | Comments: 242
Results | Other Polls


Wednesday August 24th
o Displacing America: A New Chinese Empire? (144 comments)

Sunday August 14th
o Two Different Kinds of Faith: A Rant. (232 comments)

Tuesday August 9th
o Our Walled Gardens (101 comments)
o The most beautiful feeling in the world (79 comments)
o Jake the Nazi: A Memoir (75 comments)
o MMOGS: Abandon hope all ye who enter (148 comments)

Friday August 5th
o The Cruelest Cut (981 comments)

Thursday August 4th
o "Murder Simulators" East/West (117 comments)
o The Case for the Legalization of Marijuana (223 comments)

Wednesday August 3rd
o Ani Difranco - Not Angry Anymore (127 comments)

Monday August 1st
o Separating conjoined twins. (62 comments)

Sunday July 31st
o Hannibal Lecter: Transhumanist Icon (163 comments)

Friday July 29th
o How Libertarianism Infects the Net (159 comments)

Monday July 18th
o Transhumanism & The Modern Day Transcendentalists (121 comments)

Sunday July 17th
o Coping with Childhood Sexual Abuse (419 comments)

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Ya = Already in Spanish
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Return to Virgilian Street
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