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Internet The 'net. We live it, we breathe it, so tell us about it.

Netsukuku the Anarchical Parallel Internet (Internet)

By AlpT
Sat Oct 8th, 2005 at 10:20:32 PM EST


Developed by the Freaknet, Netsukuku is a new p2p routing system, which will be utilised to build a worldwide distributed, anonymous and anarchical network, separated from the Internet, without the support of any servers, ISPs or authority controls. In a p2p network every node acts as a router, therefore in order to solve the problem of computing and storing the routes for 2^128 nodes, Netsukuku makes use of a new meta-algorithm, which exploits the chaos to avoid cpu consumption and fractals to keep the map of the whole net constantly under the size of 2Kb. Netsukuku includes also the Abnormal Netsukuku Domain Name Anarchy, a non hierarchical and decentralised system of hostnames management which replaces the DNS. It runs on GNU/Linux.

Full Story (130 comments, 1780 words in story)

Finding the location, identity, or affiliation of email senders (Internet)

By shinyobject
Fri Sep 30th, 2005 at 12:11:03 PM EST


Thanks to wireless networks, internet cafes, and web mail, it is now common to send email from just about anywhere. So, where was that friend, coworker, or stalker when she sent that message last night, and what else can we learn about her? Using simple techniques and a few well known, but often-overlooked email headers and internet tools, it's often easy to find out.

Likewise, the email you send may also include your location and school or employer, even if sent from a personal account. Do you or should you care?

Full Story (85 comments, 2282 words in story)

Creative Commons -NC Licenses Considered Harmful (Internet)

By Eloquence
Mon Sep 12th, 2005 at 11:44:33 AM EST


When the Creative Commons project published its first licenses in December 2002, it finally brought a sense of unity behind the free content movement. Instead of many scattered licenses, creators now have the option to pick the right license for their work using a simple tool. They only have to answer basic questions like: "Allow commercial uses? Allow modifications?"

The tool then recommends one of the licenses developed by the Creative Commons team. They are legally sane, simple documents, specially adapted for various jurisdictions. In short, the Creative Commons project has made life a lot easier for everyone wanting to share content.

One particular licensing option, however, is a growing problem for the free content community. It is the allow non-commercial use only (-NC) option. The "non-commercial use only" variants of the Creative Commons licenses are non-free, and in some ways worse than traditional copyright law -- because it can be harder to move away from them once people have made the choice.

Full Story (107 comments, 2148 words in story)

MySpace: A Place for Dolts (Internet)

By dbickett
Sun Jul 17th, 2005 at 07:37:25 PM EST


You are probably all aware of the ever popular website MySpace.com, where teenagers, adults, and everyone inbetween goes to engage in incredible ego trips and incessant forays of commenting and message sending. If you've ever visited this angst-ridden, teenie-bopper haven, you'd be surprised to find that it can actually be mildly entertaining, given the right crowd. For the same reason, you wouldn't be at all surprised to find that its concept of security is an incredibly perforated one, given its very rugged and rudimentary feel, and its questionable URL schematics.

Full Story (66 comments, 1555 words in story)

Who Will Google Buy Next? (Internet)

By Andrevan
Tue Jun 14th, 2005 at 02:05:53 AM EST


Google is the new Internet behemoth, snatching up small companies left and right. So, in this article, I ask: what tech gems are in the running for Google's growing subsidiary menagerie? To help predict, I will first take a look at who Google has acquired in the past and what Google has done for them, and then I'll throw out a few possibilities for Googlification and discuss where they might fit into Google's strategy.

Full Story (79 comments, 1919 words in story)

Earn High by Playing it Clean (Internet)

By MichaelCrawford
Thu May 5th, 2005 at 03:44:23 AM EST


Google AdSense tips and tricks that aren't what you expect.

Webmaster editordude asked:

... is it possible to earn high ($1000+) by 'playing it clean'? By that I mean doing everything I can to make it a great site for visitors, all content is original, easy to navigate, ranks high, updated often etc but not go out of my way to earn, so no popups, no large square banner before content etc.

It's very common for website operators to make money - or try to anyway - through underhanded means, for example by gaming the search engines with such "search engine optimization" schemes as link farms, or by emailing mass quantities of spam.

Is all that really necessary?

Full Story (187 comments, 1668 words in story)

I am an information glutton, and so are you. (Internet)

By rianjs
Sat Apr 30th, 2005 at 02:16:38 AM EST


They say we're living in the Information Age. I think they're right - whoever "they" are. Before the Information Age, we had the Computer Age, and a long time before that was the Ice Age. Anyway, the term has really come into its own in the last couple of years, especially, I would say, with the advent of Google and with it, the requisite improvement in the retrieval of information. I am a Google fanboy, but this piece isn't about Google or any other singular entity because they are just small players in the part of a much larger game, though I do refer to them quite a lot.

Google didn't invent web search, but they re-invented it by extracting more relevant results for a given search query by re-examining the way relevance works. The result was that almost anyone could find information about almost anything so long as they had a computer and could access the Internet. The term "information age" was applied before it was entirely true. Since the term became common in the late 1970s, the world has slowly moved toward ubiquitous information permeation. Since then, the things that we have information on have multiplied. We now have information about information, often to several layers of abstraction so that a more useful picture can be seen.

Full Story (70 comments, 2008 words in story)

Welcome to the Internet (Internet)

By trezor
Mon Apr 18th, 2005 at 09:16:40 AM EST


As a long time user and observer of the Internet I have gathered lots of experience with this new medium. This is intended as a guide to those who are new to the Internet and feel insecure about how they should behave when on it. It may also act as checklist for experienced users to see if there are skills they need to improve or if there are aspects of the Internet they may have missed.

Full Story (53 comments, 1952 words in story)

Hacking Google Print (Internet)

By isometrick
Tue Mar 8th, 2005 at 05:13:53 AM EST


Many people are curious about the inner workings of Google, but they are mostly interested in keeping it a secret. So, any information we can glean comes from "black box" analysis. Recently, I wrote a short article that explains how I wrote some simple code that can instantly create PDFs of entire books from Google Print. Maybe some k5ers have more ideas on how to expand the concept, but, as you'll soon find out, I probably can't help in the efforts. Read on ...

Full Story (99 comments, 1904 words in story)

How To Get Rich & Famous By Blogging At Work (Internet)

By internetslacker
Mon Mar 7th, 2005 at 06:06:54 PM EST


Many bloggers enjoy writing about their place of employment. This Internet rage is making a lot of employers upset, as bosses want their nice little drones to keep churning out products & services without all the pesky independent thought.

Full Story (60 comments, 1766 words in story)

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Baldrson finally sinks to quoting from Mein Kampf. Is it time for him to go?
o Yes. We don't need any more of his racist nonsense here. 22%
o No. Free Speech trumps all other concerns. 50%
o I will not vote. 27%

Votes: 468 | Comments: 252
Results | Other Polls


Wednesday March 2nd
o How To Improve Massively Multiplayer Games (78 comments)

Monday February 14th
o iBill not paying their customers going on 4 months (76 comments)

Wednesday February 9th
o How To Start Your Very Own Blog In Fifty-One Easy Steps! (87 comments)

Thursday December 30th
o Xanga, The Ghetto Botnet (66 comments)

Sunday December 5th
o Wikinews And The Growing Wikimedia Empire (117 comments)

Saturday December 4th
o Make Love Not Spam Decentralized (32 comments)

Sunday October 17th
o Is there a future for the 1Gig email services? (26 comments)

Monday September 6th
o Making RSS Scale (87 comments)

Thursday August 12th
o Mozilla To Add Support For XForms, World Yawns (137 comments)

Monday July 5th
o Elguapo's Guide to Routing - Part 4, OSPF (27 comments)

Friday June 18th
o A Clash in Civilization (74 comments)

Monday May 24th
o Homeland Security: North Bergen Style (82 comments)

Wednesday May 19th
o Tunneling Out of Proxy Prison (157 comments)

Tuesday May 18th
o A New Community (238 comments)

Saturday May 1st
o Building a Search Engine. (99 comments)

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the usa is the biggest threat to peace , right?
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