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What to do about the NET Guard? (Op-Ed)

By stoothman
Sun Sep 11th, 2005 at 02:47:31 AM EST


I have read with great interest the efforts of volunteers from across the country to assist the people who have been displaced by Hurricane Katrina get access to technology.  The survivors are using this technology to contact loved ones, register with the federal government, and begin the long process of rebuilding their lives.  My question to the Department of Homeland Security in the wake of the dismal response to Hurricane Katrina is "where is the NET Guard promised after 9/11".  

"Short" History of the NET Guard

In March of 2002, Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and George Allen (R-Va.)introduced legislation called the Science and Technology Emergency Mobilization Act.  This bill intended to create a national pool of science and technology experts to volunteer their expertise in the event of a disaster, natural or man-made.  The department was to be called the National Emergency Technology (NET) Guard. The bill was made part of the legislation authorizing the Department of Homeland Security and was signed into law on November 25th of that year.  And so the short history of the NET Guard comes to a quiet end, never to be heard of again.

There have been various reasons offered for the lack of any progress toward the creation of the NET Guard.  Theories range from a complete lack of understanding of technology by the Bush administration, to a general disinterest in the program by the corporations who already have disaster recovery plans and fear losing critical IT staff, to a lack of funding to pursue the initiative as resources were moved toward fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Whatever the reason may be, the much lauded NET Guard never materialized.

What is happening now?

In the wake of Katrina, IT people from across the country jumped into action.  They knew that after the basic needs of food, water, shelter and clothing were provided for, people would need access to technology to send emails to loved ones, find missing family members, register for government services, and take steps toward rebuilding their shattered lives.  The Red Cross has made a valiant effort to provide these services with the help of knowledgeable volunteers.  Other people from across the country are scavenging equipment to be setup as kiosks or for use in relocation centers.  These are all laudable efforts and should be commended and supported by the entire IT community.

What about next time?

Even the best efforts of uncoordinated volunteers tend to be somewhat haphazard and are not always spread evenly.  This is not the best way to ensure that adequate technical resources are brought to bear upon the relief effort.  What is needed is a specially trained and equipped organization specifically for these types of efforts, like the NET Guard.  However since the NET Guard does not exist and likely never will, the IT community should turn its attention to the only organization that seems capable of organizing this type of effort, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The ICRC should have a technical auxiliary, akin to what was envisioned for the NET Guard program, targeted toward the real mission, helping ordinary people.  This technical auxiliary should be a separately chartered worldwide organization and have three main tasks.  First, prepare and stockpile equipment necessary for a first response type datacenter for people impacted by a disaster.  Second, prepare and stockpile equipment to be used as donations to people and organizations that have been affected by a disaster.  Finally to operate a datacenter to coordinate team efforts and to centralize disaster related IT efforts, such as loved ones database.  This effort will likely require about 100 full time staff members engaged in development, administration, and hardware maintenance.  In addition, it would require the assistance of specially trained volunteers in the event of a crisis to assist with system setup, training and technical support on the ground.

The first part is relatively easy to implement.  A set of x terminals with the necessary server, firewall, and switches could be packed and ready to ship anywhere they would be required.  Setup of the system should be easy as well.  Simply plug everything into power and into the network.  Start up the server, switch, and firewall.  Start up the clients and quick as lightning a fully functional set of computers ready to go.  The best part would be that since they are terminals they need not have any moving parts other than a fan and would be relatively rugged.  The hard part will be gathering the necessary components and having them setup and ready to go on short notice.

The second part is a bit more difficult.  Hundreds of companies and government agencies have surplus computers.  The problem is many times it s not worth the work to refurbish the systems, especially given software costs and the age of the hardware.  The other consideration is many local schools and non profits rely on this source of hardware for their own needs.  In light of this, one role this new organization might be able to play is that of a national clearing house for surplus equipment.  Also, this might provide a way to continually engage the volunteers in an ongoing project which would provide ongoing benefits.  The other role this stockpile would play is to help replace lost or damaged personal computer in the event of a disaster.  This becomes yet one more way to help get people back on their feet after such a crisis.

The final role is the most nebulous.  It seems every organization with the necessary capacity set up lists for survivors of Katrina to note they were alive and fine.  The end result of this is there were some 10 major lists people could choose from.  This made it difficult on the volunteers who were helping with data entry because it required multiple entries to ensure adequate coverage.  It was difficult for survivors who just wanted to make sure their loved ones could find them.  And finally it made it difficult for people searching for a loved one because of the sheer number of lists.  By having a central consolidated source to go to, it would have the overall effect of making these tasks much easier and would provide a place to disseminate other types of information and services.

This type of organization would provide exactly the type of expertise, that the Red Cross in its current form is not usually equipped to handle.  The Red Cross does an excellent job of providing the basic necessities such as food, water, clothing and shelter.  However an IT project of this scale should be placed in the hands of trained professionals, leaving the Red Cross free to concentrate on its core mission.  And the Red Cross is the best group with which this new organization could align itself, because they are often the first ones on the ground in the event of a disaster.

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What should the new organizations name be?
o Red X 33%
o Red I 6%
o Red T 6%
o Red IT 0%
o Red Guard 20%
o Red Net 6%
o Other (post name in comments) 26%

Votes: 15
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o Also by stoothman

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What to do about the NET Guard? | 44 comments (30 topical, 14 editorial, 0 hidden)
emerge (none / 0) (#33)
by herauthon on Mon Sep 12th, 2005 at 03:15:33 AM EST

To emerge from high water - one needs something higher.. In the Old days, when water reached the level of residence - people wend to a high place called a terp- sometimes a church was build there later on - for obvious (or not) reasons. This should be practice along areas where water can reach levels above men's hights (yes, also women hights) - the terps are made by a concrete base, large-car-tires are mounted at each side, covered with special-strength ropes woven into mats with holes 10x10, this covered with plain earth. If the water takes away the earthlayer - the mats will provide grip and protection. On this Terp there is a mounted mast of 15 meters high, with a safe-ladder - you can climb up at the top where there is a solar-powered signaling device. This uses a special designed frequency - able to reach other terps. The Terps are located 20miles from each other. The intention is to activate the beacon and light-signalling device. Like the church - there can be some shelter with basic needs in dry-contained food - and running water. Bio-batteries can run low-power radio's (OA81 based).
if war submits, intelligent remarks are saved for peacetime.
PRAY TO CHRIST (1.37 / 8) (#31)
by Crickets Yawning on Sun Sep 11th, 2005 at 06:51:39 PM EST


The devil is in the details (none / 0) (#29)
by OpAmp on Sun Sep 11th, 2005 at 03:47:53 PM EST

While I applaud the idea, it seems that the author has overlooked a couple of problems.
  • Hardware reliability. You cannot take standard off-the-shelf computer equipment, drop it into a disaster zone, and hope that it will work -- simply because the stuff is certifed to work in the indoor conditions. At the operating area, you can expect the environmental conditions, like temperature and humidity, to kill the equipment quite quickly. Bottom line: don't try that without military-grade hardware.
  • Simply plug everything into power and into the network.Uh-oh. Power is something you don't really have after the disaster. So you have to ship some power generators as well. Network? The only thing you can trust to work are satellite links, with their inherent limitations (bandwidth, latency, price). Mind you, even if you deploy the stuff at the refugee camp not in the disaster zone, there are good chances that the camp is in the middle of a field, so both power and network capabilities are scarce.
  • IT personnel. Sending IT people to the disaster area poses a logistics problem in itself, not to mention that they have to be fed and housed. Furthermore, physical fitness of most IT professionals does not really predistinate them for such operations.
  • Data center in the disaster area. Bad idea. In case of an earthquake for example, you risk that aftershocks will trash harddrives containing your missing/found person database, setting your work a couple of days back.

    My solution: set up a permanent datacenter in some old nuclear shelter. Sign the contracts for the satellite links. To the disaster zone, send (a) a bunch of wireless-enabled dumb terminals (military-grade locked-down laptops, but something simpler would also do), and (b) a wireless access point integrated with a power generator and a satellite transceiver, to act as a bridge between the local wireless network and the satellite link. This way, each terminal gets connectivity to the data center. Now, all the necessary applications can be hosted and developed/adapted by the dedicated staff at the permanent data center. Logistics is not much of the problem, in the simplest case you could simply airdrop the equipment along with supplies.

  • Flamebait (2.50 / 2) (#27)
    by vyruss on Sun Sep 11th, 2005 at 01:15:35 PM EST

    <flame> What, you mean you let black people in the USA use the Internet too? </flame>

    OK bad joke :P

    I'm just wondering why everybody keeps mentioning race in your country. Is there such a big racial divide? I mean over here black is just a skin colour, not a race. If you call someone here black he'll say, yes I'm black (my skin is black) and not be offended. Over there he'll probably be enraged and sue you for making a racial slur or something.

    • PRINT CHR$(147)

    you stupid fuck (1.16 / 12) (#26)
    by Friedrich Dionysus on Sun Sep 11th, 2005 at 08:11:53 AM EST

    i hope a robot rapes you to death with his big carbon fibre robot wang, wanging you in a way you've never been wanged before- not even by your dungeons and dragons buddies.

    -1: KEEP POOPY ON TOP (1.50 / 6) (#22)
    by I Did It All For The Noogie2 on Sat Sep 10th, 2005 at 04:41:50 PM EST


    Excellent and well written (fpp vote) (none / 1) (#20)
    by CookTing on Sat Sep 10th, 2005 at 01:46:05 PM EST

    I think this is a very worthy subject, and you give it a very interesting treatment.  I'd like to throw in these two links for everyone's consideration as part of the discussion.  Feel free to include them in the text of your story, if you'd like.

    A Volunteer's View

    Refugee Radio Station Blocked by Red Tape

    Also, I'll bring this up now, so I don't forget it once this article has made it past the queue: I don't think it's ever a good idea to stockpile electronic equipment, unless it's a completely self-contained system - e.g. walky-talkys. If we had done that back in 2002, we'd have trucks full of P-200's and token ring cards.  Better to develop plans for quickly procuring and deploying them.  For example, make it easy for businesses to appraise, donate, and write-off the costs of any surplus equipment they can donate.

    priorities (1.66 / 3) (#19)
    by kalokagathos on Sat Sep 10th, 2005 at 04:35:08 AM EST
    (james dot gray at gmail dot com)

    Of course, the first thing I worry about when my entire city is underwater is, "how am I going to check my email?" Avoiding dehydration, starvation, food poisioning, disease, drowning, attacks by looters or the deranged, and escaping the city with all of my family still alive are on my to-do list, too, but maybe a little further down.

    WIPO (3.00 / 4) (#16)
    by Patrick Bateman on Fri Sep 9th, 2005 at 09:31:43 PM EST
    (patrick_bateman_10005 at Yahoo!) http://lyingmofo.ohskylab.com/bee.php

    Red# (or "Red Sharp")

    I have to return some videotapes.

    +1 (3.00 / 2) (#15)
    by t1ber on Fri Sep 9th, 2005 at 08:48:21 PM EST
    (josh_at_knarrnia_dot_com) http://www.knarrnia.com

    +1:  I like technology.

    -1: My taxes already fund the Best Buy Geek Squad (2.00 / 3) (#9)
    by MMcP on Fri Sep 9th, 2005 at 03:17:08 PM EST

    nothing here

    I think it should stay "dead" (none / 1) (#8)
    by TheWake on Fri Sep 9th, 2005 at 02:54:12 PM EST

    Why in the world would this need to be provided on an emergency basis. After a large scale natural disaster the more immidiate needs of food/water/shelter are paramount. In the short term, sanitation, warmth, and clothing are also needed. If there is disruption/displacement on a longer term, why can't the effected people use libraries and other existing centers? Are these people stuck in the disaster area? If so then they would need electricity and phone service before email and the web. If not then there should be local facilities that can be used or overused for a short term until the effected people can find longer term relief.

    As much as the internet can be the center of some people's lives, there is no reason to think that it is an essential service to people staying in an emergency shelter. Any IT person who belives that access to the Internet is a personal "need" basically should take a vacation without their technology "toys" and enjoy a disconnected few weeks.

    What to do about the NET Guard? | 44 comments (30 topical, 14 editorial, 0 hidden)
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