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  Services: Vocation Ministry

Vocations ministry encompasses the threefold mission of vocation awareness, education, and invitation. The Vocations Office is available to provide speakers, participate in vocations programs, and help start parish vocation teams. The goal is to get as many people as possible thinking about vocations and inviting others to consider the possibility that God may be calling them to priesthood, religious life, the diaconate, or other Church leadership.

On a national level, the Bishops' Committee on Vocations has recommended that parish vocation teams include parishioners, priests, teachers, married couples, senior citizens, and youth so that a committee reflects the diversity of the faith community. The Vocations Office will serve as a resource as teams develop and implement projects geared toward getting others in the parish involved in vocations ministry. ANYONE can invite a person to consider Church vocations!

    Vocation teams receive ongoing support from the Vocations Office:

  • A quarterly newsletter helps educate team members about project ideas, available resources, and upcoming events;
  • An annual workshop brings together team members from across the archdiocese. Each year, the workshop has a unique focus, such as education, generation of new project ideas, or collaboration;
  • Vocation team members regularly seek advice from the Vocations Office regarding contemplated activities.

Currently, more than 100 parishes are represented on parish, cluster, and citywide vocation teams. For help in getting a vocation team started at your parish, contact the Vocations Office at (414) 747-6437 or You will join a vibrant network of people already using their creativity to promote Church vocations!

  Contact:  Fr. James Lobacz Phone:  414-747-6437
  E-Mail: Group:  Saint Francis Seminary