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How can we find out about upcoming events for our liturgical ministers or catechumenate team?
I am confused/unhappy/curious about a particular liturgical practice in my parish. What resources are available for me?
I have not been to Church or Confession for quite a while. I'm nervous about going to Confession. What advice do you have?
What are the Archdiocese of Milwaukee norms for Communion services?
What assistance is available to help us with the children's catechumenate?
What is the starting time for the Easter Vigil?
What office provides training materials for liturgical ministers (lectors, ushers/greeters/hospitality, communion ministers, cantors, servers)?
What services and resources are available to help us get started and/or do more formation for our Christian Initiation (RCIA) team?
Where can I find Mass times and devotional services for parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.