The Piper's Stones

Stone Circle
Townland Athgreany
County Wicklow
Grid Ref N 930 032
GPS N 93023 03245 (11m)
OS Sheet 56
Longitude 6° 36' 44.34" W
Latitude 53° 4' 16.91" N
Nearest Town Ballymore Eustace (7Km)
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Some Nearby Mountains:
Church Mountain 2.7Km (SE)
Loughmore Upper 6.6Km (SW)
Slieveroe 11.2Km (NNE)
Mullacash Hill 11.3Km (NNW)
Keadeen Hill 13.7Km (S)


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Follow the N81 from Dublin passed Hollywood and look out for a brown sign on the left hand side of the road saying "Piper's Stone Circles". It is possible to park right next to this sign. Take the path and turn right up the small hill at the end of the hedgerow.

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Visit Notes

Sunday, 26th August 2001 CE

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Known also and signposted as the "Piper's Stone Circles" Athgreany is a beautiful place. Once the home to sun worship, it sits secluded on the top of a knoll flanked on three sides by hills and by the flood plain on the fourth. Once off the road the track seems obscure, just a cart track and then to the right a well worn footpath runs up a hill. Following that (and my instincts for I had no map) as I crested the brow of the hill there it was, hidden until the last second. The huge rounded light grey stones that make up this circle shining in the sun light. There is a massive lichen covered outlyer down the slope. This is heavily carved on its top. Around the base of this is a ring of yellow/red quartz stones and a small ditch. This feature I later noted is common to all the stones here. When in use and looked after this place must have shone brilliantly in the sun.

You are secluded enough from the road here and the whole place is very peaceful. Sitting in the center of the circle I was overcome with a feeling of great energy in a most disturbing, yet wonderful way.

The Piper's reference is a typical Christianisation of the site. It relates to the tale of a piper (the outlier) and a group of maidens (the circle) that were petrified for dancing on the Sabbath.

Sunday, 18th November 2001 CE

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Revisited to show a friend, an attempt (successful) to visit four circles in a day (Athgreany, Castleruddery, Boleycarrigeen & Broadleas (County Kildare)).

Sunday, 10th March 2002 CE

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Once again I find myself back at Athgreany while motorbikes speed past at 100mph below.

I came here to try taking some different photos. To take these I put my camera on the tripod, set it to timer mode and held the camera as high up as possible to try and get a view from above. This technique works quite well and the beauty of the digital camera is that if it's no good I can delete it and try again.

Sunday, 14th April 2002 CE

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Yep, back again. This circle is a great one for a quick visit with some friends. Once again at least two sheep skulls were lying around the circle .... what goes on here?

Friday, 27th September 2002 CE

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While Julian was admiring the stones I was looking for the ever present sheep skull. I eventually found it in the bushes - I knew it would be there.

Saturday, 7th December 2002 CE

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A wet and windy time was had here today. After the 'roundness' of Broadleas (County Kildare) the definite ritual feel to this circle is very clear. And yes, the skull was lying around too. We also noticed that the house in the valley to the east has some pentagrams and sigals painted upon it, too.

Sunday, 26th October 2003 CE

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The drive down to County Carlow today was fairly nasty - all fog and cold - so we decided to stop off at Athgreany to enjoy it in the mist and wait for the weather to warm up a little.

It's amazing how the weather can change a place. Today, even though there was a hazy sun, the circle looked odd. It had an ethereal air to it, but it was somehow a sad place today.

Sunday, 20th February 2005 CE

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As I drove past here a few weeks ago I saw that there was now an information board at the end of the little track that leads to the base of the hill, so I decided to stop by and check it out. It's not too impressive to be honest, but at least it does affirm to anyone wanting to come here that they can. However, to get here you still have to climb over a very rickety and dangerous gate! Surely the money would have been better spent providing better access and not teasing people from the road.

It's odd. but in all the times I have been here I have always ben rather lazy about it: I've never actually walked beyond the circle down the other side of the hill or up the hillside beyond. I remedied that today and took a look at the circle from the far slopes to the south. It looks much better from here and this really should be the way to bring people to the site. At the moment you walk up the hill and the circle is suddenly there. This gives you a lovely surprise, but it's a sudden hit that soon leaves you. Approaching from the south would give a much better sense of journey and arrival.

Sunday, 17th July 2005 CE

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Back again. After Broadleas (County Kildare) Athgreany is a mixed bag. You can appreciate the views and its place in the landscape, but the circle is more ruinous. I really must come here for a sunrise one day this summer to see what it's like at dawn.

Images Click to Enlarge

Sunday, 17th July 2005 CE

The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: From E_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: Looking S_

Sunday, 20th February 2005 CE

The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: New Sign_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: From NW_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: From Afar_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: Quarry?_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: Skylined_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: From SW_

Sunday, 26th October 2003 CE

The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: Skull_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: Sunset_

Saturday, 7th December 2002 CE

The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: Posing_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: Dazzled_

Sunday, 10th March 2002 CE

The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: From SW_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: From NE_

Sunday, 18th November 2001 CE

The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: From The West_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: From The East By The Outlier_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: From The Northeast_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: Looking Out At The Outlier_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: Outlier Detail_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: Decorated Stone_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: On The Flood Plane_ The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: Myself At The West Edge_

Plans Click to Enlarge

Sunday, 26th October 2003 CE

The Piper's Stones at Athgreany - Stone Circle - County Wicklow: Plan_

Random Gazetteer

A selection of nearby sites
6.8km (ENE) is a sweat house at Annacarney.  2.3km (NNE) is a miscellaneous site at St. Kevins Chair.  5km (NE) is a rock outcrop at Blakestown Upper.  4.4km (S) is a rock art at Kilbaylet Lower.  4.9km (S) is a portal tomb at Broomfields

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