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Front Page The best stories of the day, chosen by you.

Denver Legalizes the Reefer (Culture)

By mtrisk
Sun Nov 6th, 2005 at 07:12:29 PM EST

Focus On...

On November 2, the residents of Denver, Colorado passed the Alcohol-Marijuana Equalization Initiative. With 100% of precincts reporting, the final tally for the vote was 56,001 YES votes to 48,632 NO votes, approximately 54% - 46%. The measure changed city law to allow for possession of up to an ounce of marijuana for adults 21 and over. The act is largely symbolic, though, as state and federal laws supersede local law, and authorities have already stated that state possession laws would be applied. However hope remains, for the passage of the initiative marks Denver as the first area in the nation to legalize private use of marijuana, for recreational as well as medical use. Is the legalization of marijuana at the federal level now within our reach?

Full Story (67 comments, 745 words in story)

Lessons from the Hive (Culture)

By xC0000005
Fri Oct 28th, 2005 at 07:37:19 AM EST


Life, I've been told, is a school. I've always thought that it was more like a college, where your participation determines what you get out of it. I never made it through college, but I've learned a lot in life, and over the past year, I've been engaged in a sort of group learning experience - one of me, thousands of them. They are honeybees, and they teach the lessons of the hive.

Full Story (91 comments, 1697 words in story)

The Meaning of Punk: A Memoir (Culture)

By Psycho Dave
Wed Oct 26th, 2005 at 08:18:40 AM EST

You Know...

During the spring semester of my sophomore year at the University of Colorado Boulder, I took an entry-level sociology class called Deviance in Society. I registered for the course after a long pot smoking session with this sociology major named Ruthie who'd taken it her freshman year.

"Is that class really as cool as it sounds?" I said, passing the green plastic bong down to where she was sitting barefoot on the rug. I'd been burned before on courses that had cool sounding names, like the Chaos Theory and Non Linear-Systems class that actually expected you to do some pretty intense math.

"Hell yeah," Ruthie said before taking a hit. I watched the brown bong-water bubble at the bottom and realized I really needed to change it. "I loved that class. You learn a lot of neat stuff," she said as she exhaled.

Full Story (115 comments, 6770 words in story)

Entertainment in Your Lap (MLP)

By circletimessquare
Tue Oct 25th, 2005 at 09:34:02 PM EST


Perhaps it sounded good on paper, but Intel's latest ad campaign "Experience Entertainment in Your Lap" doesn't really go where you want to go today.

Full Story (76 comments, 525 words in story)

Pharmaceuticals, Genomics and Race (Politics)

By minerboy
Tue Oct 25th, 2005 at 08:29:57 AM EST


The science of genomics is the study of genes and their function. Recent advances in genomics are bringing about a revolution in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of disease, and are providing new ways for scientists to develop pharmaceuticals by targeting the specific genes, or the corresponding proteins responsible for the disease. The details of the process are summarized at Decision Resources. They write "Genomics-based drug discovery now offers the improved ability to identify greater numbers of drug targets. Genomics is based on the concept that a gene's function is to generate a certain effect or group of effects in the body. Genes achieve this functionality through the proteins they produce. Although the genes themselves might become therapeutic targets, the pivotal rationale behind this approach is that, by linking public genomic data with proprietary genomic sequence information, pharmaceutical companies can then launch a focused search for proteins expressed from these genes, providing additional therapeutic targets."

The new genomic approach to drug design may have a significant impact on the quality and scope of pharmaceuticals available, it also raises some important questions with regard to social justice, that is, how can you insure that certain groups of people are not disadvantaged with regard to drug development? It is conceivable that the pharmaceutical industry, driven either by profit or prejudice, will avoid developing drugs that will be vital to a minority population.

Full Story (79 comments, 1272 words in story)

The French Scapegoat (Media)

By shinshin
Thu Oct 20th, 2005 at 08:56:50 AM EST


On this day 224 years ago, the British General Lord Charles Cornwallis offered his sword in surrender to the French General Rochambeau and General Lafayette, ending the Battle of Yorktown, Virginia. The defeat of the British to the combined French and American forces, coupled with the defeat of the British fleet by French Admiral de Grasse in the Battle of the Chesapeake, was a devastating blow to the British war effort and effectively ended the American Revolutionary War. A century later, the Statue of Liberty, the ubiquitious symbol of American liberty and freedom, was unveiled in New York Harbor on October 28, 1886 as a gift from the Fench to their "sister republic". Grover Cleveland accepted the statue with a speech: "It is a token of the gratitude and appreciation of France, assuring us that in our efforts to commend to the world a government by a free people, we have a steadfast ally, and can demonstrate the kinship of republics. We are not met to bow before a severe and warlike god, but to honor our own peaceful deity".

A century after that, France is the most universally reviled Western country in the United States.

Full Story (687 comments, 1337 words in story)

New features (Site News)

By janra
Tue Oct 18th, 2005 at 03:42:59 AM EST


Account anonymization on Kuro5hin is a blunt tool at best with which to enforce community standards. It doesn't let the user know what behaviour crossed the line, and it doesn't let the other admins know what behaviour crossed the line either. (The admin that did the anonymization can leave a note, if they choose.) It also doesn't let the admins see what accounts the other admins think are worth watching.

Some time ago, rusty wrote the backend portions of a warning and abuse reporting system, and I got bored at work one day last month and wrote the final interface bits.

Update [2005-10-20 2:27:27 by janra]: A few clarifications seem to be in order... see inside.

Full Story (308 comments, 623 words in story)

Reviews of the Dead (Op-Ed)

By nebbish
Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 07:35:48 PM EST


George A Romero's Dead trilogy - Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead - were low-budget, low-production value gore-fests dismissed by critics but loved by horror fans. Over the years they wormed their way into popular consciousness and have been re-evaluated, elevated from exploitation B-movies to savage satires on modern American society. With the recent release of sequel Land of the Dead, now is a good time to look back at Romero's films and their cultural impact.

Full Story (97 comments, 2635 words in story)

McCain passes amendment to end torture of detainees; Bush threatens veto (Politics)

By mcc
Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 01:52:52 AM EST


If you look at the Army Field Manual's section on interrogation techniques, you will find an enlightening little passage on the subject of "coercive" interrogation, which says in part:

The use of force, mental torture, threats, insults, or exposure to unpleasant and inhumane treatment of any kind is prohibited by law and is neither authorized nor condoned by the US Government. Experience indicates that the use of force is not necessary to gain the cooperation of sources for interrogation. Therefore, the use of force is a poor technique, as it yields unreliable results, may damage subsequent collection efforts, and can induce the source to say whatever he thinks the interrogator wants to hear.
Here is the short version of the article which follows from this point: Early in the "War on Terror", the Bush Administration made a decision that the U.S. military would not be bound by the Geneva Convention in the fights that were to come. When the fights came, the "detainees" that the military picked up were met with treatment that some supporters of the Bush Administration called "coercive" and some other persons called "torture".

Yesterday evening, John McCain passed an amendment to the next military appropriations bill which if followed would end such practices by simply requiring the treatment of detainees to be held to the standards in the Army field manual. Bush claims he's going to veto it. This would mean the first, and so far only, veto of Bush's entire presidency would be performed in support of torture.

Full Story (235 comments, 3144 words in story)

I'm Floridian; Don't Fuck With Me (Op-Ed)

By loteck
Thu Oct 6th, 2005 at 02:16:52 PM EST


I've got Good News and I've got Bad News.

Recently, the government of Florida managed to pull together to pass HB 0249, a law now commonly known as the "Stand Your Ground" law. This law provides for the following:

"A person, not engaged in an unlawful activity, who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so, to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself, herself, or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony."

So, finally, this Christmas, when we all leave our trailer parks and go to line up outside Walmart to score those cheap 40" TVs, and there is a riot when they finally open the doors, I can light you up like 2Pac when you get in my face.

Now, on to the bad news.

Full Story (160 comments, 2098 words in story)

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Baldrson finally sinks to quoting from Mein Kampf. Is it time for him to go?
o Yes. We don't need any more of his racist nonsense here. 22%
o No. Free Speech trumps all other concerns. 50%
o I will not vote. 27%

Votes: 571 | Comments: 271
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Front Page

Wednesday October 5th
o Best Buy or Best Lie? (273 comments)
o Teddy Jackson and His Mean Right Hook (26 comments)

Wednesday September 28th
o How IBM Conned My Execs Out Of Millions (169 comments)

Tuesday September 27th
o I am a newbie, I have a problem, so you must help me! (280 comments)

Sunday September 25th
o The Joy of Conkers (56 comments)

Friday September 23rd
o Devastation (122 comments)

Wednesday September 14th
o How To Shuffle and Cut a Deck of Cards One-Handed (54 comments)

Monday September 12th
o Creative Commons -NC Licenses Considered Harmful (107 comments)

Wednesday September 7th
o New Orleans: A Choose Your Own Adventure (219 comments)

Sunday September 4th
o The news on Katrina from outside the USA (488 comments)

Friday September 2nd
o Hi, my name is Roger and I am a New Orleanian (253 comments)

Wednesday August 31st
o Breeding Fear and Intolerance (284 comments)
o Relativity, Uncertainty, Incompleteness and Undecidability (200 comments)

Tuesday August 23rd
o AJAX - beyond the buzzwords (130 comments)
o Chicken George (86 comments)

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Sermon at the Soup Kitchen I-IV: How I Was Saved
by MichaelCrawford

Life, Love and MMO's
by metavisual

CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons
by hardcorejon

Modern Day Ghouls: The Estate Sale
by LilDebbie

Toward Saner Version Control
by skyknight

Childhood readings
by mirleid

Gamer Subversion: a study of media violence and its effects
by K1DA

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Simpson's Treehouse of Terror
by localroger

Where's the RiotCam?
by Lord Sauron

The tweedledum-initiativ es
by aphrael

I don't want a sprite, I want to kill myself
by AlwaysAnonyminated

"Morality is not a luxury. It is a way of life."
by tweetsygalore

Flash Games are killing me
by cibby

America/Latin America
by NewGI

Boy howdy, it's nullo season again!
by ksandstr

More evidence that the trolls controll moderation at slashdot.
by Lemon Juice

by tweetsygalore

Hello K5
by ClaimJumper

Proposition 77
by aphrael

Well, that sucked
by trhurler

We ain't got no place to go ...
by Ignore Amos

French society collapses
by thankyougustad


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