Northern Berkshire Game [Design] Group

The North Berkshire Game Group is a collection of people mostly based in Northern Berkshire County in Massachusetts. It was founded in 2001 by Nick Branstator and Chris Warren and since then has been meeting roughly once a week to design, discuss, and play games of various sorts. We usually focus on card games, dice games, and board games, but not computer games nor role-playing games (though we cannot deny on occasion drawing inspiration from them). For more information, get in touch with us, or check out our entry in the new book You Think You're The Only One?: Oddball Groups Where Outsiders Fit In

In addition to the weekly meetings, there's an email list to which meeting summaries are posted, events announced, games discussed, and through which those not local to the area can participate in the game group. Also, we occasionally throw a game party to get people to come play our games.

Gathering Place: typically at Nick's, Chris', or Seth's house
Gathering Time: Wednesdays, starting at 7:30 PM -ish, going til folks leave

Contact: Chris (cwarren(at)


Latest Game: San Juan: Urban Sprawl

These are the games the game group has created. Game pages include dates, people involved, notes/description, and, when possible, instructions. Our games fall roughly into 3 categories:


Games fit to be played, though they may need a new name

In Progress

Games not yet done, ranging from mostly ideas to almost completed

Lessons Learned

Games in various states which either can not or should not be completed and/or played, but from which useful things may still be learned

We also have made modifications / additions for existing games:

In addition, there are games and game mods made by one or more group members but not in the context of the game group:

Essays, Articles, Observations, and Other Such Things

Who are we? Members of NBGG

Other Resources / Links