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Auto Wreck (Fiction)

By LilDebbie
Sat Apr 9th, 2005 at 12:41:42 AM EST

You Know...

The queue looked lonely, so I thought I'd share with you kids a short story I wrote many years ago...

The car came screeching to a halt. The driver popped open the door and ran around the front. I heard her mutter something about insurance before she saw me. She stammered out an, "ohmygod, are you okay?" and I could tell from her widened eyes that I wasn't. I didn't feel injured so I suppose my body went into shock. I didn't feel like answering her question and doubted I could anyway. She stood there, staring at me for a while still yammering out the occasional "ohmygod," until she fully accepted the situation. After her realization, she ran back into her car and pulled out a cell phone. She quickly dialed two numbers then stopped, probably to contemplate driving off. I thought it was strange that my hearing would be so clear, but shrugged it off as I heard the final "one" beep on her cell phone. She frantically explained the situation to the operator.

For some reason, I felt no desire to examine my predicament. I had just been hit by this woman's car and I was quite content to just go to sleep right there. This is probably what death is like; you don't fully understand what's going on, so you just go to sleep and never wake up.

The woman hung up the phone. She got out of her car again and checked on me. I heard her say, "ohmygod, am I going to go to jail?" I took great offense at this. Here I am on the verge of death because of this woman and all she can think about is her problems. I considered dying just so she would get pinned with vehicular manslaughter, but my curiosity on how this would turn out kept me there; what good is revenge if you're not around to enjoy it? I was surprised that she just stood there looking at me. I figured most people at least attempt to provide medical attention regardless of skill or knowledge. I wondered if she had children and what she did when they were sick.

We stayed this way, her looking at me worriedly and me lying on the road, probably bleeding, for some time before the paramedics arrived. At that point, I wanted to yell at the woman, but found that I indeed could not speak. Then a bunch of Emergency Medical Technicians swarmed me, strapping me down to a cot, inserting IVs, putting an oxygen mask over my face, and all that other medical stuff. It seemed like I was at home on the couch watching ER and I expected to see George Clooney when we arrived at the hospital. They lifted me into the ambulance and I heard the woman ask if I'd be okay. I didn't hear the response but it was probably a lie anyway. In the ambulance, I saw the paramedics pass syringes over my body and yell the names of exotic medications to each other. It didn't seem like we had driven that far when we arrived at the hospital.

For a brief moment, I saw the sky as they transported me into the Emergency Room; there were no stars. I was disappointed that none of the doctors working on me were nearly as attractive as the ones on ER. They did a lot of the same things the paramedics did, so it wasn't very entertaining. They must have put a sedative in the IV because I got really drowsy all of a sudden. The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was one of the doctors yell, "clear!"

I woke up a bit later in the waiting room. It seemed rather strange that I only had a few scrapes and bruises. A nurse came out with a chart and told me I could go home. I only lived a few blocks away so decided to walk. Outside, it was still dark out and there were no stars. The whole episode seemed rather strange to me. I wondered why they didn't make me fill out a police report or at least an insurance form. I suppose they'd call me about that later. My house was about a block away when the car swerved out of control. Before the hood slammed into my body, I briefly remembered where I was.

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Related Links
o More on You Know...
o Also by LilDebbie

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Auto Wreck | 67 comments (45 topical, 22 editorial, 0 hidden)
Funny (none / 0) (#66)
by edmo on Thu Apr 14th, 2005 at 02:36:47 AM EST

It's funny that this should show up now(for me at least) as just the other day I got in an accident. I almost got hit by a car while ridding my bike, but managed to escape with nothing worse than road rash. The woman driving the car was very ohmygod concerned, obvious signs of light shock. The best part is that this all occurred directly in fornt of a cop who was so preoccupied with looking for speeders on his radar gun he did't see the accident.
Also, I don't know which is worse; that the insurance company asked if I was going to pursue damages for road rash; or that some people actualy would...

ATTENTION BUM BANDITS OF K5 (none / 1) (#58)
by Anonymous Howards End on Mon Apr 11th, 2005 at 08:53:43 AM EST

Please, please do not just vote shit up based on the author.  If you're not going to read it yourselves, don't inflict it on other people.
CodeWright, you are one cowardly hypocritical motherfucker.
I briefly remembered where I was (2.66 / 3) (#57)
by Robert Acton on Mon Apr 11th, 2005 at 07:12:21 AM EST

Well done. This is a world away from typical nerd fiction, and then some.

I am living in a cosanguinous relationship.
What makes this story truly wonderful (2.66 / 3) (#56)
by RevLoveJoy on Mon Apr 11th, 2005 at 01:53:51 AM EST

are all the Google ads for car safety products.

-- RLJ

Hemingway (none / 0) (#52)
by Cloud Cuckoo on Sat Apr 9th, 2005 at 09:52:10 PM EST

the snows of kilaminjaro.

What? (none / 1) (#50)
by naitha on Sat Apr 9th, 2005 at 03:19:54 PM EST
(naitha@gmail.com) http://naitha.net

Someone listened to too much Thursday.

"To listen is an effort, and just to hear is no merit. A duck hears also."
-Igor Stravinsky,
OK Please explain to me.. (none / 1) (#48)
by rf0 on Sat Apr 9th, 2005 at 10:42:33 AM EST
(rf at rf0 dot com) http://www.atwebhosting.com

the ending. I mean I just don't get it at all. I've read it a few times and it just leaves it all hanging. You didn't put it on the queue and forget the last parapgraph did you?

@WebHosting.com - Stable, Friendly Decent Hosting

Final vote score of 38: (none / 1) (#47)
by pestilence on Sat Apr 9th, 2005 at 08:42:23 AM EST

This website is officially out of control.

A documented gay hook-up
Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (2.66 / 3) (#46)
by nate s on Sat Apr 9th, 2005 at 01:16:57 AM EST

This reminds me a lot of that Ambrose Bierce story about the Civil War soldier who got captured and hanged by the neck, only the rope broke and he escaped and went home and when he got home it turned out that he was really just imagining his escape and then the rope broke his neck and he died.

That one was a bit more satisfying, since that soldier thought he was so clever.

oh, i get it (2.90 / 10) (#34)
by forgotten on Thu Apr 7th, 2005 at 09:29:08 PM EST
(allisforgotten at gmail)

it was a dream, and he was a robot.


You know what this needs? (1.70 / 10) (#33)
by pestilence on Thu Apr 7th, 2005 at 07:07:30 PM EST

After it gets down to -15 or so, you should really seriously consider adding in a surprise rape scene. It could do wonders with the dynamic of this piece.

A documented gay hook-up
Great job! (2.75 / 4) (#27)
by jubal3 on Thu Apr 7th, 2005 at 01:18:26 PM EST

I really enjoyed this.

***Never attribute to malice that which can be easily attributed to incompetence. -HB Owen***
This is terrific, Deb. (2.85 / 7) (#26)
by Nosf3ratu on Thu Apr 7th, 2005 at 01:13:21 PM EST

Not terrific in the same way that Steinbeck is terrific, and not even terrific in the conversational style that Vonnegut is, but a sloppy "Hey this happened and it really sucked" tone that walks the fine line between casual speech and doggerel like a man walking the DUI line. There are moments that it crossed that line, and moments where it came back over, weaving and bobbing and arms all a'flailing.

Not too short, not too long, a good ending that leaves a bit for interpretation, although it's generally straight-forward.

I'm tempted to create a second account so I can vote it up twice. Really. It was fun. :)

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+1 contains the word "ohmygod" (2.00 / 3) (#24)
by Phssthpok on Thu Apr 7th, 2005 at 10:12:57 AM EST
(jjclark (a) alumni.cmu.edu) http://www.collusiongames.com/

oops I mean -1

The Chinese symbol for "crisis" is a combination of "danger" and "opportunity."
   — American proverb
AS A REAL LIFE NINJA (1.23 / 21) (#13)
by dharma on Wed Apr 6th, 2005 at 11:39:44 PM EST


Brilliant. (2.80 / 5) (#9)
by Russell Dovey on Wed Apr 6th, 2005 at 09:09:35 PM EST

Not as much biting hatred as some of your works, which nicely restrains your piece and lets the situation speak for itself.

Only LilDebbie would be enough of a bastard to trap his character on a Moebius strip containing a car accident...

"Blessed are the cracked for they let in the light." - Spike Milligan

I see the cyclical future. (3.00 / 2) (#8)
by Russell Dovey on Wed Apr 6th, 2005 at 09:06:24 PM EST

It's the hood of a car, slamming into the human body over, and over, and over...

"Blessed are the cracked for they let in the light." - Spike Milligan

He lives in a dodgem car racetrack? (3.00 / 4) (#7)
by Scrymarch on Wed Apr 6th, 2005 at 08:50:09 PM EST
(scrymarched aht yahoo dt com)

Um, one with an ambulance.

It doesn't take a genius to realize if you see Buddha walking around, he's a goddamn zombie. -- Goats
Still better than what I have to read every week (1.07 / 14) (#6)
by kitten on Wed Apr 6th, 2005 at 08:46:24 PM EST
(kitten@mirrorshades.org) http://mirrorshades.org/wc

In my "creative writing" class, there are certain people who email me their stuff all the time for review. I may be a jackass but I'm not such a jackass that I'd post it here -- but I've seriously thought about it, just to watch the horrified comments roll in.

Anyway, -1. Better than abject crap, but still crap.

constant as the northern star.

Auto Wreck | 67 comments (45 topical, 22 editorial, 0 hidden)
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