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What happens when we die? (Diaries)

By somaudlin
Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 11:23:24 PM EST

somaudlin's Diary

One minute I'm eating Coco Pebbles and watching the smurfs.
Today my parents are getting noticeably *old* and just about half of my life,(if I live to match statistics,) is over.
Death is inevitable for everyone, of course. And yeah! We all get to experience it.
Before I have an anxiety attack, someone tell me what happens when you die.
Incidentally, do you believe in the whole thing about your spirit staying with your body for three days? Or is this another of those weird, Catholic things?


Blacks and gays and inferred context. (Diaries)

By bamcquern
Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 08:46:17 PM EST

bamcquern's Diary

A couple of nights ago I had a long conversation with a friend of mine about Kuro5hin.  He's about 63, so I sometimes have to explain Internet culture to him, which is great, because he doesn't smugly take for granted what happens here.

He asked me, however, a question that was difficult to answer.

Full Story (9 comments, 421 words in story)

What should I tell my family about my job search? (Diaries)

By Lemon Juice
Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 08:23:55 PM EST

Lemon Juice's Diary

I haven't even looked for a job yet. so what should I tell them when thanksgiving comes? I graduated several months ago.

Comments (7 comments)

ASK K5: How does one split up a string by commas into a vector in C++? (Diaries)

By kuroXhin
Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 07:28:25 PM EST

kuroXhin's Diary

I am working on a C++ program to load in a csv delimited configuration file. I can load the file in line by line into a string, using the string library. I have also set up a "vector of vectors" using the vector library into which I hope to put the components of the configuration file. I just can't figure out how to "split up" each line I read in by the separating commas. Any suggestions using GNU G++ are welcome.

Comments (9 comments)

Male teacher has sex with underage student. (Diaries)

By bighappyface
Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 06:02:51 PM EST

bighappyface's Diary

30 yrs. prison.

Female teacher has sex with underage student. 3 years house arrest.

Justice has been served.

Comments (18 comments)

DAMNIT (Diaries)

By AlwaysAnonyminated
Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 05:46:02 PM EST

AlwaysAnonyminated's Diary

/ ^------that key is currently not working. Perhaps I shall get a new keyboard for Christmas. CAN I GET SOME SUGGESTIONS? Das Keyboard looks pretty hax, but it is kind of pricey.

Full Story (7 comments, 38 words in story)

Soundtracks for our software installations? (Diaries)

By IncubatedVitamin
Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 05:30:50 PM EST

IncubatedVitamin's Diary

Is this the new wave of software that we are supposed to deal with? I decided to install Microsoft Money 2005 and provide my own background music to listen to while it installed. Not so lucky, I was. Microsoft has decided to pick the music and play it for me. I can't mute it and listen to my own. I write this as the music is playing right now. One can only wonder what is in store for me when I start the application itself...

Comments (5 comments)

Negroes (Diaries)

By eumenides
Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 05:29:11 PM EST

eumenides's Diary

In extreme cases there can be little doubt of the superiority of one race to another.... It seems on the whole fair to regard negroes as on the average inferior to white men, although for work in the tropics they are indispensible, so that their extermination (apart from questions of humanity) would be highly undesirable.

Comments (15 comments)

Barely Cognizant (Diaries)

By LilDebbie
Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 05:15:19 PM EST

LilDebbie's Diary

I'm thankful I have the rest of the week off. I'm not thankful I'm going to have to put up with relatives tomorrow. I am thankful for mashed potatos.

Full Story (5 comments, 710 words in story)

Top Ecological Correlations With IQ: -Illegals, +Nordics, -Binge Drinking (Diaries)

By Baldrson
Wed Nov 23rd, 2005 at 05:14:41 PM EST

Baldrson's Diary

The top State-wide ecological correlations with IQ are rather fascinating. Make of them what you will but here are the thoughts that occur to me:

  1. "United States or American" and "Unclassified or not reported" as US Census "nation of origin" categories are pretty much the same category. People who don't classify themselves could choose either of these as their "nation of origin". This probably means we're looking at a proxy for illegal aliens so it isn't suprising that this is the most negative ecological correlation with IQ.
  2. "Swedish" and "Finnish" are Nordic "nations of origin" so their position as the highest positive ecological correlation with IQ matches the known correlation between latitude and average intelligence for Europe and confirms my suspicion that a big reason the motion picture industry casts blond males in negative roles is a resource competition from Jews -- specifically for high IQ niches.
  3. The negative association between alcohol binging and IQ is interesting but the explanations are not quite obvious. Are we dealing with fetal alcohol syndrome? Or is it the fact that among the highest ecological correlates of binge drinking is the presence of blacks in the State and blacks generally test at lower IQs?

Comments (6 comments)

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o Bring me your trolls, your freaks, your dupe accounts 17%
o If you have nothing to say, you can say it here 40%
o For when your mom gets tired of your immature, callow rants 10%
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Wednesday November 23rd
o ATTN: LilDebbie (5 comments)
o I have a question (4 comments)
o ASH is amusing (11 comments)
o Computer mod (9 comments)
o Why did LilDebbie turn into a jerk? (28 comments)
o fork()ing is good until someone loses an eye (19 comments)
o Best Turkey Recipe EVAR (6 comments)
o WP followup (24 comments)
o My Thanksgiving day contribution: (5 comments)
o WoW 1.9 patch notes out in the wild (4 comments)
o I aint saying she a gold-digger (10 comments)
o I Am At Hate For The American Bushes (27 comments)
o Scientists tempting fate.... (8 comments)
o Internets are noww so back and I am so stoked and you are so poor and so black (9 comments)
o Bill Gates Goes Green Fuels (3 comments)

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by mirleid

Operation Teddy: P2P sharing is not illegal
by pik

Fragile Equilibria
by skyknight

RFID Passports: Improved, but still flawed?
by KC7GR

Sermon at the Soup Kitchen I-IV: How I Was Saved
by MichaelCrawford

Life, Love and MMO's
by metavisual

CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons
by hardcorejon

New Diaries
What happens when we die?
by somaudlin

Blacks and gays and inferred context.
by bamcquern

What should I tell my family about my job search?
by Lemon Juice

ASK K5: How does one split up a string by commas into a vector in C++?
by kuroXhin

Male teacher has sex with underage student.
by bighappyface

by AlwaysAnonyminated

Soundtracks for our software installations?
by IncubatedVitamin

by eumenides

Barely Cognizant
by LilDebbie

Top Ecological Correlations With IQ: -Illegals, +Nordics, -Binge Drinking
by Baldrson

ATTN: LilDebbie
by New Me

I have a question
by Cro Magnon

ASH is amusing
by New Me

Computer mod
by weedaddict

Why did LilDebbie turn into a jerk?
by actmodern


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