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All Stories "All the news that fits." Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Did the United States target Al-Jazeera? (News)

By nebbish
Thu Nov 24th, 2005 at 12:57:54 AM EST


Yesterday's edition of British tabloid newspaper the Daily Mirror carried the claim that George Bush planned to bomb independent civilian TV station Al-Jazeera's Qatar headqurters during the Fallujah offensive last year, but was talked out of it by British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The source for this information appears to be a leaked British government memo.

Full Story (103 comments, 269 words in story)

White males need not apply (Op-Ed)

By scorbett
Tue Nov 22nd, 2005 at 01:34:55 PM EST


The Canadian Government's Department of Public Works has recently announced a change to their hiring policy - a change that would ensure that only women or visible minorities are given new jobs in that department. The change has given rise to accusations of racism, especially coming from a government that has described itself as "colour blind". The Deputy Minister of Public Works, David Marshall, has ordered the new policy to be put into place for the next five months, at which time it will be reviewed.

Full Story (220 comments, 862 words in story)

10,001 Chalmatians (Culture)

By localroger
Sat Nov 19th, 2005 at 09:58:40 AM EST


I find it a convenient shorthand to tell people I live in New Orleans, but since 1992 I've actually lived in the nearby bedroom community of Mandeville. As many people who actually do live in New Orleans will tell you, though, Mandeville isn't New Orleans. It isn't even close, no matter how easy it is to drive here from there.

The movies would have you think the culture of New Orleans is Cajun French, but that's not so. Cajun culture is centered almost 150 miles from here, in the Acadian parishes surrounding the city of Lafayette. If you want a culture that belongs uniquely to New Orleans, you'd find it in Chalmette and the Ninth Ward, where the language, food, and customs are like no place else on Earth.

Full Story (117 comments, 3291 words in story)

A Tutorial on Cutting Up a Breakbeat Using a Tracker (Technology)

By conner_bw
Mon Nov 14th, 2005 at 08:15:52 AM EST


The arcane art of tracking takes what I like to think of as a hacker's approach to making music. The interface is primarily numeric, notes are entered via the keyboard, length, parameters, effects are often entered in hexadecimal notation, and code flies across the screen as if you were looking at the opening credits of The Matrix. What's not to like? This article is a tutorial for beginners, more specifically for nerds with no musical training, on how to start making electronic beats using the most sampled break in the history of recorded music.

Full Story (78 comments, 1639 words in story)

Avatar (Fiction)

By mirleid
Fri Nov 11th, 2005 at 10:48:14 PM EST


Her father was not a kind person. That did not mean that he was a cruel person. He was just somebody that seemed to live at the house, not bothering to relate to anybody. The only person that merited more than a barely whispered order (he always spoke softly, as if he could not be bothered to raise his voice) was her mother. And even then, all their conversations were clinical and about daily management of the household, a lot like two accountants meeting to discuss the current situation of some company they did the books for.

One day, he did not come home. His absence went unnoticed to her until her mother explained, in a slightly sad tone, that she shouldn't expect her father to return.

Since she did not know how to feel about that, she decided to reserve judgement.

She was five.

Full Story (75 comments, 723 words in story)

My North of the Desolate Sea: Travels in Eastern Greenland and Svalbard (Culture)

By oceanbourne
Wed Nov 9th, 2005 at 09:43:40 AM EST


While visiting my native land--the Faroe Islands--this summer, I became bored and looked for somewhere even more remote and isolated to venture to: somewhere in the Arctic I'd never visited. Having seen most of Scandinavia and much of northern Russia, my choices were limited but had to be apt. I ended up going to Scoresbysund, Greenland and then to Longyearbyen, Svalbard. These are some of the most remote parts of the world and their isolation and insular situation both makes them spellbinding places to visit and also reflections of broader Nordic culture.

This is the story of my journey.

Full Story (83 comments, 5135 words in story)

Operation Teddy: P2P sharing is not illegal (Internet)

By pik
Tue Nov 8th, 2005 at 09:06:57 PM EST


A group of activists is planning to download a song from the internet in front of the building of the SGAE (the Spanish association of authors and editors, well known for its campaigns against file sharing in P2P networks). The action will take place on the forth-coming monday.

Full Story (97 comments, 452 words in story)

Merde en France (News)

By thankyougustad
Tue Nov 8th, 2005 at 07:07:44 AM EST


On Thursday October 27, 2005, Bouna Traore and Zyed Benna, French teenagers from the outskirts of Paris, were electrocuted while hiding from the Police in an electric substation. An official denial from the police was not enough to stop a night of rioting: the police spent the night clashing with groups of young people from the banlieue. That first night, 27 people were arrested. In the eleven nights since, the rioting has spread to more than thirty cities, from discontented community to discontented community all over France. Thousands of cars have been destroyed. Many public buildings have gone up in flames, including schools, stores, and police stations. More than one-thousand arrests have been made

And yet, the police are unable to control the rioters who, in a country where guns are illegal, shoot live ammunition at them. Every night, as the sun sets, France erupts in flames. In cities like Paris and Lyon, but also in smaller cities like Avignon, small communities like Valréas and Carpentras. Why is this happening? Why are rioters saying that it will not end until there are two dead cops?

Full Story (312 comments, 1850 words in story)

Fragile Equilibria (Op-Ed)

By skyknight
Tue Nov 8th, 2005 at 04:33:02 AM EST


Regions of the world often exist in states of uneasy peace. As with a super saturated solution, a seemingly innocuous event can serve as the catalyst for a violent reaction. Scratch the glass and stunning things will ensue.

Full Story (147 comments, 1119 words in story)

RFID Passports: Improved, but still flawed? (Technology)

Mon Nov 7th, 2005 at 11:14:05 AM EST


In February of 2005, the U.S. State Department published a proposed amendment, in the Federal Register, of U.S. passport regulations. The proposal sought public comment on the idea of embedding RFID chips in all newly-issued passports beginning in 2006.

Over 2,300 comments were received in response, and more than 98% of them were negative, focusing on privacy and security concerns. Since the initial proposal had no provisions for encryption or access control of the stored data, people were concerned (rightly so) that their identities could be snooped by anyone with appropriate reader equipment, at any time and without their knowledge.

Now, eight months later, the State Department has made some changes for their final draft. Do you think they went far enough?

Full Story (33 comments, 1046 words in story)

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All Stories

Sunday November 6th
o Denver Legalizes the Reefer (347 comments)

Saturday November 5th
o Sermon at the Soup Kitchen I-IV: How I Was Saved (101 comments)
o Life, Love and MMO's (85 comments)

Friday November 4th
o CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons (145 comments)
o Modern Day Ghouls: The Estate Sale (98 comments)

Friday October 28th
o Lessons from the Hive (92 comments)

Wednesday October 26th
o The Meaning of Punk: A Memoir (114 comments)

Tuesday October 25th
o Entertainment in Your Lap (78 comments)
o Toward Saner Version Control (257 comments)
o Pharmaceuticals, Genomics and Race (79 comments)

Sunday October 23rd
o Childhood readings (70 comments)

Saturday October 22nd
o Gamer Subversion: a study of media violence and its effects (69 comments)
o Converting kuro5hin into a MMORPG (45 comments)

Thursday October 20th
o The French Scapegoat (703 comments)

Wednesday October 19th
o Moderate Christian Organization Displays Its Tolerance (155 comments)

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by mirleid

Operation Teddy: P2P sharing is not illegal
by pik

Fragile Equilibria
by skyknight

RFID Passports: Improved, but still flawed?
by KC7GR

Sermon at the Soup Kitchen I-IV: How I Was Saved
by MichaelCrawford

Life, Love and MMO's
by metavisual

CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons
by hardcorejon

New Diaries
Video Blogging: Put your face in front of the camera?
by AnomymousCoward

So I have an extra Xbox 360
by Courtesy Message

What happens when we die?
by somaudlin

Blacks and gays and inferred context.
by bamcquern

What should I tell my family about my job search?
by Lemon Juice

ASK K5: How does one split up a string by commas into a vector in C++?
by kuroXhin

Male teacher has sex with underage student.
by bighappyface

by AlwaysAnonyminated

Soundtracks for our software installations?
by IncubatedVitamin

by eumenides

Barely Cognizant
by LilDebbie

Top Ecological Correlations With IQ: -Illegals, +Nordics, -Binge Drinking
by Baldrson

ATTN: LilDebbie
by New Me

I have a question
by Cro Magnon

ASH is amusing
by New Me


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