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January 13, 2006
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Alcohol Screening, a Join Together website, helps individuals assess their own alcohol consumption patterns to determine if their drinking is likely to be harming their health or increasing their risk for future harm. Through education and referral, the site urges those whose drinking is harmful or hazardous to take positive action, and informs all adults who consume alcohol about guidelines and caveats for lower-risk drinking.

Alcohol abuse and dependence are major public health problems, resulting in 100,000 deaths per year in the United States and costing the healthcare system billions of dollars annually. Excessive alcohol use is a major cause of injuries, violent crime, lost productivity at work and school, family and social problems, injuries, and disease.

Although moderate alcohol consumption is safe for most people and may even have health benefits, many people do not know what low-risk drinking is, nor do they know the circumstances in which drinking no alcohol is the safest choice. In addition, a large percentage of people don't realize they have an alcohol problem, or are at risk for problems, because no one asks them about their drinking patterns. Scientific research has shown that screening and brief intervention can be very effective in prompting people whose alcohol consumption is risky or harmful to cut back on their drinking or seek treatment.

Although no website can replace in-person screening and intervention by a trained health professional, aims to provide a level of self-screening and normative feedback to individuals who might not otherwise examine their drinking patterns. The screening test is based on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), developed by the World Health Organization to screen for harmful or hazardous drinking patterns. The site was developed by Join Together, with scientific and medical expertise provided by faculty at the Boston University School of Medicine.

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Panel Seeks Input on Improving State Policies for Addiction Treatment and Prevention
The national Blueprint for the States Policy Panel held its first meeting on Dec. 15, 2005, and has begun gathering public testimony in anticipation of releasing a set of key recommendations in June 2006.