Instructions for Installing the Archives on your own Computer

This archive is set up in a modular fashion: each list is a separate Debian-package, so that you can download precisely those lists in which you are interested.

Here are the instructions. It is assumed that your computer is connected to the internet, perhaps through a dial-up connection, and Debian GNU/Linux is installed, and that you are using apt-get to install your packages.

Log in as superuser and install mhonarc, htdig, and apache (if they are not yet installed on your system) by giving the commands

apt-get install mhonarc htdig apache

Next you have to install the unofficial package listive which has the infrastructure common to all list archives. To do this, put the line

deb woody contrib

into /etc/apt/sources.list

and then issue the commands

apt-get update

apt-get install listive

In order to finish the installation of listive you have to put the line

Include /etc/apache/httpd.conf-listive

into the end of /etc/apache/httpd.conf, and then you have to issue the command

/etc/init.d/apache reload

so that apache can read the conf file that came with listive. You have to do this only once after installing listive for the first time; not necesary when you install updates of listive.

You must also edit /etc/htdig/htdig-listive.conf so that it fits with your installation. Don't rename it; htdig will use the above conf file instead of the usual /etc/htdig/htdig.conf

Only then, after listive is installed successfully, install the individual mailing list archives. In order to get the same mailing lists on your computer that are on you must issue the command

listive-install a-list bhaskar marxism marxism-intro ope-l pen-l reconquista-popular

but just giving the command listive-install without arguments will have the same effect. Otherwise, if you want a subset, you must give the list names as arguments, for instance

listive-install a-list marxismd pen-l

If you already have packages downloaded, then listive-install with no arguments will upgrade the packages you already have.

For all this you need to be logged in as superuser. listive-install calls apt-get with special options so that it only looks for the mailing lists and nothing else. This will give you a searchable archive on your computer which is as complete and as current as the archives here on the web.

To access your local archive, point your browser to the URL http://localhost/archives/index.htm.

Then in order to update these archives simply say


If issued without argument, this function brings all installed mailing lists to the latest status, and also updates the search engine.

Note: apt-get upgrade will install the newest version of listive, if there is one, but not the individual mailing lists. listive-install will check which of the mailing lists need to be updated and update them, but it will not upgrade listive itself. To keep your system up-to-date you should periodically issue the following three commands in order:

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade
