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Reviews of the Dead (Op-Ed)

By nebbish
Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 07:35:48 PM EST


George A Romero's Dead trilogy - Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead - were low-budget, low-production value gore-fests dismissed by critics but loved by horror fans. Over the years they wormed their way into popular consciousness and have been re-evaluated, elevated from exploitation B-movies to savage satires on modern American society. With the recent release of sequel Land of the Dead, now is a good time to look back at Romero's films and their cultural impact.

Despite being lauded for their social commentary the Dead trilogy are first and foremost horror movies, and an atmosphere of dread and terror underlies each one. It's in the first of the trilogy, Night of the Living Dead, where this is most apparent. Following a basic premise and storyline, the film is pulled off with such stark simplicity that seeing it for the first time can be quite shocking. From vague radio reports of crashing satellites fading into static, leaving the characters lost and alone; to a claustrophobic, besieged farmhouse and the bleak, downbeat ending, traditional filmic constraints of everything happening for a reason, justice prevailing, and good triumphing over evil are casually dispensed with. Romero's debut changed the face of horror as nightmare after nightmare piled up with no hope of escape. It dragged popular cinema into the modern, post-religious world of the sixties, showing that unexplained forces outside our control can unfairly and painfully kill us.

1968, the year of Night of the Living Dead's release, was an important one. Cultural commentators talk of the summer of love, when in fact the concerns of most American citizens centred on Vietnam and the draft, civil rights, perceived moral breakdown and looming nuclear armageddon. There was a latent fear that all the hard-won prosperity of the postwar years could be snatched away in nothing less than the end of civilisation. Romero - perhaps subconsciously - played on this without resorting to ham-fisted metaphor, the result a lean film of uncomplicated, relentless terror. Of all the Dead films, Night of the Living Dead is the only one that isn't the slightest bit funny. It leaves you with a queasy dread few horror films can match.

That the central character is black was unprecedented; his portrayal as a normal person revolutionary. In this casual dismissal of movie norms Romero, quite accidentally, set himself up as a rebel - he has always said that Duane Jones just gave the best audition. There is a feeling that Romero didn't consciously set out to make a groundbreaking movie, but rather picked up on the mood of the times accidentally, helped by a tiny budget that precluded a more conventional approach. Whether the same can be said of the following films is open to debate.

It was another ten years before Romero made a sequel. By 1978 zombies were out of fashion, replaced by the modern, all too real horror of the serial killer - the subject of the groundbreaking Halloween and tens of imitators. With his next film, Romero really had to up the game.

Dawn of the Dead is a complete departure from Night of the Living Dead. A sprawling, morally unclear, practically plot-free epic, it employs a cast of hundreds of undead, replacing claustrophobia with agoraphobia in sprawling suburban Pennsylvania. Where before the central characters were trapped, now they have complete freedom but no-where to go in a world where zombies are winning the war against the living. After the horrific opening scenes, where gung-ho policeman raid a welfare hotel, indiscriminately killing living and dead alike, humans become an increasingly rare sight. Eventually the central characters hole themselves up in a shopping mall where most of the film plays out.

Horror films of the time were reaching unparalleled heights of unpleasantness - this was the age of Cannibal Holocaust, I Spit on Your Grave and the astonishingly named SS Experiment Camp - and Romero knew he couldn't rely on out-and-out horror to make his film stand out in an increasingly crowded genre. Whether it was these market forces that made him change direction, or his growing maturity and experience as a director, it is hard to say. What isn't in doubt is that Dawn of the Dead marked another revolution.

There has always been an element of comedy in horror films - laughing is a natural response to terror as spectacle, to the communal jump-out-of-your seats in the cinema, and to rubbish special effects. What Romero did was merge humour with the social commentary of early horror literature like Frankenstein and The Invisible Man, and bring satirical comedy to the genre. Dawn of the Dead is a biting satire of consumerist society.

The characters' free-reign of the mall has them trying on expensive clothes and parading in jewellery, before realising it is all useless and belatedly stocking up on guns and supplies in panic. As the zombies descend on the mall, riding escalators and pressing their noses against store windows, they accidentally turn on a speaker system and lurch around to gentle muzak. When one of the characters explains the undead must have come to the mall out of "some sort of instinct", the satire is complete. Not to forget that Dawn of the Dead is a horror film - a TV evangelist intoning "When there's no room left in hell, the dead will walk the earth" is one of the most chilling lines in cinema.

Whilst its cultural importance arguably outshines both Night of the Living Dead and Day of the Dead, as a film Dawn of the Dead is weakened by being overlong, repetitive and relying too much on the inherent funniness of the stumbling undead - essentially disabled people it's OK to laugh at. Not to say that Dawn of the Dead isn't an original, shocking and important film; but of the three, it rewards repeat viewings the least, despite being the quintessential zombie movie in many senses. This is an unpopular opinion - but then so is my love of the misunderstood Day of the Dead, seen by many as the weakest of the trilogy.

1985's Day of the Dead suffered high competition in an age of classic horror movies. On the independent side, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer is a bleak, amoral and genuinely disturbing imagining of the confessions of real-life serial killer Henry Lee Lucas, and remains to this day a true video nasty to be approached with caution. But it was Hollywood slasher movie A Nightmare on Elm Street that stole Day of the Dead's thunder - its outrageous special effects, pop sensibilities, dark-as-night humour and compelling storyline remained unmatched for years, only its own sequels coming close. On top of that it was genuinely scary.

Maybe it's because the competition was so high that Day of the Dead is such a relaxed, fun movie. The appalling acting provides comedy in itself, and the gory special effects are the pinnacle of a pre-CGI lost age, employing genuine animal entrails to realistic effect. It's these effects that fans remember most - the horrible slop of guts falling out of a corpse as it rises from an operating table; and of course the iconic death scenes in the film's final minutes, where various characters are pulled apart whilst laid on their backs, giving the audience a spectator seat overlooking the rending of flesh. A victim sputtering "Choke on 'em" as his intestines are devoured by a crowd of zombies is one of the trilogy's most savoured moments.

Day of the Dead is in my opinion the funniest of Romero's films, and these gory scenes are paradoxically hilarious - but why are they so funny? The subtext of Day of the Dead is that the living act no better than the undead, and in seeing them die we revel in a justice missing from the previous films. Trapped in a laboratory complex which the film never leaves, military personnel turn on the scientists they are meant to be protecting, dismayed by their pointless experiments. The most sympathetic character in the film is a zombie, taught by mad scientist Dr Logan to read Stephen King novels and enjoy listening to a Walkman.

Whilst there is an underlying traditional horror in Day of the Dead - the claustrophobic complex's vulnerability, and the collapse of normal human relations within - the real horror of the film comes from its message. Often seen as a critique of Reagan's gung-ho military policy, it could be said that all the living in Day of the Dead are distasteful - from the trigger-happy, ignorant military personnel; to the self-indulgent scientists concentrating on rehabilitating zombies, when it is obvious there are too many and the process is too slow. Through rehabilitated zombie Bob we see that the undead are still human, and come to an awful, unpalatable conclusion, the bleakest message of the trilogy - they're really not that different. We might as well give up and join them.

The trilogy builds up to this moment, and it is done with such deft hand and subtlety it is hard to think that Romero didn't have it planned that way all along. From the initial shock of Night of the Living Dead, where the dead suddenly rise and no-one, not least the audience, has a clue what's going on; to the armageddon of Dawn of the Dead where we get the first hints that the undead might have thoughts of their own; to Day of the Dead's focus on our humanity collapsing under pressure, making us worse than those we are meant to be fighting. The trilogy is seamless in its chronological portrayal of society in collapse and human reaction to it, despite the ten-year hiatus between the films.

Do we just have the benefit of hindsight? I think so. It is more likely that the relative simplicity of each film allowed Romero to develop his ideas as funding came along. His place in the movie industry was so tenuous he didn't know if he'd still be making films one year to the next - Romero was always fiercely independent, and didn't have the commercial weight of Hollywood behind him. A true maverick, he existed outside the worlds of both commercial and arthouse cinema, with only a handful of critics and clued-up film buffs on his side.

It's hard to pin down the time exactly, but in the 1990s Romero's films started getting noticed again. Horror peaked with the socially and politically-conscious Candyman, Jacob's Ladder and disturbing Belgian satire Man Bites Dog in the first few years of the decade, after which the genre went through one of its bleakest periods. Fans were drawn to the past to find their thrills.

In the UK 1970s horror held a certain mystique, in the main due to the swathe of cheap "video nasties" banned in the early 1980s by a paranoid Conservative government. Myself and many like me remembered friends' older brothers telling us about illicit pirate tapes they'd seen - Nightmare in a Damaged Brain, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Driller Killer - and started looking for other, more available films from what we saw as a golden age. A well-realised 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead piqued curiosity, and desperate fans like myself rediscovered the Dead trilogy in our scouring of video shops for classic horror.

Cult status became critical acclaim and trickled down to the mainstream. The reappraisal of Romero's films was accelerated by the commercial success of Capcom's zombie-themed Resident Evil video games, and eventually the slow-moving film industry caught on. The first contemporary zombie movie was the UK independent 28 Days Later, a low budget reworking of John Wyndham's The Day of the Triffids with virus-stricken zombies replacing GM plants as the source of terror. Admirable, but unfocused and not very scary, 28 Days Later made everyone realise the genre was due a revival. It was closely followed by a decent Hollywood remake of Dawn of the Dead, which despite some great scenes fell at the same block 28 Days Later did by making zombies fast moving, removing both their comedy and menace in one fell swoop.

What really kicked off the revival was low-profile British comedian Simon Pegg's budget independent Shaun of the Dead, a surprising critical and financial success. It explicitly upped the comedy of the Dead trilogy: horror underlies humour in perverse inversion of Romero's ethos. A comment on social ennui, Shaun of the Dead is hilarious and unsettling in equal measures, finding its comedy in the zombie-like laziness of the modern, thirtysomething man.

With a zombie revival in full swing, Romero secured funding for a fourth installment of the Dead series, Land of the Dead. Released only a few months ago, I have held back from writing of it in the same context as the Dead trilogy. It is too soon to see what impact the film will have and whether it will attain the same cult status as the other three films. Opinion is divided on Romero's latest, with some saying Simon Pegg's Shaun of the Dead is a more worthy successor.

Land of the Dead is different from Romero's earlier films. Epic and deftly constructed, it seems more influenced by the sci-fi of Paul Verhoevan's Robocop than recent horror films, dismissing the unfortunate arrival of irony in modern Hollywood slasher movies in favour of straight action, political commentary and dark, unsubtle humour. It feels a little dated in its cyberpunk view of the future, and sits uneasily with its contemporaries.

Concentrating on unfair social stratification, of which the undead make up an unwanted bottom tier, Land of the Dead is an explicit comment on class conflict and control. Quite by accident, scenes where zombies wade through water to reach the rich man's haven uncannily echo the New Orleans underclass in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina - yet again, Romero has hit on the preoccupations of our time. As with Day of the Dead, when we look back in a few years Land of the Dead might be seem all that more important, a snapshot of contemporary America.

The importance of Romero's dead trilogy is undeniable. The purity of Night of the Living Dead changed horror for ever, paving the way for the nightmare movie where terror is the central tenet - without it there would be no Halloween, no Texas Chainsaw Massacre, no Blair Witch Project. Dawn of the Dead put intelligence back in the genre, showing it could have the same allegorical power as science fiction in critique of mass society. Day of the Dead went further and looked inward at psychology and behaviour, leading us to question our humanity. Maybe Land of the Dead will stand the test of time as a film that looks explicitly at contemporary politics without preaching, powerfully and subtlety relevant to its age.

There is no doubt that Romero is one of America's greatest living directors. Unpretentious and cannily populist, subversive and political, gleefully gory and with a healthy disregard for the art of acting, he ignores the norms and fashions of film-making to make outlandish, funny and chilling cult classics. I suppose some people would call him a one-off, an auteur. I'd call him a genius.

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Best Dead quartet line -
o "They're coming to get you, Barbera" 19%
o "When there's no room left in hell, the dead will walk the earth" 41%
o "Choke on 'em" 9%
o "Zombies - they freak me out" 29%

Votes: 31
Results | Other Polls

Related Links
o Night of the Living Dead
o Halloween
o Dawn of the Dead
o Cannibal Holocaust
o I Spit on Your Grave
o SS Experiment Camp
o Frankenstein
o The Invisible Man
o Day of the Dead
o Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
o A Nightmare on Elm Street
o Candyman
o Jacob's Ladder
o Man Bites Dog
o Nightmare in a Damaged Brain
o The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
o Driller Killer
o 1990 remake
o Resident Evil
o 28 Days Later
o The Day of the Triffids
o Shaun of the Dead
o Land of the Dead
o Robocop
o Blair Witch Project
o More on Culture
o Also by nebbish

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Reviews of the Dead | 97 comments (85 topical, 12 editorial, 0 hidden)
Sequals (3.00 / 2) (#90)
by mrplaid on Mon Oct 17th, 2005 at 03:31:35 PM EST

There's actually tecnically three divergent lines of sequals to NOTLD. Romero did his films. John Russo, who co-wrote NOTLD, re-edited it and added new scenes(supposedly using the same equipment and filmstock) and music and called it the infamous "30th Anniversary edition". Then he tried to spin that off into the abysmal Children of the Living Dead, which died a rightfully horrible death. Russo also wrote the novel that Return of the Living Dead was based on, which was also supposed to be his spin on making a sequal.

Braindead/Dead Alive by Peter Jackson? (none / 1) (#87)
by ToastyKen on Sun Oct 16th, 2005 at 07:52:26 AM EST
(ToastyKen@yahoo.com) http://www.subjunctive.net/

Just wanted to mention Peter Jackson's Braindead ("Dead Alive" in the US), one of the best zombie comedies.  It's not as influential, but it does have a scene where, according to IMDb, "[fake] blood was pumped at five gallons a second". :)  Plus, after seeing this movie, you gotta love the fact that this director went on to win an Oscar!

Land of the Dead (none / 1) (#86)
by DeadBaby on Thu Oct 13th, 2005 at 05:47:53 PM EST

I liked it but I thought it degraded into a shoot-em-up flick too quickly. It should have either been longer, or included less zombie feeding scenes. I wanted to know more about the characters and the city before seeing it all fall apart. And speaking of the characters, George how couldn't you have included some nude scenes of Asia Argento? Come on. Look up "fan service" on google and get back to us in the sequel OK? -
"Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity -- in all this vastness -- there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. It is up to us." - Carl Sagan
zombies are ok (1.50 / 2) (#81)
by circletimessquare on Wed Oct 12th, 2005 at 05:01:43 PM EST
(at gmail dot com)

but for me, ghost stories are better horror

i mean, you're dead on about what zombie movies are about: social commentary

they are public spectacles

but for me, and i really think for most everyone, horror works best on a personal level, not a public level

the more personal the horror, the bigger the scare, no?

so that's why i think movies like the ring, what lies beneath, the shining, the sixth sense, etc, are better horror stories than zombie movies ever could be

ghost stories are about our most intimate relationships perverted into a relationship with death, they are something with some psychosexual zing, about our own internal psychology and PERSONAL fear of death

when you invert our biggest drive in life, to procreate, you get the biggest bang for your psychological buck in a horror movie

i mean don't get me wrong, the zombie movie has it's place, and it's a good place, but to me, they are not the essence of horror

zombie movies are the public version of hell that is much scarier when it is made personal with a ghost story

He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence.
- William Blake

The fireworks are TV! (none / 1) (#76)
by sudog on Tue Oct 11th, 2005 at 06:21:35 PM EST

The fireworks are the distracting force of television on the masses: Land of the Dead was filled with so much more allegory than the other films that I'm surprised that you don't immediately include it in your vaunted list. After all, it is 2nd best, next to Night of the Living Dead, out of all the four films...!

For sweet fuck's sake (1.50 / 2) (#67)
by The Real Lord Kano on Tue Oct 11th, 2005 at 02:41:50 AM EST

There is not a single zombie in 28 Days Later. It's arguable that they're mindless, but they're not living dead. They can be killed with trauma to areas other than the head. Frank for example is shot in the back and dies. In 28 days later, it makes sense that the infected are fast-moving. They're just normal people who have a disease. What pisses me off about Snyder's Dawn of the Dead was that the olympic-athlete zombies seem to have been added just to push the script in a different direction. He trades on the popularity of the Romero universe while ignoring one of the base truths of that universe, Zombies move slowly. LK

night of the living dead has some humor to it (none / 1) (#65)
by lostincali on Mon Oct 10th, 2005 at 07:34:24 PM EST

Barbara: blah blah blah ... *slap biatch!*

That part was fuckin hilarious. If you can't appreciate the humor in that scene there is something seriously wrong with you.

Zombie MMORPG (3.00 / 2) (#63)
by LaserSoup on Mon Oct 10th, 2005 at 01:36:53 PM EST

If you want to see how you would survive in a zombie outbreak, check out Urban Dead.
Or see how well you would do as a zombie munching brains.
It's free and can only be played about 10 minutes a day, so is a good quick diversion.

the horror genre (3.00 / 3) (#55)
by the77x42 on Mon Oct 10th, 2005 at 05:00:20 AM EST

It seems that horror only comes in two flavours: shit that's thrown at you in waves and waves, and shit that remains relatively static and brooding.

Compare Alien with Aliens, Predator with Alien vs. Predator, or the 'Dead' movies with something like The Shining.

What has always gotten to me is that there is seldom a balance in the genre. Zombie movies, alien movies, etc. play off like killer bees or spiders -- there is a single undesireable trait in the villian, and it's repeated a million times without much variation. The fear factor is reduced because once you accept there is little chance of survival the terror dissolves into apathy.

In many movies with a single villian (Freddy, Jason, Candyman, etc.) the terror seems more human, but ultimately it boils down to a gimmicky trait (Candyman's hook, Freddy's claws, Jason's machete, etc.).

The movies that break out of this dichotomy are my favourites. The Shining and Se7en come to mind, but the former easily outshines (pardon the pun) the latter because Se7en is merely a well disguised gimmick (killing according to sins? meh). Even a movie like Pitch Black, which combines the two flavours (Riddick AND the aliens) comes closer to something acceptable, but it's not scary in the least.

I want a scary movie that not gimmicky, and doesn't appeal to the 'shotgun' approach with its baddies. Maybe that's asking too much.

This is not a lie... or is it...yes, it is...? ־‮־

I Am Legend (3.00 / 3) (#54)
by Gully Foyle on Mon Oct 10th, 2005 at 04:28:20 AM EST

Although ostensibly about vampires, I Am Legend by Richard Mathieson is the novel that defined the zombie takeover genre. It might have been worth a mention.

If you weren't picked on in school you were doing something wrong - kableh

Can't believe there's no mention of (none / 1) (#52)
by SaintPort on Sun Oct 9th, 2005 at 04:10:55 PM EST
(webmaster%40saintport%2Ecom) http://www.SaintPort.com

Bob Clark's
Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things

It may not be Romero, but is was Romero inspired.

Search the Scriptures
Start with some cheap grace...Got Life?

oh please, (3.00 / 3) (#46)
by QuantumG on Sat Oct 8th, 2005 at 10:39:46 PM EST
(qg@biodome.org) http://rtfm.insomnia.org/~qg/

both the original and the recent remake of Dawn Of The Dead and Land Of The Dead were overt political commentarys. The zombies represent the unconcious populous. The living are the affluent middle class and, in Land Of The Dead, the rich and powerful are, well, the rich and powerful. But yes, it is so easy to miss. I walked out of Land Of the Dead feeling a strong need to go read Marx. My fiancee walked out saying "it wasn't as scary as House Of Wax." And so it goes.

Gun fire is the sound of freedom.
You forgot one (1.00 / 4) (#43)
by anonimouse on Sat Oct 8th, 2005 at 05:07:35 PM EST
(junglevip at gmail)

Shaun of the Dead!! The best of them all.
Relationships and friendships are complex beasts. There's nothing wrong with doing things a little differently.
Zippy Zombies (2.83 / 12) (#42)
by localroger on Sat Oct 8th, 2005 at 04:49:26 PM EST
(localroger@hotmail.com) http://www.kuro5hin.org/prime-intellect/

...fell at the same block 28 Days Later did by making zombies fast moving, removing both their comedy and menace in one fell swoop.

The horrible thing about Romero's slow zombies is this: You are superior to them in every meaningful way. You are smarter and faster. You can kill them from a distance with a little practice. You have every advantage you could want, but as the movie unfolds you realize they are going to win anyway.

The difference in, say, 28 days is that with the entire population turned into murderous psychopaths and retaining much of their dexterity and skill, nobody in their right mind would start out thinking they had a chance. Indeed, 28 days has to start out with the guy in a fucking coma so that it can create that descent into hopelessness by gradually revealing the extent of the problem.

With Romero's zombies he can give you the whole package up front, though; you gradually realize for yourself that you're the hare in the story of the tortoise in the hare. You can move faster and think better and use all those clever weapons but you also have to rest and sleep; the zombies don't, and in the end that is the only advantage they need.

I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds -- J. Robert Oppenheimer

Land of the Dead (none / 1) (#36)
by zecg on Sat Oct 8th, 2005 at 04:15:00 AM EST

I've been looking forward to the latest movie and have been sorely disappointed. Apart from the visual effects, everything has a distinctly low production feel to it. The characters are his worst yet, poorly written, meeting through random happenstance and spouting Lorenzo Lamaz-quality dialogue. His one symbol is there, but with a land populated by classes of zombies, scavengers and rich men it is almost hard to avoid having that one - and he expounded or explored it none at all. Also, he didn't even go for the action flick, as the entire ending is stupid and anticlimactic. Some fancy gut-chewing and not much more.

Why (almost) always the Midwest? (none / 1) (#33)
by Lode Runner on Sat Oct 8th, 2005 at 02:00:39 AM EST
(your quality product could be endorsed here)

What's up with so many horror movies being set in the Midwest?

Um (1.22 / 9) (#32)
by trhurler on Sat Oct 8th, 2005 at 01:29:55 AM EST
(abuse@ file:///dev/zero

Ok, face facts. The first one was a flop, but it was funny. The second one was a parody of the first one, and was funnier, but still, no, it wasn't horror fans who loved it. The third one was a full on Python-esque comedy written in the world of Evil Dead.

And fucking this fucking is fucking the fucking lamest fucking movie fucking review I fucking have fucking ever fucking seen.

'God dammit, your posts make me hard.' --LilDebbie

I can't believe (1.00 / 4) (#26)
by neuroplasma on Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 11:49:23 PM EST

this made it to the front page.

"...you know how you pple are... very sneaky with untrusting slanty eyes" - LxXCaligulaXxl@aol.com
Do you wanna party? It's partytime! (2.72 / 11) (#25)
by nailgun on Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 11:14:32 PM EST

What most of the well-known zombie movies have in common is they were produced and released at times of turmoil within western society.

Romero's Night of the Living Dead was released during the tumultuous 1960s, when bloody revolution seemed imminent, and the Vietnam war rent the fabric of society; Dawn of the Dead and Return of the Living Dead came on the scene during the late-70s and early 80s, a time of recessions, inflation, fears of nuclear war, and punk rockers snarling "no future" as background music; 28 Days Later and the Dawn of the Dead remake were produced amid the terrorist attacks, Iraq war, and government repression of the present era.

All these films thus represent the conflicts of their respective eras in terms of Reason confronting the Other. The zombie paradigm reflects anxiety about the breakdown of traditional forms of conflict resolution. Like protesting mobs, nihilistic rebellious youth, or shadowy terrorists, zombies are beings that resemble humans, but are incommunicative and bent only on violence, destruction and death.

What these films actually signify is a failure of the liberal imagination. Unlike more ancient, longer-lasting civilizations, modern society, influenced by monotheistic beliefs, is unable to integrate natural human drives toward hatred, violence, and the infliction of suffering. Persons who fail to repress these natural drives are seen by society as insane or evil, their motives unfathomable. "I just don't understand how someone could behave in such a fashion" is the mantra of the modern age.

Can anything be done to remedy this? No. It is obvious to any dispassionate observer that civilization will collapse within the next few decades, under the combined stresses of resource depletion, climate change, disease, terrorism, and assorted other awful shit. Millions if not billions of people will die before human society reconstitutes itself in a more stable, undoubtedly pagan, form. This society will be free of zombie-related anxiety and better positioned to deal with more pressing threats to humanity: lycanthropes, witches and vampires.

Fantastic! Though I'm surprised (none / 0) (#24)
by livus on Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 08:00:04 PM EST

that in your comments on social commentary you didn't pick up on the racial background to the zombie tradition which taps into fears about slaves, etc - Tournier's fantastic 1940s movie I Walked With a Zombie spring to mind.

Still, good article!

So assume "sex" means "putting the penis in for 2 seconds". Then your argument is invalid. marx

Woah! (3.00 / 2) (#22)
by thankyougustad on Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 06:29:45 PM EST
(thankyougustad@hotmail.com) http://www.eggparm.com

Good article, but I have to disagree with you. . .
by making zombies fast moving, removing both their comedy and menace in one fell swoop.

It's true that they aren't funny, but I found them to be all the more scary because they can dart around like that. There is something to be said about the lumbering relentless zombies of the 60's, 70's and 80's. That shuffling around mindlessly and ceaslessly is unnerving, but there is still the possibility of escape, even on foot.

However, the newer faster zombies make this an impossibility. Man is forced to rely on rapidly failing technology to escape; he no longer has the upper hand in a one on one fight with the zombies. If there is more than one he will almost certainly lose the fight. The only solution is to barracade one's self into as fortified a position as possible, essentially building one's own tomb.

I've had many recurring dreams about zombies, and admit to being more scared of them than is usual. I was getting over it until I saw the zombies darting about in 28 Days Later.

No no thanks no
Je n'aime que le bourbon
no no thanks no
c'est une affaire de go�t.

Geneaology of the Living Dead (3.00 / 2) (#20)
by catseye on Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 12:55:51 PM EST

Chart showing the Living Dead movies, sequels, remakes, etc.: http://www.returnofthelivingdead4and5.com/actors/credits/gene.htm

How can we fight Islamic Fundamentalism abroad if we do not fight Christian Fundamentalism at home?
Send ... more ... paramedics (2.66 / 3) (#18)
by catseye on Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 12:30:42 PM EST

Zombie movies rule.

Now that that's out of the way, I'm surprised you didn't mention Return of the Living Dead (1985), Return of the Living Dead Part II (1988) and Return of the Living Dead Part III (1993). They are, of course, gory zombie movies, but they're also funny.

For exmaple:

In the first movie, the leading man turns into a zombie and is trying to convince his girlfriend, Tina, to let him eat her brains. Eventually, she acquiesces, because he professes his love for her.

In the second movie, the two leading men are the same actors as in the first movie, playing different parts. After things get crazy and there are zombies running all over eating people, one says to the other, "I have the feeling we've done this before..."

In the third, we get zombie-as-sexy, which is funny all by itself.

And there's more! Apparently Return of the Living Dead 4 and 5 will be out soon.

How can we fight Islamic Fundamentalism abroad if we do not fight Christian Fundamentalism at home?

+1FP all the way... (3.00 / 2) (#16)
by mirleid on Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 12:03:31 PM EST

...although I think that Cronenberg's early pieces (Shivers, Rabid, The Brood), which broke a lot of ground for the whole horror/zombie/disease genre, deserved a mention...

Christ, you are pathetic. An un-cultured, under-educated, brain-washed, pathetic simpleton. I hereby christen you circletimessquare...
Very cool (3.00 / 2) (#14)
by idiot boy on Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 10:26:22 AM EST

There's been a lot written about this recently but this is a very good piece.

I'm gonna have to watch 'em aren't I. Sigh. I'll get  me plastic trousers.

Science is a way of trying not to fool yourself

+1, Zombie-centric = (2.71 / 7) (#12)
by Egil Skallagrimson on Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 09:43:32 AM EST


the underground motto of K5 is "I am not Egil." - superdiva

Your sig is retarded, Egil - creativedissonance

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