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Finding the Best Programmer's Font (Technology)

By n8f8
Wed Dec 8th, 2004 at 06:56:43 AM EST


Becoming frustrated with source code not aligning in my favorite source editor I decided to hunt for the best font. In particular, I began to hunt down the available fixed-width or monospaced fonts.

What are monospaced fonts you ask? From Xerox:

Monospace fonts (Such as Courier or LetterGothic), or "fixed pitch" fonts, contain characters that all have the same character width, producing text that can be used to create forms, tabular material or documents that require exact text line lengths. An example of a fixed pitch font is Courier 12 pitch, which is a 10 point font that will print at exactly 12 characters per inch.

Why use monospaced fonts? Primarily because the text will align more readily. Especially is areas like the comment block header. Updated versions of this document will be located at http://www.lowing.org/fonts/

Good Programming Font Criteria
  • Crisp clear characters.
  • Extended characterset.
  • Good use of whitespace.
  • 'l', '1' and 'i' are easily distinguished
  • '0', 'o' and 'O' are easily distinguished
  • forward quotes from back quotes are easily distinguished -prefer mirrored appearance
  • Clear punctuation characters, especially braces, parenthesis and brackets

Fonts Reviewed (Best Listed First) (View All)(Name, Sizes, Type, Description, Download Info)

  1. Bitstream Vera Sans Mono (View Sample)
    • 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72
    • TrueType
    • Plenty of space between lines, dotted zeros, clean.
    • http://www.gnome.org/fonts/
  2. ti92pluspc (View Sample)
  3. Crystal (View Sample)
  4. Monaco (View Sample)
  5. Anonymous (View Sample)
  6. Andale Mono (View Sample)
  7. Raize (View Sample)
  8. ProFontWindows (View Sample)
  9. Sheldon (View Sample)
  10. BSU Kermit (View Sample)
  11. Lucida Sans Typewriter Regula (View Sample)
  12. Courier New (View Sample)
  13. Courier (View Sample)
    • 10, 12, 15
    • TrueType
    • Clean but spread out, no zero treatment.
    • Installed with Windows
  14. Lucida Consolev (View Sample)
  15. ProggyTiny (View Sample)
  16. ProggyClean (View Sample)
  17. Fixedsys (View Sample)
  18. Topaz-8 (View Sample)
    • 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72
    • TrueType
    • Amiga Topaz-8. Little space between lines, slashed zeros, fat/squat text
  19. Free Monospaced (View Sample)
  20. MS Mincho (View Sample)
    • 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72
    • TrueType
    • No Zero treatment, clear text
    • Installed with Windows or Office. Try Google.
  21. Hyperfont (View Sample)
  22. Squareshooter Mono (View Sample)

Font Tools

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Whats is your favorite programmer's font?
o Bitstream Vera Sans Mono 18%
o ti92pluspc 0%
o Crystal 0%
o Monaco 8%
o Anonymous 0%
o Andale Mono 10%
o Raize 0%
o ProFont 3%
o Sheldon 3%
o BSU Kermit 0%
o Lucida Sans Typewriter Regular 7%
o Courier New 16%
o Courier 7%
o Other- listed in comments 14%
o WTF? 7%

Votes: 114
Results | Other Polls

Related Links
o Google
o favorite source editor
o Xerox
o http://www.lowing.org/fonts/
o View All
o View Sample
o http://www.gnome.org/fonts/
o http://www.tamuk.edu/math/scot t/stars/tutorial.htm
o http://www.povray.org/povlegal .html
o http://www.pa.msu.edu/ftp/pub/ misc/tek-phaser/ttfonts/MONACO.TTF
o http://www.sttc.net.au/drivers /CLC/CLBP460/PS3FONTS/TRUETYPE/
o http://www.ms-studio.com/FontS ales/anonymous.html
o http://corefonts.sourceforge.n et/
o http://www.raize.com/DevTools/ Tools/RzFont.zip
o dows.zip
o http://www.tobias-jung.de/seek ingprofont/
o http://home.datacomm.ch/privms g/havoc/mircscript.htm
o http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2 /download.html
o http://www.tactile3d.com/trist an/
o http://fixedsys.moviecorner.de
o p
o http://ftp.gnu.org/savannah/fi les/freefont/
o ftp://ftp.hilgraeve.com/pub/ve ndor/hilgraeve/hyprfont.zip
o http://freefonts.fateback.com/ hypotypo/
o Font properties extension for Windows
o Enumerate all Fixed-Width fonts installed in Windows
o Download binary
o More on Software
o Also by n8f8

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Finding the Best Programmer's Font | 174 comments (117 topical, 57 editorial, 0 hidden)
fixed (none / 1) (#172)
by escii on Tue Mar 29th, 2005 at 05:09:27 AM EST
(escii AT hot-REMOVE-SPAM-mail DOT com) http://www.escii.org

my favorite is definetly the linux system font 'fixed', very clear, small so it gives you alot of room to work with and its really easy to destinguish the text.

Onuava (none / 0) (#168)
by Dekaritae on Sun Dec 19th, 2004 at 05:15:59 PM EST
(dekaritae@gmail) http://maur.shellscape.org/

I've been using Onuava 7pt as my prefered monospace font for IRC and text editors.

I find that it looks better than Crystal, Andale Mono or Lucida Console at 7pt, and it doesn't looks horrible when bold or italic effects are applied to it.

My only caveat is that it is an older font, and it is missing several international characters from it's map.




-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859- (2.00 / 2) (#166)
by nyet on Mon Dec 13th, 2004 at 06:03:29 PM EST

Why in the hell would i want to do any programming in windows anyway?

Vera doesn't work well with antialiasing... (none / 0) (#164)
by BenJackson on Sun Dec 12th, 2004 at 02:45:32 AM EST
(ben@ben.com) http://www.ben.com/

I just downloaded and installed the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono family and tried it on XP. The 10 point version looks terrible with font smoothing enabled (this is a CRT, so not cleartype). I suspect that the lines of the font render a little smaller than 1px wide at 10pt.

Calculator Font! (none / 0) (#163)
by Pingveno on Sat Dec 11th, 2004 at 02:53:12 PM EST
(SPAMLESSpingveno@comcast.net) http://pingveno.homelinux.org/

Interesting that one of fonts you list is the font from a calculator, the TI 92. It always was a good calculator, but I guess it multipurpose now....

ahhh. my eyes. (3.00 / 2) (#159)
by Schnapp23 on Fri Dec 10th, 2004 at 08:05:53 PM EST

does anyone actually use black text on white on a terminal? I gave that up for light text on dark eons ago. It's truly much more relaxing.

GwdTE_437 (none / 0) (#143)
by Fuzzwah on Thu Dec 9th, 2004 at 01:33:22 AM EST
(fuzzy phat fuzzyslogic spot com) http://www.fuzzyslogic.com

I've been a massive fan of GwdTE_437 ever since I started using it in mirc. I now use it for all my fixed width font needs.

Runner up would have to be IBMPC.

The best a human can do is to pick a delusion that helps him get through the day. - God's Debris

two X fixed fonts (none / 1) (#142)
by sesquiped on Thu Dec 9th, 2004 at 12:58:41 AM EST

I'm not sure if you can get them anywhere else, but I've found these two to be by far the most pleasing to my eyes, and I find it hard to use anything else.

For general working in a terminal, or light coding, I use "9x15", a.k.a. "-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-*-*". For more involved coding, when I need to be able to fit more lines on the screen, I usually switch to "7x13", a.k.a. "-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-*-*".

Another Discussion on the Subject (none / 1) (#131)
by Atypical Stranger on Wed Dec 8th, 2004 at 07:38:13 PM EST

I was looking for information on this about a year ago on this subject and found a discussion on the subject at typographi.ca . Now at typographi.com .

It's a fun place to poke around and learn about fonts.

Personally I like ProFont.

ProFont on Mac (none / 1) (#128)
by frankwork on Wed Dec 8th, 2004 at 04:44:35 PM EST
(frank at pen island dot us)

ProFont has some nice features, like the fact that ()[]{}/\ are all a good deal taller than uppercase letters. It is awfully wide though.

But the one fatal flaw is that it when typing an "o" followed by a slash it results in an ø. I think a similar thing happens when typing a "n" followed by a twiddle. This is specifically in the "Terminal" app in Mac OS X.

I would be eternally grateful if someone could tell me how to turn that particular "feature" off.

The winners: (none / 0) (#126)
by J T MacLeod on Wed Dec 8th, 2004 at 03:16:55 PM EST

The top two positions tied.  Bitstream Vera Mono and Fixedsys sit evenly at the top.  

The runners up follow:  

  1.  Andale Mono
  2.  Courier New
  3.  Lucida Sans Typewriter Mono
All other contestants are disqualified for sucking too horribly.  

The One True Font (none / 0) (#125)
by Raindoll on Wed Dec 8th, 2004 at 01:32:54 PM EST

Fixed Semicondensed 13. :) Perfect readability. I wish it was available as a TrueType font for Windows and MacOS. Otherwise, I just use Lucida Console or Lucida TypeWriter.

I use OCRA Extended (none / 0) (#123)
by the hermit on Wed Dec 8th, 2004 at 12:10:28 PM EST

I've been using that for years now and it works well for me.

DP Custom Mono (none / 0) (#121)
by adamjaskie on Wed Dec 8th, 2004 at 11:33:58 AM EST


Project Gutenberg Distributed Proofreading created a font specifically for proofreading documents. It is designed so that i, l and 1 look different, 0, o and O are easily distinguished, etc.

I find it helps with proofreading things on DP quite a bit. I never thought of using it for programming, but I may try it and see how it works out.

Go proportional (none / 1) (#113)
by gidds on Wed Dec 8th, 2004 at 08:04:02 AM EST
(gidds at cix dot co dot uk) http://www.cix.co.uk/~gidds/

I'm really surprised no-one else has put down my first thought on this: why do you need a monospaced font at all?

The only reason you give is 'alignment', but what do you need to align? Left-hand edges will align well whatever font you use (especially with tabs for indentation), and IME unless you're writing in COBOL, trying to align anything else is a waste of effort.

I know this is a minority viewpoint, but I find proportional fonts much easier on the eye for code as well as for English text. They don't waste space around thin characters, which leaves more room for the important stuff. Your eye doesn't get drawn to incidental details, but flows easily across the whole.

My favourite general-purpose font is Optima, as I find it gives the best compromise of legibility and density at a wide variety of sizes. And to help code legibility, I tend to write it similar to English, with spaces around operators, after command and semicolons, &c -- I find this helps in most languages.

(Of course, the trouble is I like vi as well, so I sometimes end up using a monospaced font anyway. But not through free choice!)


outstanding! (2.33 / 3) (#106)
by the ghost of rmg on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 06:55:13 PM EST
(dear.rmg@gmail.com) aim:dashbrdgrl45

well played, sir.

my hat goes off to you.

rmg: comments better than yours.

-1, boring. (1.00 / 3) (#103)
by TheHeadSage on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 06:31:21 PM EST
(theheadsage[at]gmail[dot]com) http://sagestower.f2o.org

What is the point of this article? Honestly... Best Programming font?

What's next? An article on the best programming keyboard or best programming chair?

If you submitted this as MLP and just had the top part of the article, I would have +1,SP'ed it.

Addendum, using the fonts with X11 (none / 1) (#98)
by strlen on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 04:08:02 PM EST

Interesting suggestions, anonymous font is particularly nice in my view. To use these with X11 and XFT, create a directory (say /usr/local/pfonts) add to your /etc/fonts/local.conf (on some linux machines, also /usr/X11R6/etc/fonts/local.conf on FreeBSD) the following lines:


Then run fc-cache -fv and (possibly, not sure about that one, xset fp rehash). This will then work with XFT aware applications (xterm,gnome/KDE terminal). Has anyone found a way to make these fonts with GNU emacs (any XFT support patches for it?) - xemacs will actually display these fonts as well, though not anti-aliased.


Sadly, I'll have to -1 (1.66 / 3) (#96)
by Thomas Covenant on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 03:34:38 PM EST
(I refuse to believe K5 exists!) And you're just a figment of my imagination too!

because who fucking cares? If chosing this font or that makes any difference to your programming, then, ironically, this is the least of your problems.

argh! (none / 1) (#95)
by fourseven on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 03:20:57 PM EST

just pick a font and be done with it, sheesh...

-1, no Comic sans serif! n/t (2.00 / 5) (#92)
by codejack on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 03:13:39 PM EST

Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors, and miss.
-- Lazarus Long, "Time Enough for Love"
Artwiz-aleczapka (none / 0) (#87)
by jobi on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 11:45:31 AM EST

Go get them already.
I use the Swedish version of smoothansi for my xterms, and it is just beautiful.
Also, I would take the opportunity to recommend Vim. It's easily the best editor available.

"[Y]ou can lecture me on bad language when you learn to use a fucking apostrophe."
Bad images let this down. They're essential. (none / 0) (#83)
by SoupIsGoodFood on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 11:00:29 AM EST

First up, they are much bigger than the size the most people will use them at. So the only useful part is to show the "true" look of the type face. But since the smoothing being applied (or not being applied) is bad, you can't even use it for that.

What I would like to see is a one large sample, with proper Photoshop smoothing. Then a small group of sizes--perhaps 8px-13px. Then a group for no smoothing, and then for smoothing/anti-aliasing on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

Why go to such trouble? Because between the size differences at these smaller sizes, and the rendering of the fonts, they will look dramatically different. More different than between the other font's themselves in some cases.

/ Photo gallery | Homepage \

Century Schoolbook Mono (serifed!) (3.00 / 2) (#82)
by OldCoder on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 10:58:15 AM EST

Tests (performed by the people who perform those sorts of tests) reveal that SERIF fonts are actually easier to read. The old Bitstream "500 Fonts CD" has lots of unrestricted fonts, most of which are useless. But it has this nice serifed monospace font that looks great when printed, and looks okay on the screen too.

But Really
The entire software development industry really needs to move into the twenty-first century and learn how to use fonts and sizes and who knows, sounds, to provide information to the programmer. We have been conditioned to use monospace fonts purely to provide consistent indentation for nested conditionals (if statements). If you think about it, consistent indentation is achieved in word processors all the time with various fonts and colors.

The highlighting and fonting (especially of strings and comments) in most text editors needs the drastic hand of a graphic designer to help the software programmers understand their code.

Compilers are currently built for handling straight text without annotations but stripping out the fonting and coloring is easy.

Current text editors keep the text in a plain-text format and add in the visual clues based on a scan of the text. This has merit as text is and should be moved around. There are text editors that will provide syntax-directed font-sizes as well syntax-directed coloration. See Source Dynamics for a good commercial implementation. There is a free download of a trial-period version available.

The work that has been done in literate progamming has not been brought into the mainstream, even by Microsoft. This is interesting because Microsoft has a very vested interest in providing the most competitive software development tools and billions of dollars with which to develop them.

The usage and generation of software, in this case including the generation of web pages, is currently dependent on the use of fixed-width fonts and automated syntax coloring to provide the software and web page developer with understanding of the code. As millions and millions of more people are generating software, this must be improved. Visual development tools can be a great boon but don't always seem to cut, the underlying reality leaks through.

By reading this signature, you have agreed.
Copyright © 2004 OldCoder

How odd of you (none / 1) (#78)
by ksandstr on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 09:25:35 AM EST

To catch the good old Amiga Topaz8, but forget ye olde standarde XFree86 "fixed", you know, the one that shows up when you start xterm. Although I personally disagree with the recent changes to the way that asterisks and single forward quotes (' characters) are displayed, I know of no other font so suitable to running vim or emacs in a couple of tall xterms side by side. And the changes weren't really so bad, considering how they brought "fixed" much closer to other fixed- and variable pitch fonts.

Could also be that I've been hacking with such a display for about the last five years now, but I still cannot imagine myself using any font that didn't allow for a column count in the upper nineties with a window 640 pixels wide.

(Anyway, ISTR that topaz8 was supposed to be used on a 640x256 screen, i.e. with a pixel shape considerably different from your average 4:3 or 5:4 PC display. You might want to try squashing the glyphs to correct the aspect ratio.)

poll: free monospaced (none / 0) (#76)
by dimaq on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 08:02:25 AM EST

I seem to be using what you refer to as "Free Monospaced, but slightly larger (your screenie has M-size 6px and what I use id M-size 9px).

My previous favourites include Lucide Typewriter, some Courier and some that you don't list.

Traditionally I had one more restriction placed by the windowing system - font without anti-aliasing.

Nowadays you could expand that to require an outline[-based] font to include bitmaps (in N levels of grayscale) for small pixel sizes (none of my machine do).

Anyway I seem to like a certain... clarity in a font, which means implies very few anti-aliasing artefacts.

Anti-aliasing, SciTE and bold (none / 0) (#73)
by moeffju on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 07:44:01 AM EST
(recv-kuro5hin.org@moeffju.net) http://www.moeffju.net/

First off, the anti-aliasing in your examples is really bad, IMO. Also, you might want to increase font size for the samples.

The real problem I had with SciTE was that even monospace fonts (Lucida Console, for example) were misaligned when you used bold text in the syntax highlighter. Instead of enforcing the character cell width, it widened, thus misaligning columns.

Eclipse has the same problem.

Now, is it because Lucida Console is a truetype font, or is it a SciTE bug?
infoAnarchy - Which future do you want to live in? // Origins of Violence (interesting read)

How about other charsets? (none / 0) (#71)
by Viliam Bur on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 05:34:25 AM EST
(alexander2000@post.sk) http://www.fantastika.sk

My greatest problem with fonts is that they do not support characters of my language. So this is for me priority #1, and only then the other priorities from your article may follow. Yes, even for monospaced fonts - sometimes I write comments to source files, or README's.

If you would please add information about how do the fonts support Latin2 charset; and what would become of your "Top 22" in all non-Latin2 characters were removed, the information would become much more useful to me. Thanks.

triskweline (3.00 / 6) (#68)
by Armin Hardwood on Tue Dec 7th, 2004 at 01:19:51 AM EST

sexiest font ever

A Tale From the Editor Wars (1.63 / 11) (#66)
by MichaelCrawford on Mon Dec 6th, 2004 at 11:47:05 PM EST
(crawford@goingware.com) http://www.goingware.com/tips/

"Why do we have to hide from the police, daddy?"

"We use vi, son. They use emacs."

-- "You're not as big an asshat as everyone seems to think." - Kurosawa Nagaya.

Monaco! (none / 0) (#63)
by zephc on Mon Dec 6th, 2004 at 11:07:38 PM EST

On the Mac, Monaco 9 has been THE best fixed width font since the '80s.

On a PC, I do with whatever is available, ususally (in Windoze) Lucidia Console 8, and pine for using my Mac once again :-)

Easy: Courier New 6pt... NEXT! [nt] (none / 0) (#57)
by israfil on Mon Dec 6th, 2004 at 10:21:59 PM EST
(cgruber_at_israfil.net) http://www.israfil.net/

i. - this sig provided by /dev/arandom and an infinite number of monkeys with keyboards.
What about pfaedit (soon to be fontforge?) (none / 1) (#50)
by sudog on Mon Dec 6th, 2004 at 08:34:52 PM EST

Superior font editing tool, free, and supports a pile of formats.

I.E. Design your own font. I did. Now everything that annoyed me about terminal fonts (like the similarity of l and 1 or 0 and O) are fixed, my apostrophes look like apostrophes, my backtic is a true reversed apostrophe, my asterisk is large and clear and centred, my carat is legible, my at is normal character size, my curly braces are easily differentiated from my parentheses (even in 1600 x 1200,) my vertical bar is extra visible, my tilde is closer to the top of the character space than the middle and is clearly a squiggle, and my colon lines up properly with my parentheses.

Also my underline doesn't blend in with underlines next to it.

-1 This is EASILY the most boring article EVER (1.71 / 14) (#48)
by RandomLiegh on Mon Dec 6th, 2004 at 08:14:20 PM EST

I mean, my eyes are literally bleeding from trying to read this. ugh.

Thought of the week: There is no thought this week.
haru tohaba (1.33 / 3) (#47)
by Your Moms Cock on Mon Dec 6th, 2004 at 08:04:44 PM EST


Mountain Dew cans. Cat hair. Comic book posters. Living with the folks. Are these our future leaders, our intellectual supermen?

Thanks ! (none / 0) (#45)
by blackpaw on Mon Dec 6th, 2004 at 07:47:59 PM EST

I've been looking for a decenbt light weight editor and SciTe fites the bill perfectly.

Ouch (none / 1) (#39)
by n8f8 on Mon Dec 6th, 2004 at 07:03:13 PM EST
(tlowing@nospam.lowing.org) http://www.Lowing.org

can't believe there so many negative responses. I even added samples.

Sig: (This will get posted after your comments)
I have my whole desktop with courier. (none / 1) (#38)
by noogie on Mon Dec 6th, 2004 at 07:02:33 PM EST

It roolz.

I'm more anonymized than the average bear
I'm sold, tx (none / 0) (#28)
by speek on Mon Dec 6th, 2004 at 06:39:20 PM EST

I used to use Lucida just because I happened on it and it was better than anything else I tried, and then I stopped looking. Thanks, the bitstream font is very nice.

al queda is kicking themsleves for not knowing about the levees

real programmers use wingdings (nt) (3.00 / 5) (#17)
by pyramid termite on Mon Dec 6th, 2004 at 02:52:46 PM EST
(termite@chartermi.net) http://www.xanga.com/skin.asp?user=pyramidtermite

On the Internet, anyone can accuse you of being a dog.
I faced a similar problem (1.70 / 20) (#13)
by Big Sexxy Joe on Mon Dec 6th, 2004 at 01:26:19 PM EST

Of finding the best jerking off hand.

Right Hand

  • Strong

  • Coordinated
  • Left Hand

  • Smoother

  • Gentler

  • I'm like Jesus, only better.
    Fixedsys? Seriously? (2.50 / 6) (#10)
    by jimrandomh on Mon Dec 6th, 2004 at 12:40:06 PM EST
    (kuro5hin@jimrandomh.org.nospam) http://calcrogue.jimrandomh.org/

    Fixedsys is just Microsoft's ugly bastardization of the One True Font (System 8x12). Seriously, for a "programmer's font", I don't see how you can seriously suggest anything but the traditional terminal font, white on black.
    CalcRogue: TI-89, 92+, PalmOS, Windows and Linux.
    Finding the Best Programmer's Font | 174 comments (117 topical, 57 editorial, 0 hidden)
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