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"Spy Reports" presents the best rumours and reports we can find, some of them from on-the-spot observers. Although TheOneRing.net™ makes every effort to find reliable sources, we cannot vouch for the truth of every rumour we are given. We would urge our spies to show the same respect towards cast and crew members as they would like to receive themseleves. We hope to be unobtrusive observers of the film-makers, and not to make their job more difficult.


CONFIRMED! Billy Boyd will attend gala "Ringers" Premiere!
Quickbeam @ 6:23 am EST
Exciting news! The stars come out to play for the "RINGERS: LORD OF THE FANS" West Coast Premiere at the Newport Beach Film Festival! A wonderful HUGE event is scheduled this Saturday, April 23, at 7:30PM, including an after-party at the Hard Rock Cafe. Come join the Line Party [click here] and take part with hundreds of fans, costumes, and prizes from Sideshow/WETA Collectibles! Billy Boyd will be there in person!. Do not miss out on the hottest LOTR film event of the year. Click here and scroll down to "Ringers" to purchase your combo ticket for both screening and party. Click here for more on the "Ringers" site.


Miranda Otto Pregnant
Xoanon @ 2:16 pm EST
From ContactMusic: Australian actress Miranda Otto is expecting her first child with actor husband Peter O'Brien. The couple, who married on New Year's Day 2003, are "thrilled", according to a spokesperson. Otto, 37, who starred in as Eowyn in LOTR, recently finished filming Steven Spielberg's 'War of the Worlds', in which she plays Tom Cruise's pregnant wife.


Spy Report on PJ Next Project?!
Xoanon @ 10:37 am EST
From a very good source:

I got some news from the Jackson camp from a good friend who's working onset on "King Kong". I'm not sure if you've heard these before or not, but here goes:

1) Two words: Giant Spiders. Yes Peter Jackson has DEFINITELY shot the infamous Giant Spider segment that was cut from the original 1933 version of the movie. And not only Giant Spiders, but Giant Wetas as well!

2) Andy Serkis's character - Lumpy - bites it in the Giant Spider sequence

3) Andy Serkis's motion capture suit apparently has extended arms to give him a more gorilla effect AND he has a microphone that goes through an audio processor to make him roar like a gorilla to give the actors something to perform against!

4) Here's the most interesting tidbit of all - there is a VERY STRONG rumour going around set that Peter Jackson's next movie is going to be - A WORLD WAR I EPIC about the ANZACS! And that the Venture is going to be reconfigured into a WWI Minesweeper for the film!


The Extended Edition On the Loose in NY!
Tehanu @ 5:43 pm EST
Dear ToRN Staff,
Just writing in to let all ringers know about another (and cheaper actually, @ 34.99 rather than the $39.99 mentioned from the video storein the previous post. The place I was lucky enough to come across is called Extraordinary DVD, and its located on W 14th St. between 6th and 5th. After reading the report you had posted yesterday afternoon I left after work @ 5:00 from New Jersey, headed south-east ( and went to the place you had described (which was very creepy and very difficult to find by the way) originally, which was sold out for the day (should have more today). What a horrible drive it was, at rush hour, trying to get through the Lincoln Tunnel, arrgghh, it was horrible. But I'm a true Ringer through and through (tattoo and all that I've had for a few years now), and just tried to think of Frodo on his way to Mordor, growing weaker and weaker by the minute, because that is how I felt on my way through the traffic jam going into the Tunnel (those who've been in similar circumstances, I'm sure, know exactly what I mean). Anyway, good luck to NYC Ringers find the EE early!
Jeff L

The Extended Edition On the Loose in NY!
Tehanu @ 5:40 pm EST
Dear ToRN Staff,
Just writing in to let all ringers know about another (and cheaper actually, @ 34.99 rather than the $39.99 mentioned from the video storein the previous post. The place I was lucky enough to come across is called Extraordinary DVD, and its located on W 14th St. between 6th and 5th. After reading the report you had posted yesterday afternoon I left after work @ 5:00 from New Jersey, headed south-east ( and went to the place you had described (which was very creepy and very difficult to find by the way) originally, which was sold out for the day (should have more today). What a horrible drive it was, at rush hour, trying to get through the Lincoln Tunnel, arrgghh, it was horrible. But I'm a true Ringer through and through (tattoo and all that I've had for a few years now), and just tried to think of Frodo on his way to Mordor, growing weaker and weaker by the minute, because that is how I felt on my way through the traffic jam going into the Tunnel (those who've been in similar circumstances, I'm sure, know exactly what I mean). Anyway, good luck to NYC Ringers find the EE early!
Jeff L

The Extended Edition On the Loose in NY!
Tehanu @ 5:37 pm EST
Dear ToRN Staff,
Just writing in to let all ringers know about another (and cheaper actually, @ 34.99 rather than the $39.99 mentioned from the video storein the previous post. The place I was lucky enough to come across is called Extraordinary DVD, and its located on W 14th St. between 6th and 5th. After reading the report you had posted yesterday afternoon I left after work @ 5:00 from New Jersey, headed south-east ( and went to the place you had described (which was very creepy and very difficult to find by the way) originally, which was sold out for the day (should have more today). What a horrible drive it was, at rush hour, trying to get through the Lincoln Tunnel, arrgghh, it was horrible. But I'm a true Ringer through and through (tattoo and all that I've had for a few years now), and just tried to think of Frodo on his way to Mordor, growing weaker and weaker by the minute, because that is how I felt on my way through the traffic jam going into the Tunnel (those who've been in similar circumstances, I'm sure, know exactly what I mean). Anyway, good luck to NYC Ringers find the EE early!
Jeff L

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