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'Flight at the Ford' Chapter 12

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 Book II
Storyboard 1 Storyboard 2
click on one of the story boards to see the full file.
Thanks to Mia for the story board images.

'When Frodo came to himself he was still clutching the Ring desperately'

Did you ever notice that high action is followed by quiet, softer scenes? Well next time you watch a film look for it, Tolkien uses this method extensively. We just finish with our great little encounter with the Riders, Frodo, having faltered, takes the Ring and puts it on, he then get's discovered by the Riders and is almost killed, he saves the day and is wounded. This all works up to a large climax with a fast fade out...boom, then nothing...all is dark and still.

'He's moving!' a familiar yet strangely distant voice would be heard, 'Frodo? Can you hear me?' Suddenly light fills the screen, not bright light mind you, a cold greyish light. Forms begin to appear, we see Pippin and Merry standing over Frodo (from Frodo's POV). It's the next day, a cold drizzly day on weathertop. The story moves forward, Frodo is treated for his grievous wound and he seems different in a way, Not evil looking, just...different.

Strider would explain to the Hobbits about the evil weapons, and we would see the sword hilt disappear in front of our eyes! The Hobbits again are off, this time with earnest as they feel they are being chased. This, again is another opportunity for the score to play an important role in the film, acting as the 'unspoken narrator' yet again. With some tense filled music to literally make you 'feel' like you're being chased.

The weather will also play a major role here, I feel that color should be drained from these scenes slowly but noticeably, like Frodo's ailing body, we will see less and less color in these scenes, the rain can add to that, as well as the condition of the Ringbearer, who's getting worse by the minute.

The party moves on, with the threat of danger ever present. This moving scene is nothing like the trip to weathertop. The scenes are tense, they all look worried, even Strider, who is leading them through the deep crags and dark forest.

Suddenly Pippin returns screaming.


Trolls! Trolls There are Trolls ahead!




I saw them!


picks up a stick

Alight, we will come and look at them

Of course the Trolls turn out to be statues from the past (I think this would be a rather nice throwback to 'The Hobbit') The danger is false, but I'd still like to keep this scene in to break the monotony of 'Travel and pursuit', if that ever can get monotonous!) I'd then perhaps add the meeting of Glorfindel here, instead of a little later. The party would be sitting under the shadow of the Trolls eating food when horses' hooves could be heard. We'd have a tight close up on everyone's face, and their eyes, they are frightened, meanwhile the hooves are getting louder and louder. Strider tells everyone to hide. They dash deeper into the woods, Frodo, very sickly, moves his head to look in the direction of the hooves, Sam keeps close to him. Pippin and Merry are very frightened, sweating and mumbling things to themselves (almost singing, almost in prayer) Strider is ducking down, half hidden, with his eyes darting about..searching...searching for any sign of the dark riders....meanwhile the hooves are getting closer....We see a tight shot of the road, nothing, no sign of anything. The sound of the hoves almost seems to stop when suddenly something bursts out from the bushes, everyone crouches down and turns the other way. The rider stops, the horse neighs (Pippin covers his ears at the noise) From our point of view (POV) we didn't get a good look at who it was either. We now see a close up (CU) of the ground, suddenly a hoof comes into view, the horse is moving slowly, can we hear sniffing?


Hail! Hail and well met! It is I, Glorfindel!

Strider leaps up and runs to greet his friend, the Hobbits are confused, and wary, they stay crouched behind the bushes. (I've heard that Glorfindel's scenes might be cut BTW, but you know me, I like to keep everything in) Strider introduces them and all is well, Glorfindel tells them all of the latest tidings and that they must run at once, Frodo is persuaded to ride Glorfindel's horse and the trek continues with a new hastiness. The paty travels a breakneck pace, even Strider seems to be running out of steam. They pass through some mountainous regions and hills burroughs. Again the geography of NZ will play a big part here, no CGI needed here. They pass through a gap between two large hills and stop, Frodo reaches it first but the other's arrive right behind him.



The Ford of Rivendell

From their POV the ford is below them, down a steepish hill of short green grass. On their left is a thick yet small forest, on their right is another hill. The ford is really a small stony arc bridge. Underneath the Bruinen flows steadily, it is dark rich water (like the water in Greece) beyond that is another open area of grass, with the Old Road going up and over a hill out of view.

We see a CU of Frodo, the camera pans around his head, the wind blows his hair from behind him, he turns to look in that direction, suddenly Glorfindel screams, 'Fly! Fly! The enemy is upon us!' Boom! an explosive scene follows, with help from a great score, (see how important a score is PJ?) Glorfindel's horse takes off with a burst of speed, all the sick Frodo can do is hold on, Strider, Sam and Merry try to follow half way and turn around to face the oncoming Riders, Pippin and Glorfindel (yes I know I changed it) stay at the hilly 'gate' suddenly a black rider bursts out of the gate followed by another. They ride so fast they look like blurs in the sunlight. The camera pans quickly to the forest on the left, another black rider bursts from the trees. Frodo rings in the Elf-Horse, stops and looks back at the rider coming towards him, we see a close up of Glrofindel, he looks surprised, the camera tightens in even more, he screams in the elvish tongue, 'noro lim, noro lim, Asfaloth!Ride Frodo ride!' The horse again bursts into a bolt, Frodo closes his eyes and holds on to the horses main.

Suddenly he hears voices, shrill deadly voices (a la The Evil from 'The Fifth Element') talking to him, he opens his eyes in shock, tears are streaming from his eyes 'The Ring! The Ring!' they scream, 'Go back to Mordor and follow me no more!' Frodo screams back, he closes his eyes (but just before that we see from his POV the black rider from the left who will no doubt cut him off before he reaches the ford) Glorfindel's horse makes it past the rider, almost looking as it t went straight through it. It hits the water and leaps across the to the other side. Frodo opens his eyes in shock, believe it or not, he looks even more sickly, his eyes are dark ad full of tears, he seems at the end of his rope. He pulls out his sword, in his shaking hands he holds it high.


Very desperate, almost crying

You shall never have the ring nor me!

The black rider that almost caught him stands in his stirrups, and the other 3 catch up with him. They all stand, Frodo drops his sword and looks on in desperation, he seems to pass out and falls from his horse as the Riders make their way across the river. Suddenly a rush of wind fills the air, after a loud cry (almost an ghostly cry) the river surges and bubbles, the Riders let out a hissssssssss and hold their hands up at the light and water in a desperate attempt to hold back the flow, suddenly the white caps of the big waves take on the form of horses, white ghostly horses, they race towards the riders and let out angelic nighs and whines, they ride right over the riders and the water washes them away is a flood of monstrous proportions. Frodo half believing his eyes, lays his head down and passes out.


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