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Past Polls
If you had one thing to say to PJ as he enters te editing phase, what woul it be? 02/04/01
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the LOTR Teaser Trailer? 01/28/01
After you see the LOTR Trailer in theaters, what will you do? 01/14/01
Which of these places in Middle-earth would be the best to spend the Holidays? 01/07/01
If a friend were to suggest you attend the movie in costume, which character would you go as? 12/24/00
As the one year to the release of FotR approaches, which of these statements best describes how you feel? 12/17/00
If you took Frodo's place as ringbearer, who would you have accompany you to the Cracks of Doom? 12/10/00
Of these battles, which do you think is the most decisive in Middle-earth's history? 12/03/00
Which part of Tolkien's Middle-earth would you most like to visit? 11/26/00
In which of these Tolkien scenes would you love to be a fly on the wall? 11/19/00
Which of these Tolkien debates do you feel will never be agreed upon? 11/12/00
Which weapon would you rather have on you in a dark alley? 11/05/00
Which of these Tolkien side stories would have made a good book? 10/29/00
With the upcoming American Election in the near future, which of these LOTR characters would you vote for as your national leader? 10/22/00
Who was the most mysterious character Tolkien ever created? 10/15/00
Of the cast you have seen in costume, who looks most like the character they are portraying? 10/08/00
Which of these rumoured cast members were you most disapointed to learn were not going to be in the LOTR movies? 10/01/00
If you could sit down and have lunch with any cast member, who would you choose? 09/24/00
Which of these Middle-earth based sit-coms do you think would make it best in today's world? 09/17/00
Which of these character relationships did you enjoy most in LotR? 09/10/00
If these props were legally for sale on Ebay, which would you bid on first? 09/03/00
Who is your favorite Tolkien Artist? 08/20/00
If you had a time machine, which of these items would you send back to the fellowship? 08/13/00
Who has the perfect voice for Treebeard? 08/06/00
For genuine fright, which creature(s) should send the most popcorn flying? 07/30/00
Which story from the Silmarillion would you most like to be made into a movie? 07/23/00
Which of these Middle Earth delectables would you like to sample? 07/16/00
If Galadriel gave you the choice of a seed to plant in your backyard, which plant would you choose? 07/09/00
Which of these Middle-earth locations would be ideal for a summer home? 07/02/00
With what you know, how satisfied are you with the progress of Peter Jackson's LOTR? 06/25/00
Which one of these Non-LOTR Tolkien works is your favorite? 06/18/00
To date, how many times have you seen the Official LOTR Internet Preview? 06/11/00
Who is your favorite female character in LOTR? 06/04/00
To honor Ringer staff member Tookish's expectant wife, what LOTR name would you most likely choose for your child? 05/28/00
The casting of which secondary character pleases you the most? 05/21/00
Which characters accurate portrayal is essential to the success of the movies? 05/14/00
Who/what on this list do you definitely not want to see before the LOTR movies? 05/07/00
What/Who would you most like to see in the next preview trailer? 04/30/00
How much Ring history should the first movie include for non readers of LOTR? 04/23/00
What internet preview scene did you find the most awe inspiring? 04/16/00
What would you be willing to pay to see The Fellowship of the Ring today? 04/09/00
Before the big budget production, which treatment of a Tolkien work do you think was the best? 04/02/00
Who was the greatest Elvish Lord or Lady in the history of Middle-earth? 03/26/00
About which character(s) in LOTR do you wish Tolkien had written more? 03/19/00
If you could play any type of extra in the LOTR films, who would it be? 03/12/00
Who is the most tragic character in the history of Middle-earth? 03/05/00
Who performed the most heroic deed in the history of Middle-earth? 02/27/00
Who was the most romantic character throughout the history of Middle-earth? 02/20/00
Who provides the best comic relief in LOTR? 02/13/00
If you could have any artifact from middle earth what would it be? 02/06/00
Which character do you think would be the most difficult for an actor/actress to successfully portray? 01/30/00
In all of Middle-earth, which city and its inhabitants do you believe had the greatest impact on the downfall of Sauron? 01/23/00
In the Lord of the Rings, who do you think makes the most dramatic personal advancement? 01/16/00
If you could have the COMPLETE dictionary and grammar of any Middle-earth language, which would you want to have? 01/09/00
In all of Tolkien's works, what character's death has the greatest impact on you? 01/02/00
Other then Frodo, who would you choose as the ringbearer? 12/27/99
How old were you when you first read LotR? 12/20/99
Who is your favorite LotR bad guy? 12/13/99
Which character do you feel the most pity for by the end of LotR? 12/06/99
Besides Sauron, which LOTR character would become the most powerful wearing the One Ring? 11/28/99
When visiting TheOneRing.net do you: 11/22/99
Who in LOTR was most responsible for the downfall of Sauron? 11/15/99
To honor Halloween, what is the scariest moment in LOTR? 11/08/99
If you had to remove a character from the movies to save time or streamline the story, who would it be? 10/31/99
The casting of what actor or actress WORRIES you the most? 10/25/99
The casting of what actor or actress pleases you the most? 10/18/99
Out of these famous weapons of Middle Earth, which would you rather wield in battle? 10/11/99
If you could live somewhere in Middle Earth, where would it be? 9/26/99
When I first read LOTR, it appealed to me because I was (am) a: 9/19/99
What is the most important element in a successful movie score? 9/12/99
What character/creature should definitely not be a CGI (Computer generated) creation? 9/05/99
What musical genre should be used for the LOTR soundtrack? 8/29/99
What will be the most visually stunning scene in the LOTR Trilogy? 8/22/99
Name TheOneRing.net chatroom contest finalists. 8/15/99
What will be the most emotionally charged scene in LOTR? 8/09/99
Peter Jackson has been known to appear in his movies. If he does make a cameo, what role will he play in LOTR? 8/01/99
What made J.R.R. Tolkien's work different than that of modern-day writers. (Robert Jordan, David Eddings, etc..)? 7/25/99
How many times have you read the LOTR Trilogy? 7/11/99
There are a number of approaches in bring LOTR to the screen. Which type of cinema-storytelling would you most list to see? 6/20/99
If a major section of Fellowship of The Rings had to be ommitted, what should it be? 6/13/99
Who is your ideal composer for LOTR? 5/06/99
Which action sequence from The Fellowship of the Ring are you most anxious to see? 4/23/99
What actor should play Gandalf? 4/16/99

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