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We Are What Sells Fees
ztradingpost™ offers 2 drop-off services:
Rate Change Effective August 6, 2005.

Basic Service - $4.99 prepay (details)
7 day listing with a $1.00 starting bid.
An eBay “Gallery” photo to help promote your item and make it stand out.
$4.99 fee is paid at the time of drop off.
$1.50 check fee only if the item sells.
The prepaid amount is credited against our commission if the item sells.
If the item doesn’t sell, the prepaid amount is not refunded.

Premium Service - $9.99 prepay (details)
10 day listing and you set the starting bid amount.
An eBay “Gallery” photo to help promote your item and make it stand out.
You select a minimum starting bid amount greater than $9.99.
$9.99 fee is paid at the time of drop off.
$1.50 check fee only if the item sells.
The prepaid amount is credited against our commission if the item sells.
If the item doesn’t sell, the prepaid amount is not refunded.

Basic Plan - What do you get if the item sells?
You receive the following minus eBay’s final value commission and the $1.50 check fee.
67.00% of the initial $200 of the final bid amount.
70% of the of the next $300 ($200.01 up to $500.00)
83.50% of the next $4,500 ($500.01 up to $5,000.00)
91.75% of any remaining balance over $5,000.01.

eBay’s final value commission examples

Item's final bid amount: eBay’s final value fee commission: You receive a check for the following amount:*
$25.00 $1.31 $18.92
$50.00 $2.00 $34.00
$100.00 $3.37 $67.12
$200.00 $6.13 $131.36
$500.00 $14.37 $348.87
$1,000.00 $28.12 $808.86
$2,000.00 $43.12 $1,523.12
$5,001.00 $88.13 $4,066.53
*Any excess of the prepaid amount over the commission amount is forfeited.

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Premium Plan - What do you get if the item sells?
You receive the following minus eBay’s final value commission and the $1.50 check fee.
67.00% of the initial $200 of the final bid amount.
70% of the of the next $300 ($200.01 up to $500.00)
83.50% of the next $4,500 ($500.01 up to $5,000.00)
91.75% of any remaining balance over $5,000.01.

eBay’s final value commission examples

Item's final bid amount: eBay’s final value fee commission: You receive a check for the following amount:*
$31.00 $1.31 $22.18
$50.00 $2.00 $43.99
$100.00 $3.37 $72.12
$200.00 $6.13 $131.36
$500.00 $14.37 $348.87
$1,000.00 $28.12 $808.86
$2,000.00 $43.12 $1,528.12
$5,001.00 $88.13 $4,071.53
*Any excess of the prepaid amount over the commission amount is forfeited.

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Additional Policies:
If an item doesn’t sell or if the item is returned back to the drop off location, we will notify you and you can pick it up or we will donate it to charity of our choice.

We do the work by selling your items on eBay. You receive a check.

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