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Sin City (2005)

cover Directed by
Frank Miller
Robert Rodriguez

Writing credits
Frank Miller (graphic novels)

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Genre: Action / Crime / Drama / Thriller (more)

Tagline: Walk down the right back alley in Sin City and you can find anything. (more)

Plot Outline: An adaptation of Frank Miller's stories based in the fictional town of Sin City. Chief amongst the town's residents is Marv, who trawls the darkest areas of town looking for the person who killed his one true love, Goldie. (more) (view trailer)

User Comments: Wow! Comics done right... (more)

User Rating: *********_ 8.4/10 (63,235 votes) Vote Here top 250: #77

Cast overview, first billed only:
Jessica Alba .... Nancy
Devon Aoki .... Miho
Alexis Bledel .... Becky
Powers Boothe .... Senator Roark
Jude Ciccolella .... Liebowitz
Jeffrey J. Dashnaw .... Motorcycle Cop (as Jeff Dashnaw)
Rosario Dawson .... Gail
Jesse De Luna .... Corporal Rivera
Benicio Del Toro .... Jackie Boy
Jason Douglas .... Hitman
Michael Clarke Duncan .... Manute
Tommy Flanagan .... Brian
Christina Frankenfield .... Judge
Rick Gomez .... Klump
Carla Gugino .... Lucille

Also Known As:
Frank Miller's Sin City (USA) (complete title)
MPAA: Rated R for sustained strong stylized violence, nudity and sexual content including dialogue.
Runtime: 124 min
Country: USA
Language: English
Color: Black and White / Color
Sound Mix: DTS / Dolby Digital / SDDS
Certification: Canada:18 (Nova Scotia) (theatrical version) (original rating) / Canada:R (Alberta/Manitoba) / Canada:R (Nova Scotia) (extended version) (re-rating) / Taiwan:R-12 / Portugal:M/16 (re-rating) / Australia:MA / Canada:16+ (Quebec) / Canada:18A (British Columbia/Ontario) / Czech Republic:15 / Denmark:15 / Germany:18 / Hong Kong:III / Ireland:18 / Israel:18 / Italy:VM14 / Japan:R-15 / Malaysia:(Banned) / Netherlands:16 / Philippines:R-13 (cut) / Portugal:M/18 / South Korea:18 / Spain:18 / Switzerland:16 (canton of Geneva) / Switzerland:16 (canton of Vaud) / UK:18 / USA:R / Finland:K-15 (re-rating) / Norway:15 / Sweden:15 / Mexico:C / Poland:18 / Brazil:16 / Singapore:R21 (director's cut) / Finland:K-18 (original rating) / Argentina:18 / Chile:18 / New Zealand:R18 / Peru:18 (original rating) / Peru:14 (re-rating) / France:-16 / France:-12 (cut) / Colombia:18 / Austria:16 / Switzerland:18 (canton of Basel-Stadt)

Trivia: One of the hookers in Old Town is dressed like Wonder Woman. She is seen from the back, wearing a set of star-spangled hot pants and with a golden lasso at her side. She also appears in the original comic, in a nearly identical shot (when Marv is asking about Goldie, just before Wendy takes him down). (more)

Goofs: Continuity: When Wendy first tries to hit Marv outside the church, his back is to the door of his Mercedes. But when she actually hits him he is parallel to the Mercedes, in his original stance, Wendy would have run into the car. (more)

[first lines]
The Salesman: [narrating] She shivers in the wind like the last leaf on a dying tree. I let her hear my footsteps. She only goes stiff for a moment.

Awards: 2 wins & 13 nominations (more)
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User Comments:

220 out of 322 people found the following comment useful:-
Wow! Comics done right..., 18 March 2005
Author: mikey1969 from Phoenix, Az

Went to a sneak preview of this movie today, and I was blown away. Over the years people have tried to emulate the feel of comics on the screen, and met with mild success(Dick Tracy), minor failure(Hulk), and solid success(Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow). This is hard to do, but Sin City hits this dead on. The film is entirely in black and white(Except for about 20 seconds that I noticed in one scene.), except for highlights of color(Gorgeous eyes, splattered blood, and red Converse All-Stars to name a few.). This gives the film a feel that immerses you into the storyline. Add to this the overly corny duologue and scenes where scantily(And I DO mean scantily) clad women pull Uzi's out of literally nowhere, and you have all the right makings for a transfer of a comic book to the screen. The duologue had me laughing almost constantly, but it's easy to tell that they wanted you to laugh, even when they lines were incredibly corny and melodramatic...

The performances in the movie were great as well. I believe my favorite male character was Marv, played by Micky Rourke, and my favorite female character was definitely Miho, played by Devon Aoki. It seems that everyone and their dog was either in this movie, or lent some of their talents to it, and it shows.

I would definitely suggest that you see this in the theatre the very first time, because it will NEVER have the same impact on your TV at home as it does on a 30-foot screen in a dark theatre. I was actually able to note a few times where the digital cameras were able to outperform anything film could do.

A lot of violence in this movie, although most of it is either totally cartoon-style, or off camera, and some gore as well... A good amount of nudity in the film, ALL of it on camera, so you'll probably want to leave the kiddies at home.

All in all, one of the best movies I have seen in a long time, and I'll probably go see it again while it's in the theatres, so that my fiancé can enjoy it as well...

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