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Welcome to the IMDb's Independent Film section, a resource for movie buffs and filmmakers alike. New to the IMDb? Click here.


The Beautiful Country
directed by Hans Petter Moland

Now available on DVD is The Beautiful Country, directed by Hans Petter Moland, the story of a young man named Binh (Damien Nguyen), who decides to leave his home in Vietnam -- a place where, since he is half-American, he is considered bui doi, meaning worthless or "less than dust" -- in order to travel to the U.S. to find his father. Armed only with what remains of his newly-found mother's life savings and the sparest of information about his father, Binh makes his way into the world. Surviving the boat people migration and a Malaysian refugee camps with the help of the world-hardened-but-still-beautiful Ling (Bai Ling) and making his way onto a ocean freighter commanded by the withdrawn Captain Oh (Tim Roth), Bihn's personal sacrifices grow daily, but he manages to stay composed and focused, never losing sight of the reason for his journey. After briefly living a life of indentured servitude trying to pay back the cost of his trip by working illegally in New York, Binh finally escapes and makes his way to Texas in the hope of finally learning what happened to his father (Nick Nolte) and to try to forge a relationship with the man, despite the fact that they are complete strangers.

  • Buy The Beautiful Country on DVD:    Buy it!

    Indie/art house films in various stages of release: Breakfast on Pluto, Ushpizin, Good Night, and Good Luck, Capote, Thumbsucker, Everything Is Illuminated, Pretty Persuasion, The Chumscrubber, The Memory of a Killer, 2046, Broken Flowers, November


    Independent Film Hit List

    Ask A Filmmaker
    This week: screenwriter John August offers advice on recognizing and dealing with hypergraphia, Penelope Spheeris shares what inspired her to become a director, and Oliver Stapleton discusses how the process of back projection was perfected.

    New to Ask a Filmmaker? Catch up on past columns in our archive.


    Trailers & Galleries
    Get a sneak peek at these new and upcoming titles:

    Tristam Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story - dir. by Michael Winterbottom - photos
    Mrs. Henderson Presents - dir. by Stephen Frears - trailer
    Be Here to Love Me - dir. by Margaret Brown - photos
    Brokeback Mountain - dir. by Ang Lee - photos | trailer
    The Ringer - dir. by Barry W. Blaustein - trailer
    Cache - dir. by Michael Haneke - trailer
    New York Doll - dir. by Greg Whiteley - photos
    Summer Storm - dir. by Marco Kreutzpaintner - trailer
    Dear Wendy - dir. by Thomas Vinterberg - photos | trailer
    The Matador - dir. by Richard Shepard - photos | trailer
    Paradise Now - dir. by Hany Abu-Assad - photos | trailer
    Where the Truth Lies - dir. by Atom Egoyan - photos | trailer
    Sarah Silverman: Jesus is Magic - dir. by Liam Lynch - photos | trailer
    Wolf Creek - dir. by Greg McLean - photos | trailer
    Factotum - dir. by Bent Hamer - photos
    Hooligans - dir. by Lexi Alexander - photos | trailer

    Indie News

    December 11-17, 2005:
    * Tradition Busted: NBR Won't Be First Out with Movie Awards
    * Documentary About Ratings Board Rated NC-17
    * Blogger Posts Studio Email Addresses Online -- Has His Own Yanked
    * DiCaprio Documentary To Be Financed by Poker King

    This week in Ask a Filmmaker: Screenwriter John August on dealing with hypergraphia, Penelope Spheeris on what inspired her to become a director, and Oliver Stapleton on how back projection was perfected.

    Message Boards

    * Independent Film
    * Shop Talk: Directors
    * Shop Talk: Actors
    * Shop Talk: Writers
    * Shop Talk: Crew

