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Site News News about the site from your loyal admin monkeys.

New features (Site News)

By janra
Tue Oct 18th, 2005 at 03:42:59 AM EST


Account anonymization on Kuro5hin is a blunt tool at best with which to enforce community standards. It doesn't let the user know what behaviour crossed the line, and it doesn't let the other admins know what behaviour crossed the line either. (The admin that did the anonymization can leave a note, if they choose.) It also doesn't let the admins see what accounts the other admins think are worth watching.

Some time ago, rusty wrote the backend portions of a warning and abuse reporting system, and I got bored at work one day last month and wrote the final interface bits.

Update [2005-10-20 2:27:27 by janra]: A few clarifications seem to be in order... see inside.

Full Story (311 comments, 623 words in story)

New Users Re-opened (Site News)

By rusty
Tue Jul 13th, 2004 at 01:14:07 PM EST


Well, tmenezes stern demands in the queue cowed me.* And the general opinion, amongst both users and staff here, was that sponsorship was a stupid idea. In principle, I don't agree (though it did need some changes from the original concept), but I'm willing to go along with the tide. Hopefully I will get a chance to try out sponsorship somewhere else in the future. So new user accounts are open again, without any changes.

We've had a bit of a cooling off period, I've kicked out a pretty hefty number of idiots (who I expect to have to kick out again and again, but what the hell). There are a few more people with the powers and mandate to keep an eye on new users and nip the annoying ones in the bud. There are also a couple features coming to help the rest of you let us know who is being a jerk.

Meanwhile, those of you who've emailed me asking when you could get an account, the time is now. Enjoy.

* No, not really. Actually they would have been open before he posted that, but I had to get Voxel to fix a problem with our mail server.

Comments (429 comments)

User Sponsorship and Managed Growth (Site News)

By rusty
Thu Mar 25th, 2004 at 10:19:47 AM EST


Anyone who's been around here for a while probably knows I have a very long fuse. I really don't get upset by much, and I've always allowed a lot more silly shit to go on here than most people would. It should be no surprise though that everyone has a limit, and a few former posters here finally hit mine on Sunday.

Full Story (1020 comments, 2306 words in story)

K5 Monthly Update, November 2003 (Site News)

By rusty
Wed Dec 3rd, 2003 at 11:56:43 PM EST


Pay no attention to that timestamp above.

To be perfectly honest, I have little to say about K5 for November. Besides the fiction contest, which I'm sure you're all aware of already, nothing very interesting happened here behind the scenes.

So instead I'm going to use this bully pulpit to call for a vote on an issue which has come up with increasing frequency and which I do not know the right answer to. The short question is, should people be given the tools to delete everything they ever posted here if and when they decide to leave, and if so, how? Read on for more background, and please vote. I will hold to what the vote shows two weeks from today.

Update [2003-12-4 0:39:38 by rusty]: See update at the bottom of the story for an additonal point.

Full Story (414 comments, 1173 words in story)

I, for one, welcome our new Google overlords (Site News)

By rusty
Wed Nov 5th, 2003 at 11:24:31 PM EST


Just a note about the new story ads. I used to have a "default" story ad in the rotation, padding out the paid ad impressions so they didn't all run through in a day. You know, "Advertise here...". You've all seen it a billion times. I decided that was kind of silly, and also noticed the fact that there are, right now, no user-submitted story page ads in rotation. So I set up an account with Google's adsense, and those will now be the "default" ads. You can still buy story ads, and they'll show up like they used to, but when there aren't any, Google's adsense ads will run instead. They're not very different from what we already had so it shouldn't be a huge shock. I just thought I should mention it. The index page ads are unaffected.

Full Story (76 comments, 251 words in story)

K5 Monthly Update, October 2003 (Site News)

By rusty
Wed Oct 29th, 2003 at 02:18:17 AM EST


This month: Code work, known bugs, rating stats, and good CMF news.

Full Story (106 comments, 1453 words in story)

Comment Rating Changes (Site News)

By rusty
Mon Oct 6th, 2003 at 05:27:38 PM EST


It's been pretty clear for a while that the comment ratings system isn't entirely working the way we'd intended it to. I know some of you have the impression that I'm the type to say "It's perfect! There is nothing wrong! You are a scurrilous troll for suggesting there might be!" but that's actually not true. I just don't usually change things unless I think I've got something better to change it to, and for a long time, I didn't have much in the way of good ideas for what to do.

I think I've finally come up with some changes that might do more good than harm, though. They're at least worth a try. If you're reading this, then the new system should be currently running, so read on for a description of what's different and why.

Full Story (348 comments, 1852 words in story)

K5 Monthly Update, September 2003 (Site News)

By rusty
Fri Sep 19th, 2003 at 12:48:31 PM EST


Well, folks, it's been (almost) exactly one month since our last regular update, and it's time to check in and let everyone know where things stand with the all of the various ongoing K5 projects and issues.

Details inside.

Full Story (156 comments, 1213 words in story)

K5 monthly update, August 2003 (Site News)

By rusty
Mon Aug 18th, 2003 at 10:41:15 PM EST


Taking the advice of many of you to heart, I present the first in what will be a regular monthly update, this month featuring site performance news, and some things that are happening now and in the near future.

Full Story (181 comments, 841 words in story)

We're (mostly) back (Site News)

By rusty
Tue Jul 8th, 2003 at 11:46:47 PM EST


The vacation day was pretty productive. Much nerdly info below.

Full Story (176 comments, 320 words in story)

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