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The Fan Section and the Rumour Mill are your playgrounds. The Features section is ours, but we welcome you to join us as we pursue our own interests and manias.
Go to Xoanon's Rants Xoanon Rants

Go to Tehanu's Notes Tehanu's NotesBrand New!

Xoanon has made some films (and won awards for them) and is in film school. He writes about the way a director would approach making The Lord of the Rings. Go here to see how directors work magic.

Tehanu attempts to examine Tolkien's inspiration and the effect he has had on fantasy literature. This is developing into a brief summary of the entire cultural history of the Western world. Go here to read about Icelandic sagas, Beowulf, CGI, Raphael's workshop, the creation of worlds...

Go to NZ Exclusives NZ Exclusives

Go to the Newsroom The Newsroom

Tehanu hikes around bits of New Zealand looking for The Lord of the Rings film sets and returns wild-eyed and babbling, waving photos of what she's seen.

Occasionally TheOneRing.net® gets invited to press events. And when we do, we bring the fans exclusive reports from the newsroom.

Go to Interviews Interviews

Go to Interviews Galadriel's Mirror

TheOneRing.net™ brings you exclusive interviews with the people that make the Tolkien community unique.

Super Ringer Spy Galadriel brings you a close look at Peter Jackson's LOTR Trilogy with spy reports and on set fun!

Go to Glaurung's Hoard Glaurung's Hoard

Go to Interviews Xoanon's Script Review

Glaurung brings you very unofficial and exclusive reports from behinds the scenes of the LOTR Movies!

A review of the first script that Peter Jackson wrote for Miramax. It's a 2-script, 2-movie piece of work, with over 400 pages, more than 6 hours of screen time.

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