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Mr. Strange (Diaries)

By mr strange
Fri Sep 23rd, 2005 at 03:52:48 AM EST

mr strange's Diary

What's the story? OK. It was rainin'. Not hard, y'know just a light drizzle. It was runnin' down my sunglasses, making the distant streetlights quiver and distort.

We was walkin' on the Common. Clapham Common. We'd been in the Fast Forward Club for 'bout ten hours, since maybe 17, 18 o'clock. Arclight was high on stims, and we thought the darkness on the Common would help him calm down. Mace was helping him and I was, basically I was weaving along about four, five metres behind. Breathin' in the night air. Gettin' the drink out of my system.

So I didn't see them first. I heard Mace say somefink about a pair of dykes. He wasn't saying it to me. And the next thing I know I'm standin' between the two of them and they're mouthin' off at these two girls.

Gorgeous. One wore a white leather jumpsuit. She had this short bleached hair. Chiselled style. Y'know. Like she's from a cartoon or somefink. The other one was in denims. Blue not black. She had this black hair. Long and sort of wetted down against her face. I remember their eyes glintin' yellow, reflectin' the streetlights somewhere a long way behind us. Cold eyes.

Well, It happens. Y'know. Arclight made a comment. Lewd. Then he made for the dark haired one. The one in white went for a gun and Mace drew his sword.

There was a pause. I thought it was kinda stupid. We could've just chilled out. But like I say, it happens. Mace had his blade to the throat of the one with the cropped hair. She had her right hand half hidden inside her suit. Anyone normal would've seen that Mace wasn't going to chop her out. But she twisted and dropped to her right, way too fast for Mace to get her. The other one, the dark one, made a move, so he slashed at her instead... but she danced back out of reach.

Arclight was high on stims like I said, so his reflexes were like lightning. Making for the bitch who'd dodged Mace, he feinted right with his blade and dinked left. Beautiful. Fluid. He was really good. She was better. Gauss bullets, small, high velocity, punched through his street armour, sprayin' me with his blood on their way out through his back.

Mace took a shot from the dark haired bitch. She had some kinda pistol that only fired one shot per squeeze of the trigger. Like something from the last century. Big slugs though. Mace jerked backwards and his blade arced out of his hand. I remember it flashed as it fell into the grass.

So there I was. Arclight was mincemeat to my left. I swear he was killed straight off. Mace was at my feet. Doubled up and screamin'. And these two are coming for me. I could see the bloodlust in their eyes. So I chill out. Hey not me ladies, I said. Not me I said, takin' a step backwards and holding out my hands, palms upwards. I'm cool. Have a cigarette? Why die today when you can die tomorrow?

They didn't take the cigarette, but they didn't kill me. Wise all round if you ask me. Torinaga says it was a chop job. That they was Rappers or Black Chrome. But if you ask me they weren't no gang players. Professional, but not corps. Obviously not cops. Mercs? Terrorists? Fuck knows. Mr. Constantine knows though. He was there just a coupla days later in the Fast Forward. Him and a bunch of Looney Tunes. Askin' questions. Throwing money around, Corporate money.

Now, if you want to know more, maybe you'd better buy me a drink.

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Mr. Strange | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
At first I thought this was set in England (none / 1) (#4)
by livus on Fri Sep 23rd, 2005 at 05:32:42 PM EST

then when the narrator starts saying as how the innocent people who his mates attacked at random without provocation were "terrorists", etc, I realised our Narrator was most likely George W Bush.

So assume "sex" means "putting the penis in for 2 seconds". Then your argument is invalid. marx

Nobody cares. $ (1.50 / 4) (#2)
by Lemon Juice on Fri Sep 23rd, 2005 at 04:39:45 AM EST

The narrator's accent needs a lot of work. (none / 0) (#1)
by your_desired_username on Fri Sep 23rd, 2005 at 04:38:36 AM EST
(fake_email@fake_email.com) http://fake_homepage.com/fake_homepage.html

Watch a few episodes of Red Dwarf. Lister is your target; make the narrator talk like he does.

Mr. Strange | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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