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Exchange SP2 IMF blocks phishing attempts

Now this is interesting (and I missed this when reading all of the Exchange SP2 announcements) Gerod's blog alerted me to the fact that SP2 IMF includes a blocking mechanism for phishing. 

"Updated and integrated Exchange Intelligent Message Filter. Based on the same patented SmartScreen filtering technology developed by Microsoft Research and now incorporated in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, MSN Internet Software and Services, and MSN Hotmail, SP2 will incorporate the latest data and updates to the Exchange Intelligent Message Filter. Improvements to this filter ensure a continued focus on identifying spam and reducing false positives. These updates include new capabilities in the fight against spam including blocking phishing schemes. Phishing schemes attempt through deception to fraudulently solicit sensitive personal information by masquerading as legitimate Web sites."

Now thats impressive...

(you can also listen to Steve Ballmers TechEd Orlando keynote speech here...)


Published Wednesday, June 08, 2005 4:36 PM by Eileen_Brown


Thursday, June 09, 2005 10:38 AM by Paul Flaherty

# re: Exchange SP2 IMF blocks phishing attempts

well spotted I missed this too!
Wednesday, June 29, 2005 12:23 PM by Eileen Brown's WebLog

# Exchange 2003 SP2

After Steve announced SP2 at TechEd Orlando and Terry blogged about it (and so did I), I've had quite...
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